11 Jan 2023


Mr. Lee's Position: A Working Constraints Analysis

Format: APA

Academic level: Master’s

Paper type: Case Study

Words: 609

Pages: 2

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Notification about a Change in Raw Materials 

Procurement Manager 

The procurement manager must be involved if the primary source of the raw material is depleted and the firm is considering outsourcing from another supplier. The manager must know this because he ensures that the organization follows the right procedure and keeps record for future reference by the shareholders. He/she will also evaluate the financial feasibility in getting materials from the new suppliers (Shaw, Zhang & Yue, 2012).

Project Designers 

Project designers should be contacted in such a scenario given their understanding of the design, the procedures, and raw materials needed for the successful completion of the project. The designers can provide the correct estimation of the impact the outsourced raw material will have on the project quality and the health of the workers. Besides, the project designers can also provide an alternative to the raw material or have a vast knowledge of other suppliers (Bossink, 2011).

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Decision-making and Alerting vs. Waiting 

The project management process is connected to the organizational roles and responsibilities to the stakeholders such as the employees, shareholders, and the community (Garland, 2009). Since the matter will have varied effects, the decision must involve all the stakeholders as a way of ensuring that the project offers the greatest benefits to all stakeholders.

Off-Gassing Potential 

The production process must be conducted under ethical principles revolving around the welfare of the employees and the society within which the company is located (Budd & Scoville, 2005). In case this is ignored and there is a harmful health side effect on the employees, the matter will go public. This will affect negatively on the company's image impacting consumer loyalty and the brand image. Therefore, the off-gassing factor must be considered given its potential to cause health damages whether the company was situated in the US or in China or in any other place globally.

In case the product raw material must be used in the production process then the company must do so at the consent of the employees; employees who are unwilling to proceed with the work should be granted leave. The company should then provide health coverage for the employees willing to continue their services such as medical checkups and medications for those affected by the off-gases for the period that the company would be using the poisonous material. Finally, the company should provide its workers with protection devices that are up-to-date to shield themselves from the harmful gases.

The Certainty of Mr. Lee's Position 

Compliance is an important element of doing business locally and internationally. The business should be conducted in a manner that will align with the established regulations to create a conducive atmosphere for running the business and obtaining consumer base and competing with competitors; this is more important due to the environmental threat posed by the new raw material (Tonry, 2011). Mr. Lee's position must be investigated as a mandatory procedure to ensure that as the company operates in China follows homeland regulations as well. Secondly, it is important to verify his claims for the purpose of certainty and the decision-making process. As the project leader, the responsibility is wider than that of MR. Lee and accountability are required.

Alternatives to Mr. Lee’s position 

In his project management role, the first time creates an impression of one's leadership abilities besides determining the response of the employees to the leadership skills used. It is important to consult the company's culture and intricate procedures used previously in solving such dilemmas. Relying on the company's culture will be beneficial in avoiding mistakes. In case mistakes exist, they should be co-owned as opposed to making an individual decision. In such a case, I would prefer to involve the whole team and stakeholders to participate in the decision-making process. I would exercise situational leadership based on the circumstances (Blanchard, 2010).


Bossink, B. (2011).  Managing environmentally sustainable innovation: insights from the construction industry. Routledge.

Budd, J. W., & Scoville, J. G. (Eds.). (2005).  The ethics of human resources and industrial relations. Cornell University Press.

Garland, R. (2009).  Project Governance: A practical guide to effective project decision making. Kogan Page Publishers.

Shaw, M. J., Zhang, D., & Yue, W. T. (2012). E-Life: Web-Enabled Convergence of Commerce, Work, and Social Life. 

Tonry, M. (Ed.). (2011).  The Oxford handbook of crime and criminal justice. Oxford University Press.

Blanchard, K. H. (2010).  Leading at a higher level: Blanchard on leadership and creating high performing organizations . FT Press.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 17). Mr. Lee's Position: A Working Constraints Analysis.


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