8 Nov 2022


Religious Diversity: What You Need to Know

Format: APA

Academic level: University

Paper type: Annotated Bibliography

Words: 1386

Pages: 5

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Religious diversity refers to the different beliefs and practices in religion (Fourie eta l., 2015). As a result, religious diversity is part of many societies in the modern era as witnessed in the world today. There are a number of frameworks which are used and include; political frameworks, social frameworks, and economic frameworks which guide the interaction and the co-existence of different religions. The fact that there is religious diversity brings to light the reality that there are many religions (Fourie eta l., 2015). All these religions are trying to co-exist despite their differences and similarities. Hence, religious diversity comes up when the many beliefs and practices from different religions are trying to co-exist in whichever context (be it political, social, or economic). Analyzing religious diversity brings to light the fact that there are many constructs through which different religions interact and despite their different beliefs and practices, they find a way to co-exist and define a given society. There are many factors that come into play when it comes to an understanding cultural diversity which this paper seeks to address. Moreover, there are also developmental theories that relate to cultural diversity as well as law/programs that define the existence of cultural diversity. All the same, the paper seeks to address as many perspectives on cultural diversity as possible all with the aim of generating more understanding of cultural diversity and what it entails. All the same, analysis of religious diversity brings into light the fact that there are many constructs through which different religions interact and despite their different beliefs and practices, they find a way to co-exist and define a given society. 

Pertinent factors on cultural diversity 

Pertinent factors refer historical factors, political factors, social factors, economic factors and cultural factors that affect religious diversity (Gebert et al., 2014). All these factors might either enhance religious diversity or on the contrary hinder its prevalence and co-existence. Looking at the historical factors that define and affect religious diversity, what comes up is the fact that over the years religious practices and differences have been in contention. For instance, the United States has been subject to conflict resulting from differences in religious beliefs and practices going back to the time the Europeans invaded Native America and started limiting the religious beliefs and practices of the native tribes since their practices were different; conflict, which at times results from the juxtaposition of religions, explains the historical injustices and conflicts that have been witnessed over the years in many parts of the world including America. Therefore, historical factors bring into reality the exclusivist approaches, inclusivity approaches, as well as the pluralistic approaches that either enhance or limit religious diversity. 

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Social factors, on the other hand, also influence religious diversity. Social factors define how people interact, how people co-exist, and most importantly how people can accept the different religions in society (Gebert et al., 2014). The different religions come with different beliefs and practices. Societies that can embrace pluralism and take a more holistic approach towards these different beliefs and practices are characterized by peace and prosperity. On the contrary, those that take exclusivist approaches which are enhanced by rivalry and hatred are not prosperous as they are marred by many instances of religious discrimination as the religions that are viewed as minorities are undermined for the benefit of those that are perceived as superiors. Therefore, societal issues need to be well addressed so that religious diversity can be enhanced for the benefit of all religions and to enhance harmony which leads to progress. 

Cultural factors also play a huge role in religious diversity. Cultural factors that affect religious diversity relate to cultural factors that either enhance or limit cultural diversity (Gebert et al., 2014). Societies with diverse cultures are most likely to have diverse religions. In the case that these diverse cultures exist in harmony, then the many religious beliefs and practices are bound to exist harmoniously. Cultural diversity involves accepting the differences from many cultures while religious diversity involves accepting the co-existence of many religious beliefs from different religions. However, when cultural diversity cannot be enhanced and incorporated in a diverse society, then religious diversity is also likely to be an issue. 

Economic factors, on the other hand, are also likely to be in support of cultural diversity. The economy of any given society relies on peace and cooperation for it to grow and develop (Gebert et al., 2014). Thus, for the sake of prosperity and economic growth, religious diversity is likely to be enhanced and incorporated if anything for monetary reasons. 

Developmental theory models on religious diversity 

Looking at all the above factors mentioned critically, they analyze the three developmental theory models for religious diversity. These three developmental models are; pluralistic approaches, inclusivist theories, and lastly exclusivist theories (Giordan and Pace, 2014). Pluralistic approaches, on the one hand, explain cultural diversity from the perspective of equity and understanding. These approaches consider the different religious beliefs and practices to be equal and all religions are good. On the other hand, exclusivist theories are in support of discriminatory ideologies. For instance, exclusivist approaches argue that there is a religion that is more valuable as compared to the others. It views such a religion as superior to the others. Lastly, inclusivist theories argue in support of exclusivist approaches (Giordan and Pace, 2014). The model explains that some religions are superior to others but it does not dismiss the other religions. On the contrary, it explains that the other religions are also important, just not as valuable as the superior religious beliefs and practices. 

Interaction of religious diversity with cultural diversity and racial diversity 

Different aspects of diversity interact to have an influence on society on different levels. For instance, when religious diversity interacts with cultural diversity and racial diversity, they create a whole new spectrum that society has to adhere to (Reiss, 2015). When these three diversity aspects interact, the number of needs increase based on the new societal spectrum is formed. If one’s dress code is in contrast with his culture, they still have to ensure that they abide by the expectations that come about due to racial diversity and cultural diversity. In a diverse culture and race, one might have to change their dress code to conform to the expectations of the spectrum that results from the interaction of the three mentioned diversity aspects. In the United States, there are “community-based programs” and “blog post on the Teaching Tolerance website” which are tools which are helping to address and enhance religious diversity in different societies (Reiss, 2015). For example, a blog post on the Teaching Tolerance website is helping to address Islamophobia in the neighboring communities. Community-based programs, on the other front, seek to initiate mass education on differences in religious beliefs and practices and teach the public about the need to enhance religious diversity. 

Annotated Bibliography 

Fourie, J., Rosselló, J., & Santana‐Gallego, M. (2015). Religion, religious diversity and tourism. Kyklos , 68 (1), 51-64. 

Fourie et al., (2015) offer insight on religious diversity in the United States and the role that religious diversity plays in enhancing tourism. I plan to use their article as it offers a different perspective on the issue of religious diversity as they address the role that religion plays when it comes to enhancing tourism.The authors of the article make the finding that religious affiliations play a huge role when it comes to enhancing tourism in that internationaltourists are drawn to destinations and countries which has embraced religious diversity and the many religious differenceco-exist in peace. Moreover, their article will be useful as it will offera different perspective explaining why religious diversity should be incorporated and its relationship to the economic statues of the country. 

Gebert, D., Boerner, S., Kearney, E., King Jr, J. E., Zhang, K., & Song, L. J. (2014). Expressing religious identities in the workplace: Analyzing a neglected diversity dimension. human relations , 67 (5), 543-563. 

Gebert et al., (2014) address religious diversity by paying attention to the workplace. Therefore, their article is useful in that it will offer the report with a different perspective by giving a practical consideration of the influence of religious diversity on people. One of the findings in their article is that a diverse workplace, which are many, should advocate and enhancereligious diversity. 

Giordan, G., & Pace, E. (2014). Religious Pluralism. Framing Religious Diversity in the Contemporary World, Brill, Leiden-Boston

Giordan and Pace (2014), also offer insight on religion diver sty by focusing on religious pluralism. According to their article, religious pluralism is one of the models that define adiverse religion meaning thattheir works will be useful in addressing the different models and theories that constitutereligious diversity. They make the finding that religion pluralism enhances co-existence of different religions which eventually leads to growth and prosperity. 

Reiss, M. J. (2015). Religious and cultural diversity and inclusive practice. Teaching and Learning in Diverse and Inclusive Classrooms: Key Issues for New Teachers , 111. 

Reiss (2015), on his part, also offers vital information pertaining to religious and cultural diversity. His submissions in the article is very important as it shows the relationship between religious diversity and cultural diversity. Thus, the findings that are made by the article will be useful as it will help in analyzing how different aspects of diversity relate to one another. One of the findings that is made by the article is that religious diversity should take an inclusivity approach to enhance learning in diverse classrooms. 


Fourie, J., Rosselló, J., & Santana‐Gallego, M. (2015). Religion, religious diversity and tourism. Kyklos , 68 (1), 51-64. 

Gebert, D., Boerner, S., Kearney, E., King Jr, J. E., Zhang, K., & Song, L. J. (2014). Expressing religious identities in the workplace: Analyzing a neglected diversity dimension. human relations , 67 (5), 543-563. 

Giordan, G., & Pace, E. (2014). Religious Pluralism. Framing Religious Diversity in the Contemporary World, Brill, Leiden-Boston

Reiss, M. J. (2015). Religious and cultural diversity and inclusive practice. Teaching and Learning in Diverse and Inclusive Classrooms: Key Issues for New Teachers , 111. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Religious Diversity: What You Need to Know.


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