8 Jun 2022


Staffing Your Intrapreneurship Plan

Format: APA

Academic level: University

Paper type: Coursework

Words: 1153

Pages: 4

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The essay will focus on the created intrapreneur plan to assess the type of team that will be most appropriate. I would thus think of suitable people to staff this innovation and essential skills that they should possess to support this intrapreneurial idea efficiently. First, the essay will focus on the assessment of the type of team that will be appropriate to the intrapreneur idea, next focus on recruiting techniques using both internal and external recruiting. Lastly, the essay will focus on the critical position to lead my team. 

Most Appropriate Team to Support my Intrapreneur Idea 

The most appropriate team for the innovation in the manufacturing industry has to entail individuals with diverse skills and competencies in addition to higher level of education. Diversity in skills and background will help engage the innovative activities hence enabling the organization to benefit from this diversity (Antoncic & Hisrich, 2003). It is important to have diversity to ensure the success of this intrapreneur idea since it will create the advantage of experimentation as a result of the variety of ideas that will be generated by the diverse team. Studies have shown that experimentation is a critical element for change which is important in innovation for the success of this intrapreneur idea. The team must further entail individuals with an ability to learn fast and to make use of software packages to be able to maintain documents and harness information management and data. Further, the team must be able to use a standard office procedure to carry out routine work. Lastly but not the least, the team must be able to organize routine correspondence and further review other’s correspondence to ensure that the spelling, grammar and the formatting of the information are correct. The applicants to join the team must have the ability to enter core information into the database fast and accurately. Additionally, the applicants will have to be subjected to a background check (Eisenberg, 2008). 

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Recruiting Internally and Externally Members of the Team 

To recruit both internally and externally members of my team, I would take into consideration the recruitment approach based on such aspects including “quality of hire, time to fill, culture fit, candidate experience, and cost” (Yazid, 2015). The process of recruiting employees has been shown to be a precarious process. This is specifically as a result of the cost associated with hiring and training staff and ensures that their soft skills match the job description. A slight mistake in the recruitment will substantially harm the overall net profit of my business. 

Internal recruitment: In most instances, internal recruitment focuses on promoting employees from within to fill certain upcoming positions. There are various devices that are used for internal recruitment including intranet posts and job posting boards. According to Bidwell (2011), to carry out internal recruitment, I will focus specifically on intranet posts to carry out initial screening in addition to the culling of potential candidates. The job positions and responsibilities will be advertised on the company’s intranet where the employees will access them and apply based on their skills, experiences, and competency. It is a suitable method to recruit since they can comprehend the business outlook, culture, and essential procedures before taking over the position. Additionally, the candidate will be in a position to assimilate into the new position quickly even without training hence saving on the cost of training. 

External recruitment: This system of recruitment entails the human resource department searching employee pool from outside the company to fill available positions. The most common strategies used in external recruitment include employee agency and headhunters. To recruit externally, I will make use of agency recruiters. This is one of the most suitable approaches to fill job since they tend to have a larger applicant pool. Most of these recruiters have warm candidates that they often can be in contact with (Bidwell, 2011). Since I will use the agencies with pre-screened candidates for my intrapreneur idea, the candidates will be moved through internal processes, and then the next step will be to make the decision on individual applicants then follow up quickly. Using external recruiter such as agency is believed to be costly especially for my small business. It is suitable since it will help introduce new ideas, information and methodologies from former employer to the company which can then be integrated into the company’s best practices. 

The Key Position to Lead the Team 

For the key position, I will only require one key leadership role that will work for me to manage and handle the daily business activities for my intrapreneur idea to improve information management organizations in the manufacturing industry (Yazid, 2015). Therefore, there are certain qualifications that the key leader should possess. The key position to lead my team is critical since it will determine the direction of the business. Therefore, it will require an individual with a high-quality skill and competency in management. The use of internet advertising in addition to the web-based system will offer my business a variety of tools to select the most qualified and competent candidate who will specifically match the business’s core values and culture. The Manufacturing Company will be required to take proactive steps to be competitive and to remain operation in the industry. Therefore, it is important to recruit a highly competent and talented Information Technology (IT) director. The next step will entail the creation of a job posting for the position of IT Director and further determine the expected salary for the position. 

First, the advertisement for the position will be “IT Director Career.”The IT director will be responsible for the company’s overall planning, organizing, in addition to execution of various IT functions. These IT functions include the following: directing IT operations and ensure that they meet customer requirements, support and maintain the existing applications in addition to developing new technical solutions. 

Essential Functions for the IT director will include: Analyzing complex business requirement and recommend a technical solution, ensure consistency of current application creating and enforcing procedures to implement technical solutions, directing operations in the execution of production task. Further, the IT Director will be in charge of directing workload of all the subordinate personnel, reviews all designs and unit test plans, approve business requirement, direct education programs and perform a liaison duty between the users, programming personnel, and operations. 

The most desirable competencies for this position include technical capability, business acumen, strategic thinking, customer focus and leadership. Supervisory responsibility for the IT director is to manage all the employees within the department, performance management and to hire employees. Required education and experience for the position is Bachelor’s degree in computer science, Minimum of ten (10) years of experience in information technology and experience in current technologies in the industry. The most preferred education is Master’s degree in relevant field.Salary Potential for a success candidate for this position will range from $101,750 to $150,750 based on Robert Half Technology 2015 Salary Guide (Yazid, 2015)


For a company to succed, it must have good plans to manage their teams. Their rectruitment approaches must also be sound to hire the best people for the job. Therefore, if the Company will be able to adopt and implement the innovative ideas that have been developed, they will be able to remain competitive in the industry. Based on the developed intrapreneurship plan, it is essential to have a self-managed team who will work under the directions of the IT Director because this will help accommodate the needs of the Company’s operation. 


Antoncic, B., & Hisrich, R. D. (2003). Clarifying the intrapreneurship concept. Journal of small business and enterprise development , 10 (1), 7-24. 

Bidwell, M. (2011). Paying more to get less: The effects of external hiring versus internal mobility. Administrative Science Quarterly , 0001839211433562. 

Eisenberg, M. B. (2008). Information literacy: Essential skills for the information age. DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology , 28 (2), 39. 

Yazid, Z. (2015). Exploring leadership in self-managed project teams in Malaysia. Management: Journal of Contemporary Management Issues , 20 (1), 191-206. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Staffing Your Intrapreneurship Plan.


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