23 Jun 2022


State of Florida Nursing Standards

Format: APA

Academic level: University

Paper type: Research Paper

Words: 299

Pages: 1

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The state of Florida incorporates a rigorous process during the development of nursing standards. Directors of the Florida Board of Nursing adopt rules and amendments during regular meetings (The Florida Senate, 2018). Before adopting any law, the directors vote on the provided subject. Florida Board of Nursing publishes the proposed standards on its website, highlights the date and time for voting, and requests public comments (The Florida Senate, 2018). People can present their written ideas and facts. However, during an emergency, the Florida Board of Nursing may implement a rule without notice or opportunity for comment and hearing. 

The State Surgeon General, the Department of Health, and the Florida Board of Nursing are in charge of developing nursing standards. A State Surgeon General can dispute any proposed rule (Toney-Butler & Martin, 2021). Each board member is accountable to the governor. The Department of Health ensures that the proposed regulations are relevant to the current nursing practice. 

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The standards of practice influence my nursing process. They enable me to address ethical dilemmas that arise from organ procurement, religious beliefs, disclosure of medical conditions, and informed consent. These standards enhance my professional development since they provide tips and ideas that improve my ability to communicate with patients and collaborate with health care professionals to deliver high-quality service (Harper et al., 2017). Besides, the practice standards encourage me to pursue education and implement evidence-based care, which fosters patients’ safe handling. They provide an opportunity for scholarly inquiry and research (Toney-Butler & Martin, 2021). These rules inform me of the elements of safe nursing practice. They prepare me to think critically and adapt well to the changes in theory and practice. Besides, the practice standards guide how to become a leader and mentor in my field (Harper et al., 2017). Apart from professional development, the standards of practice guide me in advocating for patients’ rights and addressing issues like privacy, confidentiality and human participation in research. 


The Florida Senate. (2018). 2018 Florida Statutes . https://www.flsenate.gov/Laws/Statutes/2018/Chapter464/All 

Toney-Butler, T.J., & Martin, R.L. (2021). Florida Nurse Practice Act laws and rules . StatPearls Publishing. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK532859/ 

Harper, M. G., Maloney, P., & Shinners, J. (2017). Looking back and looking forward through the lens of the nursing professional development: scope and standards of practice. Journal for Nurses in Professional Development , 33 (6), 329-332. 10.1097/NND.0000000000000402 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). State of Florida Nursing Standards.


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