21 Jul 2022


Personal Experience Living Through the Cold War

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Academic level: High School

Paper type: Research Paper

Words: 305

Pages: 1

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The early 1940s were characterized by political instability throughout the world, with major global political leaders fighting for political dominance. To better understand the magnitude of the Cold War, Marie-Lyse Cantacuzino Ruhemann gives her account living as a cold war refugee during the said time (Phillips, 2010). Ruhemann was born in Bucharest and had been assured of peace through Romania's decision n to remain neutral during WWII. Having lost touch with her parents in 1948, Ms. Ruhemann points out that the cold war was heavily characterized by power wrangles and vendetta, believing that the communist regime had targeted her family for the fact that they descended from an old aristocratic Romanian family and had connections in the West. Ms. Ruhemann's encounters of how her family was arrested and suffered under the communist regime paint a clearer picture of the tactic the communist regime had used during the war to establish their rule; wiping off their political enemies (Betts, 2017). After his second release, her father became very wary of his every move, including cutting down his ties with the West so that he would not risk going to prison again. 

The communist regime, led by Nicolae Ceausescu, was brought to an end by a popular uprising that to a great extent, was supported by the British diplomats. The British were heavily resented in Rome, and innocent Romans were jailed every other day for any slight indication that they had any connections with the West (Sarantakes & Westad, 2019) . For instance, one of Ruhemann's uncles had been imprisoned at one time for trying to flee Rome, and later on, he was jailed for telling a friend, during a party that he had listened to a BBC broadcast. This observation alludes to the tactic used by the communist regime to cut off any ties it had with the West, to strengthen its resolve during the Cold War. 

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Betts, R. K. (Ed.). (2017).  Conflict after the Cold War: arguments on causes of war and peace . Taylor & Francis. 

Phillips, D. (2010). What Lies Beneath the History of Conflict? Using Personal Testimony for Learning.  Oral History 38 (1), 114-118. 

Sarantakes, N. E., & Westad, O. A. (2019). The Cold War: A World History.  Naval War College Review 72 (1), 164-174. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Personal Experience Living Through the Cold War.


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