28 Apr 2022


Research and Negotiation for Conflict Resolution

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Academic level: College

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Words: 567

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Employees often face conflict when aligning personal goals with organizational goals. This is the case portrayed in Jessica Morrison case. She wants a salary increase but her employers are offering less than what she deserves in her capacity as associate editor. Therefore, she must find a way to attain her goal without compromising the relationship with her direct supervisor and the organization as well. Fulfilling this task requires a systematic approach to research and negotiation. Through proper research and negotiation, Jessica Morrison can easily present her case to the supervisor and address her concerns without any hesitation. This response is a look at the steps that will make her discussion with the supervisor successful.

As mentioned, the first step is research. Jessica must collect information on what a professional in her position typically earns. The internet is a well-informed tool that will assist with this task. Also, she requires information on the company status to determine whether her request for better pay is realistic. Looking through the annual company results and consulting with her colleagues will help her gather relevant data to answer this question. Notably, she must gather information on the factors that appeal to her supervisor ( Fells, 2016) . Jessica should observe her supervisor and take note of what appeals to them so that she can make her work stand out. Standing out makes her more likely to get a pay increase.

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After conducting proper research, Jessica must be prepared to negotiate with her supervisor. This step is an approach that requires adequate skill. Typically, it is defined as the exchange of ideas between two parties with the intent of reaching an agreement or compromise. The success of this step greatly depends on certain factors such as the environment, effective communication and proper understanding of each party’s intentions. Therefore, Jessica must ensure she approaches her supervisor at the right time and be clear about her intentions to get a salary increase.

Personally, I would advise Jessica to start her negotiations at a higher salary point that she wants. Most of the time, the supervisor will cut down to a lower value than what is asked. For example, if she wants a $50,000 per year, she should start at $60,000 per year which creates ample room for negotiation. Additionally, Jessica should stay away from insisting she deserves a higher salary because of the years she has worked for the company. Instead, she should emphasize what she can do for the company. This approach will emphasize her relevance for the future of the company. With this focused approach, Jessica puts herself in the position to demand a new job title and a salary increase.

From the meeting with the immediate supervisor, I expect that Jessica will get a salary increase and a better job title if she does her research and takes the suggested approach to negotiations. At the very least, she will have a candid conversation with her supervisor that will help him/her understand her personal ambitions ( Surdu, & Potecea, 2015) . This understanding is especially important since her supervisor will find new ways to motivate her in the work environment. For Jessica, the meeting will provide a sense of fulfillment and appreciations for a work environment where her views and ambitions are important.

In conclusion, proper research and negotiation are important in confronting Jessica’s personal conflict. Though these steps seem simple, she must approach them tactfully. Notably, such negotiations should be done privately and recorded on paper, email or other forms of official communication for future reference. Many times, people are denied what they deserve within the work environment because they are afraid to ask. Consequently, Jessica should confidently and strategically ask for the salary and job title that she wants.


Surdu, G., & Potecea, V. (2015). The specific of entrepreneurial negotiations:  Romanian Economic and Business Review 10 (4), 64.

Fells, R. (2016).  Effective negotiation: From research to results : Cambridge University Press.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Research and Negotiation for Conflict Resolution.


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