21 Sep 2022


NGO: Cure Violence

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Academic level: College

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Cure Violence was formed in 1995 and launched in 2000 in Chicago as a non-governmental organization striving to eradicate all forms of violence. It is operating in more than 30 countries around the world that are stricken with violence. It is evenly spread through Latin Asia, America, Africa and the Middle East. The mission of Cure Violence is to foresee a world devoid of violence through behaviour change and disease control methods. This organization believes that violence can be cured like any other disease. The U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder stated that Cure Violence is a smart and effective approach to combating violence and crime (NGO Advisor, 2017). 

According to Cure Violence, it has more than 700 employees who are located in various areas of the globe striving to achieve the organizational mission (2017). This organization incorporates a very different technique in approaching violence and crime as opposed to regular non-profit firms. For instance, Cure Violence is able to curb shootings by identifying and changing the thinking patterns. They are able to change social expectations and norms which are popular in communities by transforming what influences violence (Violence Prevention Alliance, 2017). This has enabled them to reveal to communities that violence is not an effective way of responding to arguments or conflicts. Cure Violence also provides in-depth training in violence prevention methods to other non-profit organizations, government, communities, law enforcement agencies, etc. (NGO Advisor, 2017). 

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In conclusion, Cure Violence should be viewed as an amicable institution which aims to reduce the increasing violence in cities and communities. They are able to fight violence by attacking behavioural pattern and changing them. This changes the perspective of how communities and individuals view violence. They are operating in the most war-tone areas such as Pakistan and Iraq as well as criminal-infested areas like Mexico and Trinidad & Tobago, among many other nations. 


Cure Violence. 2017. Understand violence . Retrieved Online, October 31, 2017, www.cureviolence.org/understand-violence/ 

NGO Advisor. 2017. Cure Violence: be the cure! Retrieved Online, October 31, 2017, www.ngoadvisor.net/ong/cure-violence/ 

Violence Prevention Alliance. (2017). Cure Violence (previously the Chicago project for violence prevention) . Retrieved Online, October 31, 2017, www.who.int/violenceprevention/about/participants/cure_violence/ 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). NGO: Cure Violence.


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