As an employee, I would prefer to be employed by a company that utilized a person-focused pay plan system. The reason why I consider person-focused pay plan as a choice of preference is that the program gives an employee an opportunity to secure a Job, the program also enhances Job enrichment; job enrichment creates room for motivation and a favorable environment for the workers.
When a company decides to sensitize Job enrichment so that employees can be only focused on specific tasks, the production curve rises since an employee is only responsible for producing a specified product. If I have, therefore, acquired specific skills regarding certain performances in a company, I will be in a position to comfortably demonstrate my competence in my area of specialization. Person-focused pay plan provides an opportunity for knowledge expansion, learning new skills gives me a sense of satisfaction and breaks the chain of boredom in the workplace. Knowledge -based pay program is, therefore, a lifetime program that can offer thousands of workshops in various fields including Leadership, Sales Training, Computer Skills, Project Management and technical skills (Martocchio, 2017) . Acquiring Knowledge in the areas enlisted builds confidence in employees, besides, having a broader knowledge on multiple fields prepares employees so that they can handle complex tasks when a global work project is needed.
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Person-focused pay system creates a healthier Job security for employees. Using the skills acquired from person-focused pay program, I can secure some Job opportunities when the product demand period is down; this reduces the chances of being laid off during low season of sales supply. Furthermore, updating my skills increases my opportunities to securing various Jobs with different Companies and different employers.
Martocchio, J. J. (2017). Strategic Compensation: A human resourse management approach (9th ed.).Hoboken, N J:Pearson