4 Dec 2022


Targeting Terrorism with Intelligence

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Research Paper

Words: 1188

Pages: 4

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Terrorist groups have conducted atrocities that demand a global response. The US has led the world in ensuring that these communities do not expand their influence. Thanks to the efforts of the US-led coalition of countries, encouraging progress has been made in the effort against terrorism. For example, the Islamic State has lost most of the territories that it controlled in Syria and Iraq. While the world is yet to eliminate terrorism completely, the decline of the Islamic State is evidence that counter-terrorism efforts are yielding results. Intelligence is among the resources that have allowed the US and other countries to effectively tackle terrorism.

Rationale for Research 

The purpose of the research is to explore the role that intelligence plays in counterterrorism. There are various reasons why the research focuses on this question. One, the role of intelligence in counterterrorism operations is not fully recognized. The academic community has particularly failed to examine the impact that intelligence has on the operations of such agencies as the CIA which are actively involved in efforts to eradicate terrorism. Two, an understanding of the role of intelligence will allow for the development of counter-terrorism approaches that are in line with human rights conventions and ethical guidelines. The US uses intelligence-gathering techniques that are rather controversial. For example, the government has admitted that it subjects detainees to torture for the purpose of gaining intelligence (Bakir, 2016). By understanding the role of intelligence, the US will be challenged to adopt techniques which are consistent with international standards.

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Research Methods 

For the purpose of collecting data, a number of methods will be used. Consulting literature is the main method. Academic articles which explore various aspects of intelligence in counter-terrorism will be examined. The primary goal of the literature review is to understand the perspectives of the academic community as regards intelligence. The literature review will be combined with personal insights and perspectives to gain an in-depth understanding of how the intelligence community collects information on terrorist organizations and how the information facilitates their mandate.

Literature Review 

While the academic community seems reluctant to explore the fundamental elements of intelligence, there are various scholars whose works examine how intelligence aids counterterrorism. Daniel Byman (2013) is one such scholar. His article addresses the tremendously critical function that intelligence serves in the work of agencies like the CIA. Thanks to intelligence, the CIA and other members of the intelligence community are able to gain insights into the techniques of terrorist groups, their operations and their philosophies. Furthermore, thanks to intelligence, the counter-terrorism community is able to develop approaches that are effective in eroding the influence of terrorist groups (Byman, 2013). Given the obviously important role of intelligence, one could wonder why terrorist groups continue to pose a threat to global security. The failure of nations to join forces is among the factors to blame for this reality. Byman urges nations to establish liaisons through which intelligence is shared. A global counter-terrorism response is needed for terrorism to be defeated (Byman, 2013). The world cannot leave it to such nations as the US to combat terrorism alone. Byman identifies interrogation and document exploitation as among the techniques that can be used to gather intelligence. Through these techniques, the intelligence community is able to gain critical insights into terrorist groups. While these techniques facilitate intelligence gathering, they also raise questions regarding ethics and human rights. For example, the United Nations Human Rights Convention prohibits torture. Despite the prohibition, the US has used this method to obtain information from terror suspects. The use of questionable methods indicates that in some cases, the intelligence community is forced to violate human rights in its quest to eliminate terrorism.

Wojciech Grabowski (2013) is another scholar who has examined the interplay between intelligence and success in counterterrorism. The key focus of Grabowski’s article is the targeting of the heads of terrorist organizations. In addition to destabilizing terrorist groups, the elimination of leaders also limits the influence of these groups (Grabowski, 2013). Whereas it is true that eliminating terrorist leader boosts counterterrorism, Grabowski issues a caution. He warns that inter-faction conflict may arise following the elimination of leaders. One of the vital insights that Grabowski shares is that as it targets terrorist leaders, the counter-terrorism community should work with local agencies (Grabowski, 2013). Given their understanding of the situation on the ground, these agencies are best placed to share intelligence on the operations of terrorist groups and their leaders. In the discussion above, liaisons were identified as among the most effective strategies for combating terrorism. Instead of relying exclusively on its own capacities, the US needs to partner with other actors for intelligence gathering. It is particularly crucial for the US intelligence community to collaborate with their counterparts in such hotbeds of terrorism as Afghanistan and Iraq.

The intelligence community operates in murky waters. The harsh an complex environment in which the community functions hampers their intelligence gathering and larger counter-terrorism efforts. This is the main theme that Monica Hakimi (2012 addresses in her article. She notes that the approaches that the intelligence community uses are effective and calls for the adoption of a functional approach. Through this approach, the intelligence community will be able to limit harm that civilian populations suffer (Hakimi, 2012). Among the issues that have hindered counter-terrorism are civilian casualties. In its counter-terrorism operations, the US has left a trail of hundreds of dead civilians. As a result, the country has lost the support of local communities. The approach that Hakimi recommends holds the key to refining the American intelligence gathering initiative. As it adopts this approach, the US intelligence community will focus all of its efforts on terrorist groups while shielding civilian populations against harm.

Implications for Counterterrorism 

The discussion above has explored various aspects of intelligence. One would be acting reasonably when they ask what the discussion means for counter-terrorism efforts. Among the issues that the literature review above has addressed are the numeorus functions that intelligence plays. The intelligence community would benefit greatly from this information. This is because the information will allow the community to enhance its intelligence gathering operations. Another implication of the discussion concerns the need to uphold international human rights standards. The US has rather arrogantly defied and routinely violated guidelines that forbid torture. It has not been established with certainty that the intelligence that the US gathers through torture is of any value (Cockburn, 2014). Therefore, instead of isolating itself from the rest of the world through its use of torture, the US needs to adopt less controversial intelligence gathering measures such as liaising with other countries. Taking all necessary measures to protect civilian populations is another important implication of the discussion above. As already noted, the US counterterrorism operations have resulted in the deaths of hundreds of civilians. This tragedy can be blamed on flawed intelligence which fails to accurately identify the location and operations of terrorist networks. There is no doubt that as it refines its intelligence-gathering techniques, the US will win the trust and confidence of its partners and local communities.

In conclusion, the world is making encouraging progress in its counter-terrorism efforts. Such terrorist groups are losing their influence and relevance. Intelligence is undoubtedly among the tools that have allowed the world to edge closer to eliminating terrorist threats. Members of the American intelligence community like the CIA routinely use intelligence to track down terrorist groups and to thwart attacks. However, some of the techniques that this community uses are questionable. If the US is to find success in its quest to eradicate the terrorist threat, its intelligence community needs to ensure that its approaches are consistent with international standards and practices.


Bakir, V. (2016). Torture, intelligence and sousveillance in the war on terror: agenda-Building strategies. London: Routledge.

Cockburn, P. (2014). CIA torture report: it didn’t work then, it doesn’t work now. Independent. Retrieved June 7, 2018 from


Daniel Byman (2014) The Intelligence War on Terrorism, Intelligence and National Security, 29:6, 837-863, DOI: 10.1080/02684527.2013.851876

Grabowski, W. (2013). Targeting terrorist leaders: Limits and opportunities. The Polish Quarterly of International Affairs, 22(1), 28-33. Retrieved from https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy1.apus.edu/docview/1366011149?accountid=8289

Hakimi, M. (2012). A FUNCTIONAL APPROACH TO TARGETING AND DETENTION. Michigan Law Review, 110(8), 1365-1420. Retrieved from https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy2.apus.edu/docview/1021194248?accountid=8289

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Targeting Terrorism with Intelligence.


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