2 Jun 2022


Research Proposal on Industrial Hygiene

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Coursework

Words: 2631

Pages: 9

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Constructivist Worldview 

After a close analysis of a variety of problems that the study may reflect upon, the selected problem for the study was Industrial Hygiene, which focuses on a wide variety of aspects to issues and challenges occurring within industries. Evaluating these health issues will help understand the concept of industrial hygiene, as it relates to creating a safe work place environment for workers while in their respective workplace environments. The research proposal will provide an evaluate background of the problem, industrial hygiene and controlling health issues, by evaluating issues that industries encounter in their bid to ensuring that they create a safe working environment for their workers. Some of the key areas that the research study will seek to evaluate include exposure to chemical and physical hazards including noise and temperature. The main area of focus for the study is trying to determine the overall possibility associated with delivery of an effective platform from which to determine whether employees face risks in their workplace environments.

The Transformative Worldview 

On the other hand, the research study will reflect on ergonomic hazards occurring within the workplace environment, which remain as one of the common issues affecting workers. One of the key areas that the study will focus on is fatigue and exhaustion among individual workers, which exposes them to a wide array of risks to injuries when working with mechanical equipment. One of the key challenges that industries encounter in their approach to promoting safety revolves around increased cases of injuries associated with their workers, which exposes the industries to increased risks of litigation. The study will seek to provide an analysis of the problem as it relates to exposure for the company focusing on the idea that workers, experiencing fatigue in their workplace environment, face increases risks of injuries. Consequently, the research study will seek to provide recommendations on how to deal with such issues and reducing problems associated with industrial hygiene. The main idea is trying to establish the overall possibility of dealing with these hazards as part of ensuring that workers are within a safe environment that guarantees effectiveness in their capacities to deliver.

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Research Design 

The study will be a qualitative study focusing on embarking on an in-depth analysis and assessment of some of the controlling health issues occurring with an industrial setting. The research design that the study will utilize as part of delivering positive results is the narrative research focusing more on the idea that this type of research will help in evaluating some of the key aspects associated with the topic. The main reason to why embarking on a qualitative study would be most appropriate for this research is due to the fact that this study seeks to come up with viable conclusions and recommendations on approaches that industrial managers ought to take in their approach to promoting hygiene. Narrative research will involve an in-depth analysis of literature focusing on the topic, as this would be of value in supporting specific outcomes with regard to the study expectations. On the other hand, narrative research will involve analysis of different scenarios that seek to support the expected position within this particular research study.

Research Method 

Regarding the research method, one of the key aspects to note is that the study will incorporate the idea of using several types of data collection procedures. However, the data collection process will focus on a specific outcome with regard to the research study expectations as part of its approach in building positivity focusing on the outcomes. The research study methods that the study will incorporate include interview, observation, and document data. In interview data, the focus for the researcher will be conducting interviews focused on collecting information from the relevant parties including industrial workers. In observation, the researcher will be involved in observation as part of making logical conclusions in the study. Document data would be incorporated as part of the literature review within the study.

Literature Map and Review of the Research Study 

Basically, the literature that would be utilized as part of this research study will focus on the topic of industrial hygiene specifically focusing on the impacts associated with poor hygiene on the workplace environments for industrial workers. The research will embark on a process focusing on collection of relevant research materials including information from journals and other sources. The information collected will help in building a prospective literature review for the study, as this would evaluate views from other researchers with regard to this topical area of focus. The following is a literature map for this particular research study:

Theoretical Perspective 

The theoretical perspective that the research study will utilize is the critical theory with an intention of evaluating the topic from multiple perspectives as part of the research process. One of the key aspects to note is this problem can be viewed from multiple perspectives, as it presents several key approaches towards defining the depth of the problem, as well as, supporting viable conclusions. The study will reflect on the position that risks arise from the fact that industry managers do not take up their role in ensuring that they create or project positive industrial hygiene. That means that using the critical theory may help in defining how poor hygiene affects performance, as well as, establishing positive strategies to support improved hygiene.

Understanding the Variables of this Research Study 

The variables that this research study will take into consideration as part of the study are controlling health issues, industrial hygiene, and workplace safety for the individual employees operating within a given workplace environment. The analysis of the variables will be important, in this section, as it seeks to provide readers with an objective platform from which to establish some of the key aspects that determine the outcomes of the study. From the introduction section, it is evident that this study focuses more on understanding problems associated with controlling health issues, which expose industries to high risks of poor industrial hygiene. Ultimately, this exposes workers to a wide array of challenges that would impact on overall capacity to project efficiency in maintaining a safe working environment.

Using the causal model design, considering that this study is qualitative, it would essential to establish how each of the variables connects to the study, as this would be of value towards establishing a clear connection between recurrent issues and industrial hygiene. One of the key relationship that the study will seek to establish is on the idea that lack of effective approaches in controlling health issues may expose industry workers to high risks. That means that in the event that industrial managers fail with regard to their approach towards maintaining efficiency in industrial hygiene, the higher the risks for their employees.

On the other hand, the study will reflect on specific outcomes in the event that industrial managers reflect on the idea that it would be essential for them to build on promoting industrial hygiene as part of enhanced employee safety. For majority of the industrial managers, workers’ safety remains as one of the key areas of concern that seeks to build on capacity to achieve set out goals and objectives. However, it is equally important to consider the fact that the industrial managers have an important role in ensuring that they create safety standards within their respective workplace environments. In the long-term, this would be of value in building confidence among employees, as the managers will work towards ensuring that they provide them with a safe working environment.

Evaluate the Qualitative Research Methods for the Study 

The qualitative research method that this research study will incorporate as part of the study process is action research focusing on engaging in different aspects of research as part of the data collection method. The main idea of engaging in action research revolves around the fact that this particular study focuses on providing viable recommendations that would be applicable from an industry perspective. The researcher recognizes the fact that industrial hygiene remains as a key challenge for majority of industries around the world, as they find it challenging in their approach towards ensuring that they create that prospective environment for improved safety standards. Thus, this means that the researcher would need to embark on a study that would not only elevate the levels of understanding on the strategies that industry managers may adopt but would also need to evaluate some of the key approaches to these strategies. That highlights the viability of using action research as the main qualitative research method for this particular research study.

The study will also embark on an in-depth evaluation of the expected outcomes expected in the event that the industry managers adopt the necessary strategies that would help build on improved industrial hygiene. From this perspective, the research study will seek to evaluate how each of the study is expected to impact on overall performance outcomes in ensuring that workers achieve positive industrial hygiene. The key aspect of focus for the researcher is building on capacity for industries to project themselves as part of their intended approaches towards creating a safe work place environment. However, this would only be possible in the event that industry managers understand effective approaches that they would adopt as part of their analysis of the problems.

On the other hand, it is important to highlight anticipated ethical challenges that may occur in the process of this research, as this would help in reducing some of the limitations, as well as, improving on reliability of the study. The anticipated ethical dilemma focuses more on the idea that one of the researchers involved in the study may make the decision to incorporate information or sentences from other sources without due provision of references. That means that the member of the research team may make the decision to use information from another author without giving due credit to the author, as per expectations in any given research. That is an area referred to as plagiarism, which may affect the general outcome of the study considering that the ideas presented on the research study final report would not relate to the expectations of the study.

As part of an analysis of the study, the researcher anticipates this particular challenge and believes that it has a very possibility of occurring during the course of research thereby impacting on the final report of the study presented. However, in dealing with this issue, the researcher expects to provide each of the researchers involved in this particular research process with a comprehensive training program on the research process. The researcher believes that engagement in acts of plagiarism result from a situation where some of the research team members tend to ignore what is expected of them in achieve successful outcomes. In that view, the researcher believes that by providing the research team members with information on the impacts of plagiarism may help in ensuring that each of the team members works with due diligence to eliminate such practices.

Creating an Introduction and Its Analysis 

Introduction to the Study 

The topic of industrial hygiene remains as one of the relevant areas of concern for industrial managers in their bid to ensuring that they provide or create a safe workplace environment for their workers. Poor industrial hygiene means that industry workers find themselves exposed to a wide array of risks and health hazards occurring within their respective workplace environments. One of the key risks for industry workers is exposure to chemical and physical hazards including noise and temperature, which affects their abilities to function effectively. For majority of the industrial managers, dealing with poor industrial hygiene remains as a key challenge that they face, as it affects their capacity to improve on the respective platforms for success in enhanced capacities to deliver on positive approaches to improved industrial health. The industry workers encounter major challenges in dealing with other unwarranted outcomes including cases of fatigue and insomnia, which increase the risk of exposure for the employees to injuries and other health-related issues. In some of the cases associated with poor industrial health, the main challenge revolves around the fact the industries find themselves exposed to litigation considering that the injuries occur within the workers’ workplace environments. The key area of focus for the research is evaluating key aspects revolving around industrial hygiene as it relates to the idea of project positive outcomes in promoting quality workplace environments for industry workers. The study will seek to provide a comprehensive structure of recommendations focused on the idea that this would build on the intended outcomes of improving industry hygiene.

Review of the Introduction 

From the introduction of the study, as presented above, one of the key aspects to note is that some of the sentences seek to highlight or expose the research problem or issue that the study seeks to evaluate and anticipate as part of the study process. One of the key aspects of consideration for the researcher is that presentation of the research problem or issue within the introduction section will help in providing readers with an abject platform from which to anticipate outcomes of the research study. Thus, this creates the need for the researcher to reflect more on the idea that building anticipation in the introduction section will be of value in successful completion of the study. The sentences, from the introduction, that state the research problem or issue are:

The topic of industrial hygiene remains as one of the relevant areas of concern for industrial managers in their bid to ensuring that they provide or create a safe workplace environment for their workers.

Poor industrial hygiene means that industry workers find themselves exposed to a wide array of risks and health hazards occurring within their respective workplace environments.

The industry workers encounter major challenges in dealing with other unwarranted outcomes including cases of fatigue and insomnia, which increase the risk of exposure for the employees to injuries and other health-related issues.

The key area of focus for the research is evaluating key aspects revolving around industrial hygiene as it relates to the idea of project positive outcomes in promoting quality workplace environments for industry workers.

The sentences, indicated above, reflect on the general direction of the research process, as well as, seek to create a direction for individual readers in ensuring that they maintain that positive connection to the study and its expected outcomes. Ultimately, this would help in ensuring that the study achieves effectiveness of the study in promoting its reliability and validity from the perspective of its audience.

Creating an Effective Purpose Statement 

The other key aspect to note in the presentation of this research study is the idea of having an effective purpose statement that would be of value towards ensuring that readers gain that basic understanding of the direction of the research. The purpose statement will reflect more on the general approaches that the research study will utilize as part of ensuring that readers increase their interest towards the study. On the other hand, the purpose statement is expected to create that avenue from which the researcher would be able to project the overall perspective of research as part of maintaining effectiveness in the research process based on the expected outcomes.

The following is the purpose statement of this particular research study:

The purpose of this research is to evaluate controlling health issues, occurring within industries, which seek to impact on industrial hygiene by exposing industrial workers to increased risks and hazards due to poor hygiene. The research study will also reflect on the idea that building efficiency in understanding industrial hygiene is important for the industry managers in their bid to creating a positive workplace environment. The research anticipates to provide readers with an in-depth analysis of key strategies that would be of value in ensuring that industry managers achieve success in their bid to improving quality health outcomes for their workers. 

From the purpose statement above, one of the aspects to note is that the study will focus on the topic of industrial hygiene from the perspective that poor industrial hygiene exposes industry workers to a wide array of risks and hazards. It is within the expectation for the research to come up with a comprehensive analysis of the problem as it relates to the performance outcomes of individual workers. On the other hand, it is important for the researcher to consider the fact that exposure to poor industrial hygiene creates a situation where it becomes challenging for them to anticipate any given health issues that may arise.


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Sawatzky, S. (2017). Worker Fatigue: Understanding the Risks in the Workplace. Safety Management , 45-51.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Research Proposal on Industrial Hygiene.


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