12 Apr 2022


Missional Discipleship: Partners in God’s Redemptive Mission

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Academic level: University

Paper type: Book Report

Words: 397

Pages: 1

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Chapter one is about mission engagement and intending to be faithful disciples. It further emphasizes that the church has a responsibility of seeking and following wherever God is active (Akkerman, 2013; 17-21). 

Chapter two is concerned with the service that Christians offer and their concern for the less fortunate. It is about touching the vulnerable and supporting them spiritually so that they can overcome the challenges they face. As disciples, we should offer our service in a compassionate way that not only reinforces our calling but also shows our kindness to the people we reach (Akkerman, 2013; 28-32).

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Chapter three is about the parable of evangelism. As disciples, we are called upon to spread the word of God in all parts of the world. We are required to reach everyone irrespective of their culture and age. We have a calling to reach to the believers and to help other repent. We are called upon to be compassionate and to touch the lives of believers and nonbelievers (Akkerman, 2013; 37-39). 

According to chapter four, we are called upon to explore our abilities and expand our limits. We should develop the capacity to lead others into the way of Jesus. It is our duty to lead others and develop leaders who can help others to learn through observation and executable ways that reinforce the work of a Christian (Akkerman, 2013; 50-54).

In chapter ten, God inspires people to work with available resources to come up with innovations. God created a beautiful world, and the moment individuals cooperate with him, everything turns out to be just the way he wanted. However, man makes mistakes, and everything does not happen as intended. This is where God heals the world and give man the grace to return to him. Additionally, he opens the way to restore the world to his initial intention (Akkerman, 2013; 109-111).

According to chapter eleven, we should take our time to understand the Bible and its teaching. Christians should be dedicated and loyal to the Bible. They should take their time and be ready to appreciate every situation arising in its verses. They should purpose to understand the scriptures (Akkerman, 2013; 121-125). 

According to the author, Missional Discipleship is about Christians going out as missionaries to be disciples. A disciple is a person who is engaged in Gods mission. Christians cannot be disciples if they are not missionaries. Christians have based their work in the church and have not gone out to make disciples. They need to engage in missions and intentional about faithful discipleship. The church should continue to seek and follow wherever God continues to be present (Akkerman, 2013). 


Akkerman, J. R., & Maddix, M. A. (2013).  Missional Discipleship: Partners in God's redemptive mission . Kansas City: Beacon Hill Press.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Missional Discipleship: Partners in God’s Redemptive Mission.


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