19 May 2022


Strategies for Religious Cooperation and Impact

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The two diverse groups of individuals that were identified should come together are Hinduism and Buddhism. One urgent need that is present in society is violence prevention. There has been an increase in violence caused by religious hate crimes over the past years. According to Siyech and Narain (2018), mob violence against Muslims is not a spontaneous occurrence but a discourse that has developed since the 20th century. Such violence takes place when one religious group has a strong hatred towards the other group.

One ethical value shared by both groups is that of Dharma, which emphasizes behaviors that make life and the universe possible. It includes rights, duties, conduct, virtues, a right way of living, and what ought to be done (Patton, 2017). The teachings and ethical values can be used to further promote a message against violence.

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The strategy for violence prevention is for the leaders in the Hinduism and Buddhism groups to come together and take an active role in promoting global peace and security even to members of other religious groups. It can be a collaborative effort by having the leaders in both groups come together and show that they have a stand against violence. It will be an individual effort from each faith tradition as the leader of each group will have to stand against all the different forms of violence.

One stumbling block to the strategy would be the willingness of all leaders in both religious faiths to come together and to have a strong stand against such violence. Some of the leaders may not want to collaborate with the other religious group. Additionally, some leaders could support violence directed towards members of other religious groups and may not support the stand against such violence.


Patton, L. L. (2017). The dimensions of the experiment in experimental Dharma: a response.  International Journal of Dharma Studies 5 (1), 1-6.

Siyech, M. S., & Narain, A. (2018). Beef-related Violence in India: An Expression of Islamophobia.  Islamophobia Studies Journal 4 (2), 181-194.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Strategies for Religious Cooperation and Impact.


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