16 Jun 2022


Moving an Organization to a New Communication Platform

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Organizations are experiencing a global shift in their operations where more technology is finding its way into the process and function of these organizations. The rapid technological advancement is providing better opportunities for companies to reach and serve their target populations, thus maximizing on their profits and the overall impact they have on society. It is no different on how these organizations look to communicate internally and externally. Advanced technology also means that organizational communication is moving towards current and reliable communication platforms and systems. Throughout such moves, it is highly likely that organizations will have varying experiences and that all admit having experienced immense benefits and challenges during the shifts. It is undeniable that many organizations continue to identify better-suited communication platforms for their organizations and then focus on shifting their communication systems to match what is currently market preferable and that which suits the needs of their employees, customers and the organization at large. 

Even through such significant shifts in communication, organizations will be going through a change that may not be as readily acceptable as would be expected. Pieterse, Caniëls, and Homan (2012) identify that only one-third of any efforts towards change are usually successful in organizations and that implementing such significant changes like those that may occur through a shift in communication is often problematic. Communication presents an aspect that would be considered as the company’s backbone. It is, therefore highly likely that the implementation of a new communication platform would face high resistance from the organization. It is, therefore, necessary that managers identify points of negotiation, provide enough information and make the rest of the organization understand how such a change in communication will be of benefit (Pieterse, Caniëls & Homan, 2012). Even so, it is imperative that such shifts will take place due to the advancement in technology, and their effects are both positive and negative. 

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Azzaz and Salahddine (2017) recognize that an organization’s decision towards a shift in its communication platform is often ambiguous and will likely deliver the best or the worst results. Any new communication platform that is implemented will have political, social, psychological, environmental, and economic impacts for the organization. It is an indication that moving an organization to new communication technology is more complicated than one would anticipate (Azzaz & Salahddine, 2017). It needs management and the entire organization to delve deeper into the new technology it is about to implement and identify how best it will fit into the organization. The more it fits with the organization, the more effective it will be, and the more positive results the organization is likely to encounter. Even so, organizations need to keep up with technological advancements in communication that making it necessary for the frequent shifts that will occur in their communication platforms across their lifespan. 

In their research, Cascio and Montealegre (2016) identify that organizations have developed a significant reliance on technology and continually adopt the technology in its various forms to better suit their brand. In their research, they focus on the current direction of technology in the patterns of information and communication for organizations. The focus is on four technologies the researchers believe are currently significant aspects of communication in organizations. These include wearable computing devices, electronic monitoring systems, teleconferencing, and robots. They identify that unlike before when communication and information would only take one direction, and only remain at the management level; communication today can reach the lowest level of personnel in an organization making organizational cooperation easier and more informed (Cascio & Montealegre, 2016). However, technology is not enough to maintain such shifts and leaders need to identify their role and that of their employees in these communication changes and ensure that the entire organization is a significant part of the move. Nonetheless, there is continued research on the effects of moving organizations to new communication platforms. 

Bresnahan and Yin (2017) recognize that new communication and information technologies are a significant part of current working environments. Their research focuses on the economic aspect of these technologies, and they analyze and exemplify how these technologies are working for organizations. They recognize that new technologies in information and communication have resulted in the overall improvement of quality for organizations, they have transformed production for the better and that they have created value for those organizations that focus on inventing applications. They also identify that these technologies have increased the demand for specific professional skills, thus opening up more employment opportunities for different individuals with new talents and innovative ideas globally (Bresnahan & Yin, 2017). It would be safe for one to conclude that moving an organization to a new communication platform, especially one that is at par with current technological advancements can only mean numerous economic benefits for the organizations that successfully adopt such technologies. It is further evident that such new communication platforms are pegged on technological advancement in social networking and social media. 

One of the most recognizable moves in organizational communication is the shift to the use of social media and social networking. Currently, more than half of the world’s population is connected to social media and engage in social networking in one way or another. It is a niche that many organizations have identified its potential and thus, are moving their communication strategies to this fit (Linke & Zerfass, 2012). Social media continues to advance, and many organizations are evolving with the advancement. They are changing from traditional ways of communication to those that incorporate social media users and the immense benefits that come with such platforms. Linke and Zerfass (2012) predict that social media presents a favorable future prognosis, which means that the communication platforms for organizations that choose to adopt such strategies can only get better. It also means that they will likely benefit more economically in the future than they are doing now. It is therefore imperative that when looking to shift an organization to a new communication platform, social media needs to be a significant consideration for such a move. 

Further, scholars believe that social media and social networking have immense benefits for those organizations that adopt them (Jiang, Luo & Kulemeka, 2016). These forms of communication platforms will result in positive impacts on employee communication, decision making, and marketing. Jiang, Luo, and Kulemeka (2016) however identify that these communication strategies do come with various adverse effects, and when these occur, they will result in a high level of work-life conflict. Nonetheless, social media is slowly become a necessity for every organization as gradually move from traditional forms of communication to these new technological advances in communication. It is also undeniable that many organizations are reaping well from the use of social media and social networking. 

In their research, Pradhan, Mallik, and Bagchi (2018) identify the critical role that new information platforms play in the enhancement of organizational, economic growth. They recommend that the focus of the organization in adopting new technologies should focus on internet users and broadband adoption, which leans towards social networking and social media use. They identify that ICT acts as a catalyst in communication and decision making in organizations today. They advise that it is necessary to not only focus on new communication technologies at the organization level but the entire economy in which the organization exists (Pradhan, Mallik & Bagchi, 2018). Such information is further contributing to why moving an organization towards new communication technologies is vital for its economic advancement. Additionally, such benefits may not only be experienced at the organizational level but advance to the entire economy. 

It is undeniable that an organization will need to move to a better communication platform numerously. Such shifts are often determined by the technological advancement being experienced in specific markets and the public in general. As people adopt new and improved technologies, organizations need to identify what these technologies are and thus develop their communication strategies to match what the public is using to ensure they can easily reach their customers. Further, adopting new communication technologies such as social media will likely result in various benefits for the organization, but the economic impacts are more profound. Even so, the organization needs to be prepared for the challenges that come with such a shift because they will be present. 


Azzaz, F., & Salahddine, A. (2017). Neutrality of New Technologies of Information and Communication in Organizations.  Journal Of African Research In Business & Technology , 1-7. doi: 10.5171/2017.523298 

Bresnahan, T., & Yin, P. (2017). Adoption of New Information and Communications Technologies in the Workplace Today.  Innovation Policy And The Economy 17 , 95-124. doi: 10.1086/688846 

Cascio, W., & Montealegre, R. (2016). How Technology Is Changing Work and Organizations.  Annual Review Of Organizational Psychology And Organizational Behavior 3 (1), 349-375. doi: 10.1146/annurev-orgpsych-041015-062352 

Jiang, H., Luo, Y., & Kulemeka, O. (2016). Strategic Social Media Use in Public Relations: Professionals’ Perceived Social Media Impact, Leadership Behaviors, and Work-Life Conflict.  International Journal Of Strategic Communication 11 (1), 18-41. doi: 10.1080/1553118x.2016.1226842 

Linke, A., & Zerfass, A. (2012). Future trends in social media use for strategic organisation communication: Results of a Delphi study.  Public Communication Review 2 (2). doi: 10.5130/pcr.v2i2.2736 

Pieterse, J., Caniëls, M., & Homan, T. (2012). Professional discourses and resistance to change.  Journal Of Organizational Change Management 25 (6), 798-818. doi: 10.1108/09534811211280573 

Pradhan, R., Mallik, G., & Bagchi, T. (2018). Information communication technology (ICT) infrastructure and economic growth: A causality evinced by cross-country panel data.  IIMB Management Review 30 (1), 91-103. doi: 10.1016/j.iimb.2018.01.001 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 17). Moving an Organization to a New Communication Platform.


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