2 Nov 2022


Strategic Planning Characteristics Applied to Project Management

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Academic level: College

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Words: 511

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The strategic planning process will begin with a task force formulation which shall take place within the first five weeks. In those weeks, we shall define the problem, which is poverty in Jamaica. We shall address the challenges likely to be encountered and do a thorough root problem analysis. The outcomes and timeline will be defined, and the entire process will be described. An essential step in this timeline will be to identify the task force members and prepare background material. 

The project planning begins with identifying all stakeholders, but the project goal had identified the Jamaicans in need of poverty eradication. The stakeholder will be the community members, senior managers, board members, financiers, technical staff representatives, and other stakeholders . After identifying stakeholders, there will be the need to determine the project management skills required for the Actionaid project. With the list of project management skills, the roles and responsibilities will be assigned to individual stakeholders. Typical functions will include project manager, project sponsor, and project team members. A kickoff meeting shall follow. It is meant to bring all stakeholders together and cast a vision for the project that everyone can get behind. At this juncture, stakeholders are expected to introduce themselves and establish good working relationships. By this time, the specific details about the project shall have been determined, such as the Jamaican poverty eradication project ( Papke-Shields & Boyer-Wright,2017) . The project scope, budget, timeline, and goals of the kickoff meeting shall be discussed during this meeting. After the kickoff meeting, the team will have understood the project's objectives, and it will be time to break down the goals into individual tasks. Some of the tasks will be given more priority than others, depending on importance and dependencies. After that, it will be time to define the deliverables, followed by a project schedule; this will contain the project schedule details of the project timeline and the organizational resources required to accomplish each task. This schedule will enable team members to understand critical information necessary in the project. The program will include the division of phases into individual lessons and activities and determine dependencies and sequence. 

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Also, there will be a need to estimate the duration of each task. However, this information is subject to adjustments depending on the role, the budget, and the timeline. Since risks are sometimes inevitable, it will be essential to carry out a risk assessment to identify the project risks and mitigate them while at the project planning rate instead of being caught up later (Kabaye,2019). A meeting will be held to gather insight from other team members. Most risk areas will include the project scope, the resources, technological and communication failures, and project delays. Finally, the transmission of the project plan will take place and through a project communication plan. 

5 weeks  Identification of stakeholders  August 1 st -September 4 th 
2 weeks  Defining key roles and responsibilities  5 th -18 th sept 
8th week  Holding the kickoff meeting  19 th -25 th September 
9 th week  define project scope, budget and timeline  26 th -2 nd October 
10 th week  Set and prioritize goals  3 rd -9 th October 
11 th week  Define deliverables  10 th -16 th October 
12 th week  Create a project schedule  17 th -23 th October 
13 th week  Do a risk assessment  24 th -25 th October 


Kabeyi, M. (2019). Organizational Strategic Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation with Analysis of Challenges and Benefits. International Journal of Applied Research and Studies. 5(6), 27-32. https://doi: 10.22271/allresearch.2019.v5.i6a.5870 

Papke-Shields, K. E., & Boyer-Wright, K. M. (2017). Strategic planning characteristics applied to project management.  International Journal of Project Management 35 (2), 169-179. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Strategic Planning Characteristics Applied to Project Management .


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