19 May 2022


New Testament Annotated Bibliography

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Academic level: University

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Words: 288

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Article 1

Viviano, B. (2007). Where Was the Gospel According to St. Matthew Written?  The Catholic Biblical Quarterly 41 (4), 9-23. doi:10.13109/9783666539640.9

The article attempts to explore the origin of the Gospel according to Mathew by carefully examining the composition and publication of this gospel. In a two-part article, the author documents the evolution of Matthean studies with respect to the question of its origin as well as exploring evidence of the text. The article is relevant to my research in that it argues of its place of origin and the chronology of how the gospel evolved to what it currently is. The final verdict by the article, that the Gospel of Mathew was composed in the last few decades of the first century CE is controversial but worth noting. The source is credible as the author, Benedict Thomas Viviano is a New Testament scholar and a member of the Roman Catholic Church, Chicago.  

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Article 2

Case, S. J. (1909). The Origin and Purpose of the Gospel of Matthew.  The Biblical World 34 (6), 391-402. doi:10.1086/474274

The article seeks to find the origin and purpose of the gospel of Mathew. The author gives a argues why the gospel of Mathew matters and why it is worth examining. The author gives an analysis of why the gospel is different from the others. The author examines and eliminates the possibility of the text having originated from certain regions and makes a strong conclusion. Moreover, the author also mentions the changes that the gospel of Mathew underwent over the years. The article is useful in answering of the origin of the text as it attempts to clear myths and outline facts around the gospel. The source is credible as its author, Shirley Case was a Canadian mathematician, historian of early Christianity and a liberal theologian. Though the text is old, it remains relevant and has been quoted by several scholarly articles.


Case, S. J. (1909). The Origin and Purpose of the Gospel of Matthew.  The Biblical World 34 (6), 391-402. doi:10.1086/474274

Viviano, B. (2007). Where Was the Gospel According to St. Matthew Written?  The Catholic Biblical Quarterly 41 (4), 9-23. doi:10.13109/9783666539640.9

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). New Testament Annotated Bibliography.


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