16 Jan 2023


Supervisor and Leader Development

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Research Paper

Words: 742

Pages: 2

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The kind of leadership approach utilized plays a vital role in ensuring achievement in an organization’s set objectives. On the other hand, leadership style suitable in one sector might be inappropriate for another industry; thus, the need to gauge the shortcoming and advantages of every approach. In this respect, this research paper will identify the appropriate approach in the police agencies and departments considering the tremendous changes in the law-enforcement agencies over the past years. To achieve the objectives, the paper will concentrate on three leadership styles: autocratic, transitional, and transformational techniques. The research will focus on what is entailed in every approach and the appropriate technique in police agencies and departments. After considering the advantages and disadvantages of every style, the transformational leadership style is the most suitable, and transition can be enhanced through educational programs. Moreover, the paper will discuss the challenges faced in the transition process and how to deal with them. 

Supervisor and/or Leader 

Effective leadership depicts an exhibition of a strong character, ethics, trustworthiness, integrity, and honesty in executing an organization’s vision and guaranteeing the achievement of its ambitions. In this respect, there are various leadership styles, and each style has its advantages and disadvantages, determining success level in achieving an organization’s objectives. A particular style might work in one sector or industry and fail in another field depending on the nature of the activities and the organizational structure suitable for that segment. For instance, the effective leadership style in the military and police sectors might not work in the health sector. The research paper will concentrate on three kinds of leadership styles in the police force: autocratic, transactional, and transformational leadership, and determine the most effective one as well as methods of transiting and the challenges experienced. 

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Autocratic leadership 

Autocratic leaders embrace top-down and robust leadership approach where there is dogmatic adherence to the set rules. In autocratic leadership, leaders dictate procedures and policies, control, decide, and direct all activities, and this approach has resulted in an overreliance on leaders in police departments and agencies (Yasir, 2016). Therefore, this technique does not give the junior officers room to play a part in decision-making since senior officials have total control. In this respect, the research will concentrate on the advantages and disadvantages of autocratic leadership relating to police service operations. 

Transactional leadership 

Transactional leaders concentrate on day-to-day progress, status quo, supervision role, and group performance to achieve the organization’s objective. In a transactional leadership style, subordinates work in a system of punishments and rewards and relating this technique to police departments, and officers follow the rules to get rewards and avoid punishments (Shim, 2015). This assertion implies that the approach influences subordinates to be self-motivated since work performance results to reward or punishment. Therefore, the research will focus on how this technique has impacted police departments and agencies in achieving their objectives. 

Transformational leadership 

Transformational leaders inspire and motivate subordinates; thus, top officials working towards influencing workers’ behavior. In a transformational leadership style, leaders focus on the workers' effectiveness and efficiency in achieving shared organizational goals, therefore, providing room for communication between subordinates and leaders (Bhargavi, 2016). This allegation illustrates that transformational leaders concentrate on subordinates' commitment, skill, and knowledge to accomplish the organization's vision. In this respect, the research will discuss the impact of transformational leadership and why it is the most appropriate in police agencies and departments. 

How to Transit 

Comparing the three methods of leadership styles, research indicates that the transformational leadership approach has replaced the other techniques. Transformational leadership style is suitable, and through education programs, top officials are educated on how to transit from other techniques (Herrington, 2016). Through learning, police leaders are equipped with knowledge regarding leadership philosophy, strategies, and tools to apply to achieve desired results. In this respect, the paper will discuss how educational programs are appropriate for enabling police agencies and departments to transit to transformational leadership technique 


Some police leaders are still resisting change to transformational leadership style since they cannot withstand criticisms from the junior officers. Law enforcement agencies have evolved over the past years due to modern challenges and issues, although some police leaders are still utilizing traditional leadership approaches (Masal, 2015). This assertion implies that not all leaders in police agencies and departments are willing to transit to transformational leadership style since there is no maintenance in status-quo. This research will also concentrate on the challenges faced in transiting from traditional approaches to the transformational leadership approach. 


Considering that changes in law enforcement agencies, there is a need for change in leadership style, and the research concentrate on autocratic, transactional, and transformational leadership styles. This research will concentrate on the advantages and disadvantages of autocratic, transactional, and transformational leadership approaches. Moreover, the paper specifies the appropriate leadership style, how to transit to the approach, and the challenges experienced during transition. 


Bhargavi, S. &. (2016). Leadership styles and organizational performance. Strategic Management Quarterly, 4(1), 87-117. 

Herrington, V. &. (2016). Police leadership for complex times. Policing: A journal of policy and practice, 10(1), 7-16. 

Masal, D. (2015). Shared and transformational leadership in the police. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management. 

Shim, H. S. (2015). Police transformational leadership and organizational commitment. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management. 

Yasir, M. &. (2016). Ethics and morality: Comparing ethical leadership with servant, authentic and transformational leadership styles. International Review of Management and Marketing, 6(4S). 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Supervisor and Leader Development.


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