16 Feb 2023


NIMS: National Incident Management System

Format: APA

Academic level: Master’s

Paper type: Assignment

Words: 286

Pages: 1

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The National Response Framework (NRF) can be recognized as a guideline aimed at responding to different types of national disasters and emergencies. It is composed of several fundamental concepts that are adaptable and scalable found in the NIMS purposely designed to perform certain functions across the country. It involves a framework of readiness to act, risk management, engagement, or federal support, and the ability to demonstrate unified response effort to manage an emergency (Bisri & Buneye, 2019). Though, each one has implementation degrees that determine their functionalities. ICS is a system concerned with coordination, control, and command approaches of different incidences. But amongst all the approaches, Command and Coordination are considered as the essential features in the system. The NRF is considered as distinct guiding standards for response partners in preparation for national effort in disaster or emergency interventions. Sylves (2019) argues that involves various contagious boards or bodies in initiating and planning for an immediate response against the catastrophic events. However, what is necessary for NRF, is its organization, structure, and role, which, in essence, provides the grounds for decision-makers, strategists, and responders to give a more unified response. Although its weakness only exists in communication between the state and the local government. On the other hand, NIMS is an efficient program for responding to emergencies through the allocation of resources in case of emergency or disaster. It also facilitates the effort or corporation amongst every prospect of response agencies or entities. It is a fundamental factor for all government and private agencies in mitigation and preparation of events (Salzman & Fuentes, 2019). It makes it a more reliable approach to disaster management through the coordination of information and resources. Its coordination roles are procedures enabled through different jurisdictions or organizations. The National Incident Management System is intensely used amidst the communities, individuals, states, organizations, and churches. 


Bisri, M. B. F., & Beniya, S. (2016). Analyzing the national disaster response framework and inter-organizational network of the 2015 Nepal/Gorkha earthquake.  Procedia Engineering 159 , 19-26. 

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Salzman, S. M., & Fuentes, R. W. C. (2019). EMS, National Incident Management System (NIMS). In  StatPearls [Internet] . StatPearls Publishing. 

Sylves, R. T. (2019).  Disaster policy and politics: Emergency management and homeland security . CQ Press. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 17). NIMS: National Incident Management System.


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