19 Dec 2022


Setting Targets for Your Organization's Purpose

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Coursework

Words: 295

Pages: 1

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Setting targets helps an organization or individual achieve goals. Purpose-seeking organizations believe that targets skew behavior and limit people to work within a stipulated scope. This may be true, but not setting targets has a lot more adverse effects. Challenges that would face such an organization are numerous. One is performance measurement; It is very difficult to measure whether or not one is achieving anything when there are no goals. Every organization needs to know whether or not it is performing well. Another challenge is when an organization is serious about its purpose; it tends to be open about its operations. This usually means an organization will have to publicly state what it believes in. This will shine a spotlight on its suppliers; they will be scrutinized to check if they work in line with the organization's beliefs. Additionally, some consumers may get put off by an activist stance. These are just a few of the many challenges. 

A psychological contract is a set of unwritten expectations of the employment relationship. This contract is important because it helps ensure a continued, harmonious relationship between the employer and employee. This contract has not been an issue in the past but in times of Covid, it is changing in response to the environment. A lot of businesses have become unstable; this makes it difficult for employers to promise job stability. Jobs are no longer predictable and continuity is not guaranteed, this calls for individuals to be flexible, adaptable, and fast at responding to changes. There is no longer a promise of promotion through the hierarchy; employees must be ready to only develop their careers laterally. There will be a lot of expectations from organizations and not much tolerance for those who are unable to keep up (Armstrong, 2006). Employees must be ready and expectant of anything in such times. 

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Armstrong, M. (2006) A Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice (10th ed., pp. 231). Kogan Page Publishing, London. 

Laloux, F., & Wilber, K. (2014). Reinventing organizations: A guide to creating organizations inspired by the next stage in human consciousness. Pp. 212-216. Nelson Parker 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Setting Targets for Your Organization's Purpose.


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