12 Aug 2022


Nuances and expression of love in Browning's sonnets

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Academic level: College

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Words: 319

Pages: 1

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1. What different aspects ups and downs, and nuances of love and expression of love does Browning discuss in the Sonnets you read? 

The writer pleas to the receiver of her love. The poem begins with an expression "How Do I love thee? Let me count the ways" (Sonnet 43). By this expression, she implies that her feelings are genuine. The love that she has for him cannot be measured in any form. Throughout his writings, the author mentions to the core of her emotional state, which goes beyond the extensive to the earnest. Also, the author appreciates the fact that she will love her during times of sadness and pleasure. Hence, this love is everlasting, since it will last even after her death ( Stott & Avery 2014)

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Nevertheless, Elizabeth needs her extra half in wholesomeness. The main concept that takes the center stage of the poem is faithfulness. This is an indicator that Elizabeth was ready to make her affection life a success. Also, she compares her love to deep sorrow, with the pain unveiling feeling of losing her purity at a tender age. 


2. In what ways are mills arguments in favour of gender equality still relevant in 2018? 

Mills argued that the progress of the society requires that all persons, men, and women, not to be confined in their fixed social position I which they were born. Instead, they should be given an opportunity to improve their talents and to fulfill their desires as long as they pose no threat to the rights of others in the society ( Mill 2015). 

This argument is relevant in 2018 because the society has seen the importance of empowering the girl child. Women are given leadership roles, they are also allowed to work, and also they are proving to be great leaders just as men. Hence, women are no longer confined to the role of staying at home, cooking, and bearing children: but rather they are given an opportunity by the society to better themselves. Women are allowed to go to school and study, and their rights treated as equal to that of men by the government and the constitution. 


Stott, R., & Avery, S. (2014).  Elizabeth Barrett Browning . Routledge. 

Mill, J. S. (2015).  The subjection of women . Vani Prakashan . 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Nuances and expression of love in Browning's sonnets.


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