6 Jun 2022


Should Marijuana Be Used for Recreational Use?

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Research Paper

Words: 1225

Pages: 5

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Currently, many states in the USA have legalized smoking of marijuana in small quantities for the recreational purposes ( Pap & Homolya, 2017). Recent polls show that most Americans are favoring the marijuana legalization, and it is a matter of time before the practice is rolled out in other states (Jonathan, 2012). There are no enough evidence to prove that occasional use of the drug could result into health problems, but researchers are aware that long-term smoking can lead to lasting effects like dependence on the users. The substance is commonly used by adolescents and young adults. Thus, the legalization of marijuana in the United States of America could enable the adolescents, and young adults access the drug more easily, and this is a rising concern for the pediatric health in the states. This research will show detailed information on whether marijuana use is safe or the substance should be prohibited as per the current federal laws of the United States. The paper also contains strong arguments for both sides and an analysis of the supporting evidence seen in each case. 

Arguments for Proponents that Marijuana Should be used for Recreational purposes. 

Premise 1: S ubstances such as tobacco and alcohol, cannabis has fewer effects, and these drugs have been legalized in the states (Gillian LSchauer, 2016). 

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Premise 2: Marijuana legalization could result in a decrease in the use by adolescents and young adults. 

Premise 3: Besides, the use of the substance occasionally is one way of bonding with friends due to the ability of marijuana to loosen inhibitions enabling the free exchange of ideas and other benefits among peers (Hill, 2015). 

Premise 4: Several kinds of research conducted on the effects of marijuana shows that cannabis use tends to unlock the creativity of the users (Bello, 2007). 

Premise 5: Furthermore, the use of marijuana can temporarily make the users forget 

negativity and enable them to see life in a positive dimension and making them more energetic and happier. 

Premise 6: Pooling data from recent studies on recreational marijuana, legalized marijuana could be easily regulated for the safety of the consumer. 

Premise 7: The benefits of recreational marijuana use outweigh the harms; hence, the substance should be legalized. 

Conclusion: Marijuana should be used for recreational uses. 

Support for the Argument that Marijuana Should be used for Recreational Use. 

Several research studies have been conducted to relate the effects of Marijuana and other legal drugs such as tobacco show that the legal drug could pose more health problems on individuals than the marijuana effects. A huge meta-study grouped data found in the research studies shows that the use of recreational marijuana occasionally, i.e., during weekends and holidays would cause minimal health effects as compared to other legal drugs which are very deadly. Excessive consumption of alcohol leads to liver cirrhosis, and tobacco contains nicotine and tar, which are very dangerous on health matters. Hence, legal recreational marijuana could be subjected to terms and regulations that will aid in the control of marijuana use to prevent excessive use of the substance. Thus, the evidence provides enough support for the first and the sixth premises. 

Following the legalization in 2012 in the Washington state, there was a decrease in the use of marijuana by 8th graders from a percentage of almost 10% to a percentage slightly above 7% in 2014/2016. This forms a valid argument for premise two, which is associated with the effects of marijuana legalization on teens and adults. Other states should follow suit to reduce the use of the substance by our teens. 

Consequently, several research studies link the use of the substance with good coexistence and increase in friendship bond among the smokers as cannabis tends to lessen inhabitation. Marijuana helps people to speak up their minds since the drug makes the users not to fear anything, and this will enhance the exchange of ideas freely with no fear. 

Marijuana contains a powerful chemical known as cannabinoids, which is responsible for creativity in the user's minds. The compound intermingles with the brain, and the user start to think outside the box. The chemical, together with other stains in the drug are also responsible for making the user energetic and imaginative. The same chemical and others are responsible for making the users see life in a more positive dimension and increase anxiety. 

In conclusion, on the first part of the argument, people can compare the harm of using the drug against the damage of criminalizing the substance. As seen in the above premises and discussions, one can conclude that the damages of the drug are relatively less as compared to rising cases of drug cartels arising from the illicit sale of the drug, though some legal minds take into consideration the legalization will lead into a more pot use. However, it is worth the benefits of reducing incarceration and crippling violence. It can be concluded that the legalization is safe as compared to the prohibiting the drug hence constituting reasonable risks. 

Argument That Marijuana Should Not Be Used for Recreational Purposes. 

Premise 1: Cannabis is a highly addictive substance (Kevin A. Sabet, 2018). 

Premise 2: Marijuana will lead to more mental health problems leading to brain damage (Magdalena Cerdá, 2017). 

Premise 3: Marijuana also results in adverse health problems to the smokers and the surrounding individuals and the environment. 

Premise 4: Marijuana legalization will lead to an increase in traffic accidents and related deaths. 

Premise 5: legalization of the substance will bring more problems to the nation as compared to its illegality. 

Premise 6: Marijuana should not be legalized for recreational purposes. 

Support for the Argument that Marijuana Should not be legalized. 

The issue of health and the addictiveness of the substance as per the first three premises are fully supported by the research studies conducted indicating each effect above. However, the level of impact depends on the quality of the substance, the age of the user, and the time of use of the drug though there are no enough evidence to support the claim fully. 

The other premise will follow suit, and it links the facts in the previous premises to the conclusion. Besides, the substance will result in more problems associated with drug and drug abuse, such as a decrease in the economy. It also weighs against the medical use of the drug and the adverse effects can bring to the nation (Compton, 2016). The use of the drug for medicinal purpose is minor, and we cannot afford to bring more harm to the country for the sake of such minimal benefits. 

Conclusively, the policy makers should be warned against the legalization of the drug due to the fact that there are several risks demonstrated that are associated with the substance. Its legalization will only bring higher social acceptability in society and an increase in the use by adolescents which is a danger to their education and social lives. The dangers associated with the substance are higher; hence, the legalization of the drug should be strongly condemned. 


Marijuana should not be used for recreational use. Based on the research above, there are several evidence to support both sides; there is strong evidence associated with adverse effects of the drug on the health of the users and the other hand the use of the drug for recreational use, which is regulated the use of the drug. Hence, if marijuana is legalized, and some regulations are put in place, it will be acceptable in society. Even through, the proponents of legalizing marijuana for recreational use argue that it will boost the US economy because marijuana use will enhance growth of other businesses like smoking glass bongs, the government will also earn revenues through taxation of legalized marijuana use for recreational purposes. If legalized for recreational use, the government should regulate consumption of marijuana like other substances like alcohol which is not sold to persons under the age of eighteen in the US. 


Bello, J. (2007). The Benefits of Marijuana: Physical, Psychological, and Spiritual. Life services Press. 

Compton, M. T. (2016). Marijuana and Mental Health. American Psychiatric Pub. 

Gillian L.Schauer, B. A. (2016). American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 1-8. 

Hill, K. P. (2015). Marijuana: The Unbiased Truth about the World's Most Popular Weed. Hazelden Publishing. 

Jonathan P. Caulkins, A. H. (2012). Marijuana Legalization: What Everyone Needs to Know®. New York: Oxford University Press. 

Kevin A. Sabet, K. C. (2018). Contemporary Health Issues on Marijuana. Oxford University Press. 

Magdalena Cerdá, M. W. (2017). Association of State Recreational Marijuana Laws with Adolescent Marijuana Use. JAMA Pediatrics , 142-149. 

Pap, M., & Homolya, D. (2017). Measurement and Mitigation of Country Risk: The Role of Quantitative and Qualitative Factors, Insurance Market Trends. Future World by 2050 , 1(3), 193. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Should Marijuana Be Used for Recreational Use?.


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