16 Jul 2022


Terrorist Groups and Their Effect on the Nation

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Academic level: High School

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Various parts of the worlds have, in the in the recent past become victims of terrorists' activities. There has been a rise in organized terrorists' groups in the word, whose activities have left hundreds of thousands of dead and others injured. The united states have not been an exclusion of the devastating attacks by various terrorists' groups. This paper seeks to discuss two active terror groups and how they pose a national threat to our country. 

The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) is one of the most active terror group in the world. Its origin can be traced in Iraq, with its largest concentration in Iraq and Syria. The terror group is also believed to have bases and operatives in other countries such as Mali, Libya, Egypt, Somalia, Palestine, Afghanistan and Philippines among others. The leader of the group is called Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. The group came in the lame light in 2014 when it drove out the Iraq forces out of some large cities which included the capture of Mosul. These events led to the United Nations and many other countries classify the group as an international terrorists' group. 

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The group's goal is to establish authority on religious, political and government for all Muslim nations to have one Islamic state. The group is determined in restoring the original Wahhabi caliphate and adopt the strict Salafist doctrine mode of government. They refer the resistant Muslim against the idea as disbelievers ( Stern & Berger, 2015). The activities of this group have left a massive destruction in eastern Syria and Iraq with thousands of people losing their lives. They take pride in beheading government and allied soldiers, civilians and journalist and posting the scary scenes on their websites to intimidate their opposers. 

The united states and other countries have been on check for the group's activities by supplying troops to and military equipment to counter and eradicate the group which has made a commendable progress in pushing back the insurgents. For this reason, the group has threated to act on the countries allied to the Iraq and Syria Governments, by obviously conducting terror attacks on their soils or on their citizens wherever they may be which has been considered as a national security concern. 

Al-Qaeda is another active terrorists' groups which became an international in the 90s to-date. The organization was found by Osama Bin Laden, Abdullah Azzam and other Arabic volunteers in 1988 during the soviet inversion. The organization has in the past launched terror attacks in many countries in the world including the famous September 11 bombing, US embassy bombing in Kenya and Tanzania among others. The United Nations Security Council listed the group as a terror group due to its activities. The organization is allied to many other groups which they actively use in executing their attacks. In response to the September 11 attack, the US launched the War on Terror operation which significantly undermined the group's activities and shifted from only executing attacks on its own, to using other allied groups. The group is now led by Ayman al-Zawahiri who took over after the death assassination of Osama Bin Laden by the American troops in 2011. 

The group's activities are driven by the urge of eliminating foreign influences in Muslim countries and create a caliphate governing the entire Muslim world. This goal was fueled by the belief that Christian-Jewish alliance was conspiring to eliminate Islam ( Burke, 2004). The mujahedeen believe in jihad, whereby they have executed massacres of innocent people through bombings and shootings in the name of eliminating non-Muslim who they refer to as disbelievers. 

In ravage or the war in terror, the group is actively looking for loops to launch an attack in the United States. They carry abduction of US citizens and sometimes use them to demand ransom. Any terror group is an enemy of the US as, as the superpower, it has the mandates of suppressing and eliminating these groups through military inversions. For this reason, these groups remain a national security threat to the United States. 

In conclusion, the United States has spent Billions of dollars in the fight against terrorism in recent years. The terrorists' groups engage in these activities owing to various reasons. However, some of the reasons they give for the engagements are not genuine because they end up killing many innocent people, yet they claim that they do it for God (Allah). These activities have to lead to massive property destruction and loss of lives. 


Burke, J. (2004). Al Qaeda. Foreign Policy, 18-26. 

Stern, J., & Berger, J. M. (2015). ISIS: The state of terror (Vol. 7). London: William collins. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Terrorist Groups and Their Effect on the Nation.


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