15 Jan 2023


Pros and Cons of Marijuana Use

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Academic level: College

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Words: 355

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Discussion: What are the pros and cons of marijuana becoming legal in each state? Should it become legal on the federal level? 

In the 21st century, most US states still illegalize marijuana ostensibly because of public health and moral reasons while other states voted to legalize marijuana’s growth, use, and distribution despite federal regulations. This paper discusses the pros and cons associated with marijuana legalization in the states. 

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One of the pros of legalizing marijuana in each state is the creation of revenue. According to a Federal Reserve study, Colorado experienced a 2% increase in revenues, indicating a potential economic effect (“The Economic Effects of the Marijuana Industry in Colorado,” 2020). Another pro is the creation of employment in the Marijuana industry and supporting sectors. The employment span from include full-time jobs to indirect jobs such as advisory and legal services all boosting the broader economy. The legalization of marijuana would also dismantle the black market where it is controlled by drug dealers synonymous with organized crime. Notably, the mafias in the back market even have links to terrorist organizations. Therefore, legalizing marijuana would prompt the dealers to go legit or put them out of business. 

Legalizing marijuana in each state would also lead to improved safety and quality control, as it is with tobacco and alcohol industries, translating into a lesser burden on the medical system. 

The cons of marijuana legalization in each state include the development of dependency over time. While it may not be addictive like other drugs, quitting marijuana will lead to withdrawal symptoms such as anxiety and irritability ( Barry, 2017). Another  con is the problem of second-hand smoke from cannabis. The debate still swirls around the effects second-hand smoke to non-smokers and the possibility of developing lung problems and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in their bloodstream. Lastly, marijuana users experience an altered perception, and this is problematic when driving or operating machinery. 

In sum, the legalization of medical and recreational marijuana continues in more and more states. Consequently, the list of pros and cons continues to grow. Marijuana should be legalized at the federal level to be declassified from Schedule 1 of the Controlled Substances Act. The federal legalization would also make it possible for states to enact their own policies and incentives to deal with marijuana offenses. 


McGinty, E. E., Niederdeppe, J., Heley, K., & Barry, C. L. (2017). Public perceptions of 

arguments supporting and opposing recreational marijuana legalization.  Preventive medicine 99 , 80-86. 

The Economic Effects of the Marijuana Industry in Colorado . Kansascityfed.org. (2020). 

Retrieved 20 June 2020, from https://www.kansascityfed.org/publications/research/rme/articles/2018/rme-1q-2018. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Pros and Cons of Marijuana Use.


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