19 May 2022


Progressive Rights in Arizona

Format: APA

Academic level: High School

Paper type: Research Paper

Words: 299

Pages: 1

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The citizens of Arizona retain various progressive rights through their constitution written in 1910 during the progressive movement era. Some of Arizona's progressive rights are right to referendum, initiative, and recall of elected officials. These progressive rights have various benefits, including giving voters in Arizona the competency to determine legislation. The right to initiative allows the government to be held accountable to the people allowing. Initiative rights also create more interest among voters on state policies, leading to more ballot participation. Rights to initiative also allow Arizona citizens to enact new policies and amendments meaningful, which politicians are less likely to pass.

Like the right to initiative, the right to a referendum is initiated through petitions where citizens are involved by collecting their signatures to approve or reject a particular proposal. A referendum is a vote on a proposal done universally to adopt a new policy. Therefore, Arizona voters can approve or deny policy through a referendum. The two main types of referenda include the popular referendum and the legislative referendum (McCann, 2012). The popular referendum resembles the initiative because it is also triggered by voter petitions, while the legislative referendum is a measure presented to the voters for approval. Therefore, the right to referendum allows citizens in Arizona state to determine whether they support various legislation proposed or introduced.

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The right to recall elected officials allows Arizona citizens to remove public officials from office before their term ends. Citizens or Arizona may exercise this right if they feel that public officials have failed to fulfill their public mandate. The right to recall elected officials benefits the citizens as they can participate actively in democracy and state politics. The right to recall elected officials also benefits the citizens by ensuring that public officials remain accountable for their actions and service to the state. The three progressive rights described offering Arizona citizens a chance to determine applicable laws and leaders focused on citizen's interests.


McCann, M. (2012, September 20). Initiative, Referendum and Recall. Retrieved from https://www.ncsl.org/research/elections-and-campaigns/initiative-referendum-and-recall-overview.aspx

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Progressive Rights in Arizona.


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