20 Jun 2022


Rights and Responsibilities of Healthcare Providers

Format: APA

Academic level: University

Paper type: Research Paper

Words: 368

Pages: 2

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Question 1 

Patients have the right to be admitted and treated, be involved in care decisions, refuse treatment at will, ask questions and be responded to, right to confidentiality, right to decent care provision, and right to having their unique needs addressed (Buka, 2016). It’s the responsibility of patients to maximize their health habits such as avoiding smoking, participating in healthcare decisions, physical exercises, and collaborating with healthcare providers in making their treatment plans workable. It is also the role of the patients to follow healthcare professions' pieces of advice or provisions accordingly. 

On the other hand, healthcare providers have the right to be respected by both supervisors and the patients, the right to file a complaint against the patients should it arise, and the right to the right to protect themselves from physical attacks (Bria & Finn 2019). It is also their responsibilities to perform their duties appropriately. 

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Patients and healthcare providers are both human beings, and this provides the reasons as to why their rights are similar. However, responsibilities differ. The healthcare providers are engaged in providing services to the patients. While the healthcare provider’s role is to provide essential services, the primary responsibility of the patients is to receive the treatment and recommendations of the healthcare providers. 

Question 2 

All healthcare providers in the United States can be held legally liable for their acts. Both hospitals and healthcare providers must give patients written information on their rights. This is to allow and assist their patients in making decisions about their health. To be fully covered, healthcare providers should obtain some liability insurance. Professional insurance offers protection against personal harm or physical damage as a consequence of a professional's services. Medical liability insurance is a form of liability insurance that covers licensed healthcare providers and physicians against liability resulting from illegal healthcare activities that result in physical harm, death, medical costs, and property damage. Healthcare providers could face legal consequences if they make medical errors. 

The course may require them to pay a large sum of money in some instances. The cost of malpractice litigation varies from case to case. Liability insurance shields doctors and other healthcare professionals from the financial ruin a lawsuit can bring to them in case of medical malpractice. Medical professional liability is classified into three types, healthcare institutions, individual, outpatient services, and clinics (Tiol Carrillo, 2017). The provision of coverage is not the responsibility of medical services. Medical professionals should take steps to defend themselves from medical malpractice litigation. 


Bria, W. F., & Finn, N. B. (2019). Healthcare 2020.  Health Informatics , 149-159.  https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-84882-355-6_11 

Tiol Carrillo, A. (2017). Medical liability insurances in dentistry.  Revista Mexicana de Ortodoncia 5 (1), e6-e9.  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rmo.2017.03.028 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 17). Rights and Responsibilities of Healthcare Providers.


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