5 Jul 2022


Profitability Analysis of Cider Company

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 355

Pages: 1

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Problem statement 

The article, “ Profitability Analysis Of A Hard Apple Cider Company” by Erik R. Johnson seeks to address the question of the profitability of The Hard Apple Cider company, right after it had been started at San Luis Obispo, and going on for the next three years 

Hard Apple Cider is an alcoholic drink in the US that has little popularity in comparison to such other drinks as spirits and beers. However, its popularity has risen since the year 2009, through to 2014, with more sales expected to be made in the same year of 2014. The author indicates that trends in the alcohol industry have changed as more people continue to turn towards such high-quality alcoholics as craft beers and hard cider, which are expensive. This indicates that the market for hard cider will not continue to experience acceleration in terms of its growth. The problem statement does not clearly show the problem, in a manner that could have been easily understood by any reader. 

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Comments: the problem statement captured the educational perspective of the topic. However, one has to make considerable efforts to be able to understand its meaning and the author’s intention. 

Review of literature 

The author makes no use of citations in the introduction of the problem statements, making use of explanation statements to expound on the problem statement. However, along with the text, the author makes use of research work, done by other authors to give credence to his assertions. 


The author specifically intended to provide a basis for research by those people who would like to start businesses within the same industry. Those intending to be knowledgeable of the cider industry would also benefit from this information. 

Comments: the author’s information was insightful as it answered all the necessary questions on the topic. 

Data analysis 

The author analyzed most of the statistical data and determined the profitability of Cider Company at the point of its inception. 

Comments: the data used clearly depict the information required for the start of a cider company. However, the information is too complex for average people to understand. 

Overall review 

This author makes a detailed analysis of the industry, also making findings that might be very useful to many information users. The only area of data analysis seems to be too complicated for any average people to analyze. 


Johnson, E. R. (2011). Profitability analysis of a hard apple cider company . Retrieved from http://digitalcommons.calpoly.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1082&context=agbsp 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Profitability Analysis of Cider Company.


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