5 Jul 2022


Solutions to the Problem in Healthcare

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Academic level: University

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Words: 872

Pages: 3

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The battle over healthcare problems is far from over. Healthcare units require reforms and government intervention in order to improve innovation and technology that will improve healthcare units across the world. Following the challenges that patients’ health care units have been facing in the process of healthcare administration, there was the need to explore and research on the potential solutions to the problems. With reference to the previous paper that identified several healthcare problems such as pressure on the expansion of medical centers, financial challenges, challenges on managing investments in capital obliged environment and high levels of bad debts, possible solution these problems are discussed at large.

To begin with, the problem on increased bad debt that most healthcare is currently facing may be reduced using several ways. The healthcare units are much required to capture all the available revenue the will assist in reducing the current debts. For instance, meeting the readmission target and ensuring quality disease management scores would help in capturing more hospital revenues. Healthcare units are also advised to reduce the unnecessary visit to emergency rooms where more health cost is required. Unless under critical conditions, patients can be treated under ordinary health facilities rather than increasing the cost of medication ( Weinstein, 2018) . In addition, healthcare units can opt to negotiate the shared profits and saving with the investors or the payers and this would increase their revenues thereby reducing bad debts. Moreover, making health insurance personal would help reduce debts. Instead of having an employer-based health care insurance that has the possibility of hiding the actual cost of health services, which in turn increases the possibility of high cost, personal insurance is much flexible and portable. Furthermore, employers have the possibility of being uninsured if they lose their job, which has constantly been one of the increasing factors in hospital bills. Encouraging competition in the insurance markets and breaking insurance cartels would help reduce insurance cost thereby making it more available. This would help to break the state of almost monopoly of the insurance company. For instance, in New York, the health insurance has been dominated by only two companies which are GHI and Empire blue ( Onar, Oztaysi & Kahraman, 2018) . Increasing these companies would bring in competition on both the price and services.

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Secondly, the problem with moving on with the current technology and managing investments in a capital obliged environment can be solved using the application of different techniques. First, the rising cost of healthcare has made it difficult for the purchase of the hospital machines that would replace the obsolete IT facilities. Medical industries are advised to emblaze the creation of mobile version devices that are detailed, accurate and cost saving and moreover work more effectively in providing the required outcome. Mobile healthcare technology increase access and evolutionary replace the obsolete technology at low cost. Moreover, they are also meant to increase connectivity between the nurses and the patients. These innovations not only create connectivity but also help the growing population in keeping track of personal fitness and assist them in monitoring their health status using biometric data at low cost. Advocating for more innovations in future of healthcare technology can make a great difference in medicine. For instance, developing the nanotechnology that is recently more theoretical into reality would have a change it medical industries in increasing the quality of medication. One of the recent development is the ingestible sensors that use nanotechnology to keep track on patients’ medication ( Parhizkar, Mahalingam, Homer-Vanniasinkam & Edirisinghe, 2018) . Capital constraints can be reduced by eliminating wastage and increasing efficiency in the management of the fund that will indeed reduce the cost of operation. The federal government can also assist in funding the hospitals in purchasing important hospital machines and medical drugs. The tax paid by the citizen should assist in the provision of good healthcare facilities and indeed assist in the expansion of medical centers in the State.

Lastly, the challenge on adoption to market forces that have brought high competition from private hospitals can be solved by merging both the private and the public health care units and work toward achieving a common goal. Consequently, this would minimize the pressure on the establishment of core skills that are required for healthcare units to thrive rapidly in the healthcare markets ( Sen & Ghosh, 2018) . Another benefit that arises from this trend is easy coordination of patients’ health care and elimination of unnecessary cost. Moreover, the patients with persistence problems benefit from the variation of healthcare practices that are available in the merged healthcare units. It is also believed that merging improves hospital efficiency, quality services and may lower the cost of operations. For instance, when a small hospital merges with a large hospital, it will not only benefit from better medical facilities but also likely to enjoy huge health consumer markets. More profitably, the healthcare units will be able to meet the compliance requirements and regulations, therefore, working profitably and smoothly.

In conclusion, healthcare units need changes in order to develop a better medical strategy that will assist in solving the current problems. Meeting the patients’ need and working profitably will ensure consistency in healthcare services. Emblazing the discussed possible solution would cause positive effects on healthcare industries. In addition, technology and innovation are of much importance in medicine. Having current technology and medical facilities improves the healthcare services and indeed makes it easier for the healthcare administrator to perform their duties.


Onar, S. C., Oztaysi, B., & Kahraman, C. (2018). A Comprehensive Survey on Healthcare Management. In  Operations Research Applications in Health Care Management  (pp. 23-51). Springer, Cham. 

Parhizkar, M., Mahalingam, S., Homer-Vanniasinkam, S., & Edirisinghe, M. (2018). Latest developments in innovative manufacturing to combine nanotechnology with healthcare. 

Sen, K., & Ghosh, K. (2018). Incorporating Global Medical Knowledge to Solve Healthcare Problems: A Framework for a Crowdsourcing System.  International Journal of Healthcare Information Systems and Informatics (IJHISI) 13 (1), 1-14. 

Weinstein, J. N. (2018). How Do We Move Beyond Regression to the Mean? Improving Health and Health Care. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Solutions to the Problem in Healthcare.


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