2 Jun 2022


Sociology: Poverty and Prostitution

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Academic level: College

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Words: 323

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Though sex work is highly frowned upon in society because of the moral decadence associated with the trade, it has become a prevalent vice in both developed and developing countries. Despite being a multi-billion dollar operation with an estimated global annual profit of $10.5 billion, sex work or prostitution is not a viable option for women in developing countries. Most adult women and girls engaging in sex work in developing countries do so against their will. Both adults and children are enslaved or trafficked for prostitution. Data from the International Organization for Migration (IOM) indicate that about 500,000 women from poorer countries are trafficked into Europe, where they engage in sex work. The government in those countries are doing very little to prevent women from being exploited. The aftermath is that most women in developing countries like Thailand have become prone to new HIV/AIDS infection, which is spread by men who buy sex from prostitutes. 

Sex tourism is one of the mechanisms through which women forcefully get into prostitution. Sex tourists use poverty as an opportunity to lure poor women with money in exchange for sex. Most governments in developing countries like Thailand are promoting vice by promoting sex tourism. The government sees women as cash crops to earn foreign exchange, which is, in turn, used to pay interest on foreign debt. Criminal organizations such as the Italian Camorra and Chinese Triads and the Russian Mafia kidnap women and girls and traffics them for prostitution purposes. In countries with child soldiers like Central America and South East Asia, organized military units force young girls into sexual slavery. The wives of soldiers experience exposure to sexual victimization. 

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The best alternative to combat extreme poverty among women in developing countries is through financial empowerment and education. The government, in collaboration with the international organization, should establish credit unions that give grants to women to establish businesses in a bid to make them financially independent. The UN should develop effective programs of rehabilitation and vocational training that will extend literacy classes to women on practical and technical skills that they can apply in life to earn a living. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Sociology: Poverty and Prostitution.


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