28 Apr 2022


Session 4 Art Field Trip

Format: APA

Academic level: University

Paper type: Assignment

Words: 590

Pages: 2

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I analyzed the online art collections of the Metropolitan Museum, a home to several artifacts that date as far as 300,000 B.C to the modern works. There were multiple exhibitions and art collections at the gallery. Most of the art collections have additional information that describes the history and culture during the composition of the art. I spent some time going through various exhibitions and reading some of the descriptions. The two pieces of art that grabbed my attention were the sculpture “Adam” by Auguste Rodin and “Corridor in the Asylum” by Vincent Van Gogh.


Adam is a sculpture by Auguste Rodin created between 1880 and 1881. Rodin was highly influenced by the works of Michelangelo. Copying various forms of previous art and trying to improve on some representations showed that the period was marked by a significant improvement in sculptures. Therefore, Rodin was one of the artists that ushered in the new modern sculptures. The sculpture was created in the modernism period. Sculptors during this time emphasized the form, design, and volume over the representation of the subject. Other examples of sculpture artists in the period were Alberto Giacometti, Gaston Lachaise, and Henry Moore. The worldview expressed in the art is that of a strong influence of religion as it refers to Adam from the Bible. However, the subject and various forms of art, such as the gestures and figures, are highly influenced by Michelangelo’s art. The topic of religion could have also been influenced by Michelangelo.

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What I liked about the artwork are the improvement in the surface detail and surface treatment. The sculpture also includes greater attention to movement. I chose the art as I found it attractive due to its surface coating. The medium used to create the art was bronze. Such sculptures were made through a lost-wax technique where a model was created and then covered with beeswax and plaster. The molten bronze could then be poured into the mold and left to cool.

The art creates an experiential response by conveying inner anguish concentrated into an immobilized being. It appeals to the senses through its color and the portrayal of the male physique. The sculpture is muscular and shows physical strength. The meaning of the artwork is that it shows the physical strength of man. It also points towards the ground and reveals the earthly bonds associated with the first creation.

Figure 1


Note. Adam by Auguste Rodin. Reprinted from Adam modeled 1880 or 1881, cast 1910, 2020, M etmuseum , https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/191803 .

Corridor in the Asylum

“Corridor in the Asylum” is a painting by Vincent Van Gogh created in 1889. The artwork was created in the modernism time period. The art was different as it showed a rejection of history and had conservative values in the depiction of its subjects. Other artists in the period were Claude Monet, Auguste Renoir, Pablo Picasso, and Andy Warhol. The worldview expressed in the art is that of suffering and a difficult time. The art shows Van Gogh’s struggle with depression, indicating the difficulties in the period. What I liked about the art is in the creativity and message it portrays. It shows a solitary figure that seems not to end creation emotion from the viewer’s perspective.

The medium for the artwork is an oil color and an essence over black chalk placed on pink laid paper. Such art can be put together by using oil to draw over the paper. The art appeals to the senses by creating an experience of confinement that does not end. The repetitions and symmetry in the color and shape create a feeling of monotony and a boring routine. The meaning of the artwork is that it portrays the isolation and loneliness of being trapped. It reflects the time, place, and feeling that people can have when suffering from mental illness.

Figure 2

Corridor in the Asylum

Note. Corridor in the Asylum by Vincent Van Gogh. Reprinted from Corridor in the Asylum - September 1889, 2020, Metmuseum. https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/336327


Adam. - modeled 1880 or 1881, cast 1910 (2020). Metmuseum . https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/191803

Corridor in the Asylum - September 1889. (2020). Metmuseum. https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/336327

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 17). Session 4 Art Field Trip.


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