9 Jun 2022


Recruiting and Selecting High-Level Managers through the Internet

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Academic level: University

Paper type: Case Study

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Modern entrepreneurship has proven the adage about things remaining the same, the more they seem to change. In spite of major development in technology and theories, modern entrepreneurship has reverted to the traditional notion that employees are the most important component for any organization. Indeed, an organization can succeed or fail based purely on the nature of manpower it has invested in (Gibbs et al, 2015) . This has made seeking out and recruiting the best possible talent, at the lowest practicable price an integral element of success for companies. Michael Jackson of the Jackson hotel has learned this lesson the hard way, having made massive losses through the hiring of incompetent staff, leading to a high turnover. His move to hire through the internet can be an appropriate means to facilitate the hiring of the best possible human resource talent and at the best practicable cost. 

Pros and Cons of Internet Hiring for a Small, Expanding Company 

The first major advantage of internet recruitment is the ability to reach a very wide array of potential employees at a relatively low cost (Boşcai, 2017) . This is extremely suitable for Jackson hotel, as it may not afford a large budget for the same. Unfortunately, this also introduces the first major disadvantage. This is the fact that since internet access is also readily available and cheap to use for potential employees, an exponentially high number of individuals will show interest. To mitigate on this disadvantage, Jackson hotel can use a software program that automatically eliminates all applicants who do not meet minimum requirements. The second advantage is ease of use for the employer and the hiring team. Analog applications take all forms and shapes, making it hard to sift through them to pick the right candidates. Through online applications, a company can use a specialized form that enables applicants to present their information in a uniform manner, making it easy to decipher (Gibbs et al, 2015) . This may, however, come with the disadvantage of ease of giving out fabricated information. The manifest disadvantage can, however, be cured by seeking for further and verifiable particulars for all factual information sought for. Finally, online recruitment saves time, just as it saves money. This is because both the hiring team and the applicants have the chance to work 24 hours, 7 days a week, with no geographical limitations, as they are using computerized devices (Boşcai, 2017) . This is as opposed to analog hiring where meetings and interviews have to be held only through working hours and at designated places. 

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The Approach that Makes Most Sense 

The three indicated alternatives are job boards, professional websites, and employer websites. Job boards are mainly commercial in nature and exist to make a profit through several means. These include charging potential employee and/or potential employers for information as well as charging for advertising on their websites, based on the number of visits they garner. Professional Web sites are limited to specific professional affiliations and are like online professional affiliations. Data kindred to specific professional affiliations are to be found therein. Finally, employer Web sites contain invitations by companies on a segment of their websites for interested potential employees to forward their particulars as a sign in interest in a future job. 

To arrive at the most suitable form, it is important to eliminate the most unlikely ones. Employer websites are by far the most unsuitable system for Jackson Hotels to use as it cannot attract the kind of vast array of talent needed for a successful online recruitment exercise (Nikolaou, 2014) . Employer websites only work for companies for which potential employees have a high affinity for. In most cases, these will be well-established corporations with a massive online following, which Jackson Hotel Clearly lacks. Job boards, on the other hand, are extremely commercialized and may not be very stringent with regard to the particulars posted therein (Nikolaou, 2014) . Further, they contain a very wide array of different professionals, which increases the sifting out. The Jackson Hotel is very specific about what it needs to wit managers albeit at different levels. They will, therefore, be looking for employees who come from a specific professional affiliation. This makes professional websites the most suitable site for Jackson hotel to use in its quest for new employees. 

Prescreening Hurdles Pre-qualification Hurdles 

Among the most important pre-screening hurdle is academic qualification. The advertisement itself should have a very definite academic qualification for each and every management post advertised (Rosoiu & Popescu, 2016) . Any applicant who cannot prove to have achieved this qualification should be automatically eliminated. This is because management is a position that involves being in charge of other employees. Academic qualification is important to establish competency and also crucial to command respect from the followers. Secondly, academic qualification is definitive and unambiguous. Either a person has it and can prove it or does not, making it an easy means of prequalification. A second vital prequalification means is age. To succeed in management, a certain minimum age is necessary, in spite of academic qualification. Further, in recruitment, a certain maximum age is also important to eliminate the possibility of hiring employees who cannot serve for long, leading to another expensive recruitment process (Rosoiu & Popescu, 2016) . Further, age is also a definitive and unambiguous factor, making it easy to use for prequalification. 

Information that should be availed to Potential Employees 

Employment is more about the future than the present, but both are important to the potential employee. Research has shown that potential employees who value their contribution to potential employers seek for employment longevity and a chance to grow. Whereas a company must provide information about its current status, it is vital to give potential employees particulars about the future of the company (Sing, 2017) . Secondly, the salary range is a high attraction for employees. Giving an indication of what range of salary an employee should expect is a great means of attracting applicants. An exact figure may be avoided but a vague picture can be drawn. Further, many potential employees want to understand where they will be working. Giving out the geographical location, even if it is limited to the state is important. Finally, employees want to understand what they are getting into when they get employed which makes it important to put some details about future job descriptions (Sing, 2017)


It is clear from the foregoing that hiring through the internet clearly carries more advantages than disadvantages. Further, the available disadvantages can easily be remedied, which confirms this means as a good avenue for hiring. Most importantly, online hiring seems especially suitable specifically for Jackson hotel in its current status. Professional websites are a fitting place for the company to start its online hiring expedition. However, when the company grows into a major employer, the advantages of using employer websites will overtake those of using professional websites. To avoid having to sift through too many applications the company can use definitive pre qualification prerequisites that are easily checkable. Age and academic level are good examples. Finally, to attract a wide pool of interested competent candidates, Jackson hotel must put out information about itself and its vision as well as what the employees should expect in the case they get the jobs. 


Boşcai, B. G. (2017). The evolution of e-recruitment: The introduction of online recruiter. International Journal of Advance Research in Computer Science and Management Studies. 5( 3). 99-105 

Gibbs, C., MacDonald, F., & MacKay, K. (2015). Social media usage in hotel human resources: recruitment, hiring and communication.  International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 27 (2), 170-184 

Nikolaou, I. (2014). Social networking web sites in job search and employee recruitment.  International Journal of Selection and Assessment 22 (2), 179-189 

Rosoiu, O., & Popescu, C. (2016). E-recruiting platforms: Features that influence the efficiency of online recruitment systems.  Informatica Economica 20 (2), 46-55 

Singh, S. (2017). E-Recruitment: A new dimension of human resource management in India.  International Journal of Advance Research in Computer Science and Management Studies 5 (3), 161-170 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Recruiting and Selecting High-Level Managers through the Internet.


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