22 Sep 2022


Prevention and Management of Diabetes

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Academic level: College

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Words: 715

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Lifestyle plays a critical role in most of the human illnesses. According to many researches done on health, close to six out of ten factors that largely contribute to diseases are lifestyle related (Corbin et al., 2001). Some of the unsafe lifestyle practices that contribute to these diseases include unsafe sex, pollution, tobacco use, alcohol abuse, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and obesity. To achieve community wellness and a society that is sober in health matters, it is important to bring together the community for a common concern. This concern is of exploring matters of human health, wellness and most especially the social interconnections and implications of human social behavior to their state of health (Edlin & Golanty, 2012). When this interaction is brought into action, health education can help in making people understand the idea of wellness, practices that they should avoid and those that they should exercise. 

Given the undeniable relationship between lifestyle, cost of healthcare as well as disease burden, it is just logical that individuals should be held morally responsible for the choices they make and the implication of these choices on their health. While this view holds a convincing appeal, it also has many objections. For example, it is not fair to hold people who are either mentally incompetent or those suffering from addictive behaviors, ignorance or abusive cultural practices to be responsible for their state of health (McMurray 2006). Even so, individuals should play a major role in keeping their health even if they should not be held entirely for it. The society, on the other hand, should also promote wellness practices to prevent disease. 

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The idea of wellness has acted as a driving force to the social changes in many societies. For example, the practices of tobacco abuse and alcohol abuse have been greatly limited by putting pressure on people to avoid such practices for the sake of their wellness and stable health. In my particular discipline of study, which is diabetes, the idea of wellness has largely limited the disease as people are more aware of the consequences of their feeding habits and have become more conscious of their feeding practices to avoid the disease (McMurray, 2006). According to many researches done on lifestyle-related health, about twenty-one millions of people living in the United States have diabetes, and much more have shown signs of having the disease in future (Glasgow et al., 1989). Diabetes can be defined as an elevated blood sugar level. 

However, it is arguably true that diabetes is much more than blood sugar problem since it is also associated with kidney failure, memory loss, heart attack, visual loss, stroke and kidney failure. In most cases, those who have diabetes deal with problems such as overweight. If not managed properly, this disease can cause complications that bring about disability and in severe cases cause premature death. While this disease needs multiple medications for treatment, its prevention can be accomplished simply by observing lifestyle and without using drugs. For prevention to be effective, it requires that people modify multiple of their lifestyle behaviors. Most people who lazily feed on heavy cholesterol and too much sugar and do not engage in exercise stand a lot of chance of getting this disease. 

A large population of the people suffering from this disease has breathing difficulties and overweight problems. In severe cases, they suffer from stroke, heart attack, visual impairment and even memory loss (Glasgow et al., 1989). It is predicted that this disease may increase in future since most people have embraced the modern lifestyle where there is too much of junk food and lazy lifestyle. Most people have abandoned the traditional food and have transformed into the modern class of junk and too much-sweetened food (Glasgow et al., 1989). Going with the trend, it seems the world of junk is on the rise, and this might even increase in future. As a result, managing diabetes may pose challenges in future. 

Several recommendations can help in managing this disease. It is important that people learn to control among other things, their weight, blood sugar level, their pressure and the amount of cholesterol. To achieve all these, one should engage in exercise to avoid excessive weight; one should also limit the level of sugar consumed into the body, one can also reduce the amount of cholesterol to reduce the amount of fat in the body. One should also stay active at all times. If I was the one addressing the issue of diabetes, I would stress on the issue of diet and nutrition as a way of prevention. Observation of diet and nutrition helps in consuming the right food for the body and avoiding the ones that can subject an individual to this disease. 


Edlin, G., & Golanty, E. (2012).  Health and wellness . Jones & Bartlett Publishers. 

Corbin, C. B., Welk, G., Corbin, W. R., & Welk, K. (2001).  Concepts of fitness and wellness . McGraw-Hill. 

Glasgow, R. E., Toobert, D. J., Riddle, M., Donnelly, J., Mitchell, D. L., & Calder, D. (1989). Diabetes-specific social learning variables and self-care behaviors among persons with type II diabetes.  Health Psychology 8 (3), 285. 

McMurray, A. (2006).  Community health and wellness: A socio-ecological approach . Elsevier Australia. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 17). Prevention and Management of Diabetes.


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