20 Jun 2022


Rehabilitation Centers and Home Healthcare

Format: APA

Academic level: University

Paper type: Coursework

Words: 333

Pages: 1

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The needs of Jean are diverse based on the information provided in the case study. She is an 87-year-old woman whose stroke has immobilized; hence she needs assistance eating, moving from her bed to her wheelchair and back. She also needs assistance with every other activity in her daily life that requires mobility. These activities entail moving from place to place with her wheelchair and access relevant and necessary physical facilities. In a rehabilitation center, Jean will be required to attend physical therapy from time to time and require mobility ( Baatiema et al., 2017) . Nurses and other attendants will be helpful in these circumstances. Motor skill exercise is offered in these facilities, and Jean will be required to increase her mobility chances. Other types of help accessible to jean include constraint-induced therapy and motion therapy. The rehabilitation center was selected as they have enough resources and personnel to support the recovery of stroke patients (Cicerone et al., 2019)

In-home healthcare, evidence-based practices will include emotional support for the client from her family, including three of her children or any other friends or family. Home healthcare was selected due to diverse advantages such as comfort and familiarity during the recovery process and the support of friends and family (Cicerone et al., 2019) . She will also require mobility assistance due to the paralysis that affects her movement. Meal preparation and proper nutrition will also be necessary assistance at home-based care. Jean will not be able to take care of her immediate needs, including dressing and hygiene; hence, additional assistance will be necessary in this case (Cahill et al., 2020) . Running errands and driving Jean around will also be incorporated into her home healthcare to help minimize her strain in her daily activities. Psychological help will also be necessary due to the current PTSD attributed to her rape case over two years ago. As an older woman with mobility issues, her psychological health will deteriorate relatively quickly hence the need for intervention. 

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Baatiema, L., Otim, M. E., Mnatzaganian, G., Aikins, A. D. G., Coombes, J., & Somerset, S. (2017). Health professionals’ views on the barriers and enablers to evidence-based practice for acute stroke care: a systematic review.  Implementation Science 12 (1), 1-15. 

Cahill, L. S., Carey, L. M., Lannin, N. A., Turville, M., Neilson, C. L., Lynch, E. A., ... & O'Connor, D. (2020). Implementation interventions to promote the uptake of evidence ‐ based practices in stroke rehabilitation.  Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews , (10). 

Cicerone, K. D., Goldin, Y., Ganci, K., Rosenbaum, A., Wethe, J. V., Langenbahn, D. M., ... & Harley, J. P. (2019). Evidence-based cognitive rehabilitation: systematic review of the literature from 2009 through 2014.  Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 100 (8), 1515-1533. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Rehabilitation Centers and Home Healthcare.


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