19 May 2022


Politically Correct Language

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Coursework

Words: 308

Pages: 1

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In the early 90's most people proposed the promotion of the 'first people' language to a more modified language, for instance, disabled people were replaced to a post modified term known as people living with disabilities. The field of psychology and education widely adopted to the postmodified terms of language. This modification of terms or expressions is known as euphemism where words and languages are expressed and substituted with more many terms which seem to be less harsh than previous terms which refer to something unpleasant. According to Steinmetz (2016) , the intention of using euphemism intends to provide the person with disability power and respect through the first person makes them look beyond their disability.

Conferring to Steinmetz, (2016) languages can be used to control the way people in society think and understand issues. Language shaping changes the way people in society think because humans communicate in a specific dazzling range of languages which are different from each other. The use of language is a uniquely human ability that is central to the experiences of every human being in society. The mental lives of human beings are constructed through different languages and understandings that is described as the very nature of humanity.

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Consequently, to some instance, many people with different languages to show different meanings and experiences. Learning new languages and their meanings requires a person to pay more attention to new sets of distinctions which is more than just leaning their vocabulary. Additionally, people of different languages have a right to their freedom of speech whereby they can receive, seek and convey information of all types ( Steinmetz, 2016) . Therefore, society can freely express their feelings if they are oppressive or offensive. However, most government institutions have restricted freedom of speech because most people in society have manipulated their freedom of speech to show incitement and hate speech. Finally, due to people in society have diverse languages and shapes, society needs to restrict the freedom of speech and expression because of their pros and cons. 


Steinmetz, K. (October, 24, 2016) How Political Language Got Coded. Time Magazine . file:///C:/Users/Chillie/Downloads/How%20political%20language%20got%20so%20coded%20_1_.pdf  

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Politically Correct Language.


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