29 Sep 2022


Reflection in Action: How to Reflect on Your Day for a More Productive Tomorrow

Format: APA

Academic level: University

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 617

Pages: 2

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How the content and assignments met the course objectives 

The content and assignments met the course objectives to the extent that they expounded on how technological innovations can be very significant to the health sector, particularly in nursing field. The knowledge on telehealth applications are progressively significant in equipping me as a health professional (Kaya, Turan, & Aydin, 2015). The contents range from telelearning, teleconsultation, telementoring, telecommunication and many more that are delivered with a similar quality of curriculum of traditional classroom environments. The content and assignments, particularly as it relates to telehealth applications, are critical at Masters’ level where biomedical research is performed. 

Even with the present dynamism in the globe today, it is even appropriate to embrace technological innovations in the field of medicine. The course objectives focus on application and integration of technological development in the nursing field. Translating these technologies in the nursing arena will enhance creativity and effectiveness (Monteiro, 2016). For instance, software frameworks are helpful in communicating patient information from one doctor to the next or the patients themselves accordingly. Therefore, the content and assignments provided a better platform to understand the incorporation and application of the technological innovations in medical procedures (Fan et al., 2017) . The contents, fulfilling the course objectives ultimately enhances utilization and user experiences of technology. 

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Examples of actual or potential applications of course concepts 

Several emerging technologies exist, which can essentially shift the practice of nursing to the positive side presently. Potential applications include the unveiling of noninvasive tools and technologies that give room for more accuracy in diagnosis and treatment of conditions (Fan et al., 2017) . For instance, the use of X-ray imaging to do body scans that allow nurses to diagnose accurately the affected areas of the body. As a result, there is less chances for patient risks and costs (De Vries, Bekkers, & Tummers, 2016). Another application is the use of computerized physician order (CPO) and clinical decision support in the healthcare. These applications facilitate the transfer of information from one medium (health care practitioner) to the next (fellow practitioner or patient). These also reduce the level of medical errors. 

Many medical interventions that are practiced today are founded on evidence and best practices. Of course, evidence and best practices are functions of technological applications. C omponents of driving change that influence health policy can be spearheaded using technology (De Vries, Bekkers, & Tummers, 2016) . Workable and effective health policy initiatives are as a result of comprehensive research that can only be done through experiments and applications of advanced technologies in the nursing field (Monteiro, 2016). Some vaccines and prevention tools are developed using these technologies. 

Successes or challenges experienced in terms of the course content 

The successes of the course content (that advocates for technological application) are much. Application of health policy in evidence-based practice and research is an area that has benefited greatly from technological application. The researchers have broadened their knowledge in determining new findings from diagnosis, treatment, and more advanced technologies that profit the nursing field. This is fundamental particularly at a time when more diseases and conditions have invaded humanity because of poor lifestyles that are exhibited lately (Monteiro, 2016). Another success is in the area of precision or accuracy in diagnosis and medication. Nurses do not guess the conditions of patient anymore. They are able to locate the symptoms, determine the accurate condition of a patient, and address it accordingly by giving proper medication. As such, medical errors and losses are avoided in the medical field. 

One of the challenges experienced that also reflects the problem being experienced in the nursing field today is the difficulty of applying the technological innovations in the nursing field. This is a challenge in that practitioners that do lack skills to operate these technologies would rather stick to the traditional practice of diagnosis and treatment (Kaya, Turan, & Aydin, 2015). In addition, there are numerous reactions in terms of the need to gain the skills required for incorporating these technologies in the healthcare system. 


De Vries, H., Bekkers, V., & Tummers, L. (2016). Innovation in the public sector: A systematic review and future research agenda .  Public administration ,  94 (1), 146-166. 

Fan, L., Liu, X., Wang, B., & Wang, L. (2017). Interactivity, engagement, and technology dependence: understanding users’ technology utilisation behaviour .  Behaviour & Information Technology ,  36 (2), 113-124. 

Kaya, N., Turan, N., & Aydın, G. Ö. (2015). A concept analysis of innovation in nursing.  Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 195 , 1674-1678. 

Monteiro, A. P. T. D. A. V. (2016). Cyborgs, biotechnologies, and informatics in health care– new paradigms in nursing sciences.  Nursing philosophy 17 (1), 19-27. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Reflection in Action: How to Reflect on Your Day for a More Productive Tomorrow.


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