24 Jun 2022


How to Write a Research Description and Ethics Statement

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Academic level: University

Paper type: Research Paper

Words: 1451

Pages: 5

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Confined in a huge structural architecture are gatherings of hundreds of earthlings, although this happens occasionally. The structural elements give the architecture a distinguished appearance. The classical architecture presents an aesthetic outlook through the form and the rich designed employed for the structure. Maybe the structure bears a special meaning to the earthlings. The size is approximately 7,600 square feet. The architectural structure bear decorations both inside and outside. The stained-glass windows aesthetically fixed on the walls give the structure a classical look. The inside of the architecture has a completely different look. Decorations are everywhere with different statues at different locations of the building. At the far front stands a big statue, which the earthlings bow and harmonize towards it. A nave stretches all the way from the door to the far front. People are sited both on the left and the right. They seem to be waiting for a certain activity in common. 

The atmosphere is very cool with sweet music flowing everywhere in the atmosphere. At the front-left sits a band who seems to be assigned the musical parts of the church. In attendance are other people who are quietly sited. Suddenly, everyone stands and the music stops. A team walks through the nave to the far front. That must be the altar and the sanctuary. After taking their respective position, the music resumes. The choir leads while the congregation refrains. The leading team at the altar lead the congregation with different hymns where they sit and stand frequently responding in chorus towards the words spoken by the leader at the altar. According to this setting, the congregation is worshipping since this is their Sabbath day. This follows a period of plain chants after which the choir joins them with periods of chorus chants. The congregation seems to be offering gratitude to a supreme being through a common faith and belief. 

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The setting has a unique atmosphere all the way from lighting, the scent, and the sounds. The large stained-glass windows fixed on the walls of the building allow blurred rays of the sunlight to light up the room. In addition, decorated and creatively designed bulbs supplements the sunlight. The atmosphere is full of good smell coming from the altar. The leaders are burning frankincense which suggests that they are making a sacrificial offering to some spirits or a supernatural being. The congregation is quietly sited, uniformly refraining to the choruses led by the band and hymns led by the leaders. Moreover, the spacious atmosphere under this architecture creates a serene environment that is aesthetically decorated with different lights, statues, designs, and forms reflecting from the outside designs. The sounds filling the atmosphere are a mixture of choruses led by the band, sounds from musical instruments that simultaneously flow making sweet melodies. Frequently, I can hear the sounds of the congregation refraining the choruses led by the band and responding to the hymns led by the leaders. There are some silent intervals at which everyone seems to be meditating. After several instances of repeated activities, the leaders follow their way out and the congregation follows them. 

The interaction between the members of the congregation, the band, and the leaders is minimal when assembling in the meeting. Everyone is silent following a systematic process in the venue. However, when the leaders are done, the choir follows them and now it’s time to vacate the room. Outside the great architecture, I meet the congregation who take different actions. Some are headed directly to the outlet, while others form some groups and get into discussions. The nature of conversations made suggests that the individuals in the groups are happy and familiar with each other. Moreover, some interact with the members of the bands who are distinguishable by the white robes and purple cardigan falling down their shoulders. They might be sharing the experience from the meeting they had with the congregation. They seem friendly and interactive as well. A group of children joins the groups from one of the rooms on my far right. They are quite a big number that suggests that they had a similar meeting as illustrated earlier. Joining the group, both the children and groups that were standing out of the building head to the main outlet and disappear. 

The band had a unique character in the meeting. First, through their uniformity dressed in a white cassock and purple collar extending down the shoulder line raises a distinct perception towards them. The musical role they play in the meeting is very organized. They lead choruses while the audience choruses together with them. Moreover, they play musical instruments that generate a sweet rhythm which fits the choruses sung by the audience. Through leading choruses and playing music, the band tends to maintain a great attitude among the audience. Before the leaders get into the venue, the band plays the music that creates a conducive worship environment. This is motivated by the nature of the music played hence creating a unique perception on the audience relating to the current state in the venue. The melody creates a distinguished feeling about the place since when the music is playing, everyone tends to be cooperative through different intervals. After the meeting, the interaction of the band with the audience impacts a great feeling with the audience observed from the nature of the interaction between them. 

After numerous intervals of choruses, listening hymns and observing different activities by the leaders at the far front, that is, the altar, the audience stands and makes a common prayer led by the leaders. Afterward, the leaders leave the altar, followed by the band and later the members of the audience leave the venue at their own pleasure. The event ends immediately after leaving the venue. The event is brought into a conclusion since the service is over. The audience had gathered to worship, offer sacrifice and thanksgiving. After accomplishing it through the guidance of their leader, they comfortably leave the venue. In addition, there seem to be no more activities taking place after the main event is over. 

The venue of this event is a Roman Catholic church, St Mary’s Cathedral in San Francisco. The layout of the sanctuary and the church at large makes worship easier and effective. The coordination of the audience with the respective authorities in the venue makes the activity one of a kind. As an attendant, I have been occupying the back seat as one of the audiences hence I could have a clear picture of the sanctuary and the activities taking place in the church. The described observations have been made in the midmorning up to noontime since it is the time for the event. In order to make better and reasonable sense of the event, I need to be more familiar with such settings and get more data especially relating to church events so as to fit the requirements on church-based environments. 

Research Ethics 

Research ethics refers to norms of conduct that govern the approaches employed when carrying out research involving a researcher on data relating to humans, the design of the research, management and how the research is conducted ( Israel & Hay, 2010 ). 


Research ethics stimulate the aims of the research, which include knowledge and truth acquisition and more importantly aids in the avoidance of errors ( Israel & Hay, 2010 ). Secondly, research ethics set policies that facilitate cooperation and coordination among the researchers and the variety of individuals involved in the research hence promoting values necessary for a collaborative environment in the research field. 

In addition, research ethics help to ensure that any researcher is held responsible to the public. For instance, in cases involving conflicts and research misconduct, the researcher is held accountable. Lastly, research ethics aid in building public support for research since people tend to trust the integrity and quality of the research if it is at per with the research ethics ( Israel & Hay, 2010 ). 

Informed Consent? 

Informed consent refers to a deliberate agreement by a participant and the researcher to participate in research after having an understanding of the research and its possible risks. 

Confidentiality and its Importance 

Confidentiality refers to the protection of personal information through limiting access or placing restriction of such information among the respective members ( Israel & Hay, 2010 ). Confidentiality is important since it helps build and maintain trust among the respective members. It facilitates the free flow of information between the researcher and the participants and enhances problem-solving capabilities. 

Potential Problems with Undercover Research 

Undercover research can lead to physical or mental harm on the researcher since he/she has to lie in order to access the necessary data or even to invade the privacy ( Miller, Hengst & Wang, 2013 ). The researcher can be mistaken from other invaders who might have evil missions hence be at risk. The participants might not give the necessary information following trust issues. 


Ethnography refers to a scientific depiction of people and their cultures through describing their habits, customs, and existing mutual differences. 

When Ethnographic Methods are Appropriate 

According to Gobo & Marciniak (2011), this method is appropriate when the researcher requires source data from participants through defining their real-life environment. It is appropriate for evaluating existing and complex designs. 

Ethics of Conducting Ethnography 

First, maintaining confidentiality and obscurity. Enhancing flexibility and adaptability. Monitoring safety. Cautious record-keeping and enhancing competency. 

Rules for Keeping Notes in the Field 

Be accurate . Write down brief notes on events happening in the field during the day immediately after the events. 

Be organized. Take precise and accurate notes, which follows the proper planning of observation documentation. 

Be descriptive. Ensure you incorporate descriptive words to present the observations. 

Always focus on the research problem. 

Record thoughts and insights relating to the observations made. 


Israel, M., & Hay, I. (2010).  Research ethics for social scientists . Sage. 

Gobo, G., & Marciniak, L. T. (2011). Ethnography.  Qualitative research 3 (1), 15-36. 

Miller, P. J., Hengst, J. A., & Wang, S. H. (2013). Ethnographic methods: Applications from developmental cultural psychology. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). How to Write a Research Description and Ethics Statement.


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