9 May 2022


Social Strategies for Managing Diversity

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Research Paper

Words: 834

Pages: 3

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Diversity is authenticity. It is the mixture of individuals, who present a variety of backgrounds, fashion, views, values and beliefs. These characteristics act as benefits to the organizations they belong. The important aspect for managers is to recognize the uniqueness of diversity and value the contribution of everyone. People all over the world are linked through the amplification of globalization of interactions, trade, and work. Closely related to diversity is the concept of cultural competency. It is the process where people coexist peacefully with systems and other people of different nations, race, ethnicity, religion, genders, and sexual orientation. The process should affirm and appreciate the importance of individuals as well as protecting and conserving the dignity of humanity. The paper will discuss the design of a suitable cultural competency strategy for all levels of employees of a culturally incompetent company based on the article. 

In the modern society, it is uncommon to find an organization that employs people with same ethnic backgrounds. As stated by the “business case of diversity” having diverse cultures in an organization is a pathway to realizing success (King, 2015). However, according to social science indications, diversity present with it challenges and opportunities to human resource managers and effective strategies should be employed to minimise conflicts. 

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The initial step in understanding the challenges that arise from people with varied cultural backgrounds involves familiarizing with the social identity theory. It states that people tend to identify with the social groups and norms that satisfy them, and are biased to those that displease them. Hence, having cultural incompetency can lead to negative outcomes that slow down organizational success. However, as a human resource manager it is possible to dissolve these negativities and promote positive interpersonal transformations. 

Firstly, the human resource sections should ensure that they advocate for valuing diversity. The concept means accepting and respecting the differences among individuals. Some of the ways that can be employed by institutions to enhance the concept include diversity training and advocacy. The training should focus on multiple groups rather than individuals, numerous learning techniques can be utilized such as organizing team buildings and comprehensive interactions. Also, the training should include cultural awareness and behaviour modifications as well as incorporating different strategic initiatives to strengthen relationships. 

Secondly, the organization can conduct periodical cultural self-assessment for all the levels of employees. According to social and behavioural psychologists, human actions are motivated by specific actions. In relation to this context, an HR manager can decide to evaluate the actions of the employees and their motivators towards being discriminatory towards each other. As a way of minimizing social and cultural discrimination, employees can be subjected to continuous self-evaluations on the reasons for their actions. Not only will this approach be educative to the organization, but it will also give them insight on the importance of embracing cultural diversity. 

The third approach that can be used on such an organization includes establishing strategies for comprehending the dynamics of difference. Usually, several factors influence the cross-cultural communications. In an organization, the interaction between a manager and a manager is different from that of a manager to an employee. For instance, if the top managers are from a dominant culture and majority of the employees from an oppressed culture, the latter may develop mistrust even though the managers may be unaware. All the levels of employees should adapt to being proactive to changes rather than being reactive to create a synergistic institution. In such a situation, the role of the managers includes being aware of personal blind spots to bias, criticizing assumption, and becoming role models to inclusion (Pronin et al, 2002). In simpler terms, managers should share in the problems the employees might be facing. As stated by cognitive psychologists, stereotypes more often influence behaviour when individuals are faced by demanding roles, a frequent characteristic for managers (Sackett, 2003). Therefore, managers can deal with this problem by acknowledging it, validating the consequences, and reflecting on the motivators that caused the behaviour. On the other hand, employees can provide support by listening and deal with bias through intervention. In any psychosocial support, listening and reflecting is an important aspect. Employees should device ways to enhance internal support systems such as confronting bias. The strategy is a good way to understand the different cultural diversity and support for those feeling less privileged.

The last strategy that can be employed by an HR official is through institutionalizing cultural knowledge via adapting to diversity. Every aspect of the organization requires the integration of cultural expertise. The skills and techniques gained in training should be responsive and effective in enhancing cultural diversity. The values, missions, and visions of the institution should have a positive reflection on the impression of all cultures. Through this plan, managers and employees will feel represented and respected in every aspect of their individual diversity. 

In conclusion, cultural competency is beneficial to the growth and productivity of an organization. It increases respect and mutual understanding among different employees as well as enhancing creativity in coming up with solutions. The uniqueness of individuals breed innovativeness and this is an advantage to companies especially with the current state of globalization. All employees no matter their levels in an organization should be included in issues of diversity just like the Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 advocates. The existence of an excellent diversity management is the key to enhancing multicultural competency. 


King, E., University, G. M., & Gilrane, V. (2015). Social Science Strategies for Managing Diversity: Industrial and Organizational Opportunities to Enhance Inclusion.

Pronin, E., Lin, D. Y., & Ross, L. (2002). The Bias Blind Spot: Perceptions of Bias in Self versus Others. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 28 (3), 369.

Sackett, P. R. (2003). Stereotype threat in applied selection settings: A commentary. Human Performance , 16 (3,) 295 – 309.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Social Strategies for Managing Diversity.


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