14 Nov 2022


Planning, Implementing and Evaluating the Quality Improvement Plan

Format: APA

Academic level: Master’s

Paper type: Research Paper

Words: 813

Pages: 6

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The process of determining a timeline for planning, implementing, and evaluating the quality improvement plan will focus on several key aspects, which are quality improvement goals, strategies, and specific interventions to achieve. Each of these aspects is important when engaging in quality improvement, especially in seeking to determine projected outcomes associated with the adoption of the improvement plan. When developing a quality improvement plan, one of the critical aspects to take into significant consideration is the expected goals, which ought to be defined clearly and effectively. The goals must align with the overall organizational goals while considering the importance of quality improvement for the individual stakeholders. By identifying these goals, it becomes much easier to develop a timeline for planning and implementation of the quality improvement plan; thus, serving as a determination of the success associated with the plan.

Another critical aspect to consider is the strategies that have been put in place, which must be reflective of the projected outcomes. Lynn et al. (2007) take note of the fact that the effectiveness of a quality improvement plan depends solely on the strategies that have been put in place reflecting on the fact that they seek to push for a better outcome in terms of enhancing successes in quality improvement. Some of the possible strategies that are selected during quality improvement seek to define the implementation process of the plan. That creates the need for having to ensure that the policies that have been put in place remain somewhat useful in seeking to establish a clear front through which to define overall possibilities of success.

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Lastly, it is also essential to consider the specific interventions that are to be implemented as part of the quality improvement plan, which will seek to determine the timeline associated with the evaluation of the plan. The main expectation of the quality improvement plan is that it will help in providing a precise analysis of specific interventions that ought to be implemented in seeking to promote efficiency in quality improvement (Dixon-Woods & Martin, 2016). The evaluation process of the plan will seek to examine each of the specific interventions as a way of determining whether they have been strategic in meeting the quality improvement goals. By engaging in practical evaluation of the responses, it becomes much easier to identify some of the critical areas that need to be changed as part of the strategic approaches through which to define the possibility of success. Generally, this can be viewed as one of the critical factors that seek to determine success in the adoption of the quality improvement plan.

Reasonable Milestones for the Initiative 

The first key milestone that the initiative seeks to achieve is increasing the number of patients that are coming into the health facility for purposes of receiving care services. Quality improvement paves the way for a higher possibility of improved outcomes in terms of ensuring that patient demand would increase significantly. Consequently, this can be considered as a critical milestone of consideration when embarking on the quality improvement initiative. The crucial second milestone revolves around the establishment of a platform through which to ensure that the care services being offered remain personalized for the individual patients. Personalization of care is likely to pave the way for an improvement in patient satisfaction levels, taking into consideration that the quality of care is expected to improve significantly.

Thirdly, it is expected that adopting the quality improvement plan will be of great value towards ensuring that the safety standards are improved significantly, which would also be considered as one of the key milestones to consider. Safety is one of the critical aspects of consideration in the health care environment, which is essential for health professionals to discuss ways that would allow them to advance safety standards. By adopting the quality improvement plan, it is expected that the quality standards will improve within less than a month after the implementation of the plan. Lastly, the adoption of the quality improvement plan is likely to pave the way for real-time service delivery. Real-time service delivery focuses more on the idea of having to ensure that services are offered promptly as a way of improving the satisfaction levels among individual patients.

Quality Improvement 

The action plan for quality improvement focuses on care coordination with the sole intention being towards ensuring that health care providers can coordinate on the care services that they provide. Care coordination can be equated to the possibility of creating a shift in the manner in which services are being offered as part of the health care environment. The idea is having to find a standard approach through which to ensure that the different health care providers coordinate when providing primary care services. The outcome is that this will create a much more effective approach through which to ensure that the patients get the best value from the health care organization. That will also pave the way for an improvement in patient satisfaction levels considering that patients will find themselves in a position where they are much more satisfied with the health services that they receive through coordinate care in the health organizations.


Dixon-Woods, M., & Martin, G. P. (2016). Does quality improvement improve quality?.  Future Hospital Journal 3 (3), 191-194.

Lynn, J., Baily, M. A., Bottrell, M., Jennings, B., Levine, R. J., Davidoff, F., ... & Agich, G. J. (2007). The ethics of using quality improvement methods in health care.  Annals of internal medicine 146 (9), 666-673.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 17). Planning, Implementing and Evaluating the Quality Improvement Plan .


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