Diabetes is said to be a chronic disease occurring if the pancreas fails to produce sufficient insulin or when the body produces insulin but cannot use it effectively. According to research by WHO, they found that 8.5% of 18years adults or older in 2014 had diabetes. WHO also found that in the year 2012, diabetes was a direct death cause of about 1.5 million people and the high glucose in the blood was as well another cause of deaths of about 2.2 million (Pietrangelo, 2016). The total people with diabetes since 1980 has been increasing. Any diabetes can bring about complications in several body parts and also increase peril of dying. Prevention of the large proportion of the complications of diabetes is through eating a healthy diet, maintaining the standard weight of the body, avoiding the use of tobacco, and by eating a diet which is healthy. However, to cope with diabetes, a person should know about the basic facts of diabetes. Also, the different organizations like WHO, and also schools should ensure that they inform the people about the various ways of reducing one’s exposure to the risk factors of all types of diabetes and ensure that they improve the quality and access of care.
When a person has diabetes, the body fails to either produce sufficient insulin or use the insulin effectively. Sugar stays in the body. The cells then don’t get sufficient sugar as energy. The body contains insufficient energy to perform its work. With time, the high sugar level in blood can cause damage to the body. Thus, there are three common types of diabetes and include type 1 diabetes. In diabetes of type 1, the pancreas doesn't produce insulin. The sugar is not capable of entering into the cells and the body’s level of sugar rises above normal and hence one is said to contain high blood pressure. More often, young adults and children get diabetes of type 1. Another type is type 2 diabetes where the pancreas still produce the insulin though it fails to work correctly. The people who can get type 2 diabetes are the overweight individuals, people whose families have ever had diabetes, women who have ones given birth to a baby of more than 9 pounds during birth. Another type is pregnancy diabetes where a woman can develop gestational diabetes because of hormone’s changes during pregnancy. Thus, after pregnancy, gestational diabetes disappears though the woman with gestational diabetes may again develop diabetes in future.
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There are diabetes symptoms which include: Blurry vision, urinating often, sores or cuts which fail to heal well, increased thirst, loss of weight, and tiredness which is extreme. However, a person with diabetes can notice it, and the most important means of knowing is through testing the glucose in the blood. The test gives the glucose’s milligrams number in blood’s deciliter. After fasting, one’s level of average glucose is between 70 and 90 blood’s milligrams per deciliter. After eating, the blood glucose level may increase, but it rarely rises more than 200 (Omnigraphics, 2016). According to an Association of American diabetes, the following ways can tell if one is diabetic: first, if one contains diabetes symptoms and a high level of blood glucose. Second, when one has 126 or more blood glucose fasting level after consuming sugar (Omnigraphics, 2016). Third is when one has 6.5% A-oneC level or more.The doctor can test again to confirm diabetes’ diagnosis if not the diabetes is based specifically on the other symptoms and indicators. If one is diabetic, it is advisable for one to keep the level of blood glucose near the usual level. It’s also worthwhile to a person’s level of blood glucose to range between 70 and 130 during the daytime before a person eats. At night, one should have the blood glucose range between 110 and 150. The A-oneC aim is not more than 7%. One should inquire from the doctor of the range of his/her personal goals. On the other hand, one may be in danger of getting diabetes. Sometimes, one may contain blood glucose which is higher than the standard though not to the extent where one can get diabetes. Such a condition is said to be an impaired glucose leniency or an impaired glucose fasting. Thus, one does not have diabetes yet but is in danger of getting it. Sometimes it is called prediabetes.
However, a school can handle and do the manifestation of diabetes. Therefore, the school can do that through the nurse of the school who is more suitable of offering care to the students who have diabetes. However, normally in many schools, getting a nurse who can stay at school full time is hard. Moreover, the students who have diabetes should take part in every activity in the school. The students are in need of the support and cooperation of the school members of staff to assist with a plan of treatment. The order to monitor the blood sugar can be done by the provider of a child’s healthcare so that it may help assess if the treatment plan is working correctly. Many students may wish to have a test of blood sugar though the procedure may be in a place that is not private hence discouraging the student from going for a test. Some may also need the supervision so that the process is carried out in an efficient manner and also to ensure that the person concern records the results accurately. In class, there should be a lesson about diabetes for the students to learn about the causes, the symptoms and also for demonstrations of things like the required exercises to be done. Such practices may help reduce the risk of getting diabetes. It may be hard to handle diabetes in class but it is possible (Smith, 2012). A student should ensure that he gives a letter to every lecturer explaining the special conditions and diabetes. It may sound awful when a student is upset because of the professors who ask the student about how his/her sugar in the blood are or anything related. The professor should treat any diabetic student when in class just like the other students. It is then good if a student does not have a lecturer who may not be caring at all or the one who care much but to have a lecturer who can just treat them in a fair way (Smith, 2012).
In conclusion, it is advisable that a person should ensure that he/she visits his/her doctor to for a test to know the kind of diabetes he/she may be having. For instance, if it is type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, or gestational diabetes. Also, it is advisable for one to be aware of the symptoms of diabetes. For instance, the Blurry vision, urinating often, sores or cuts which fail to heal well, increased thirst, loss of weight, or tiredness which is extreme so that he/she may seek medical if any of the symptoms appears. For the students at the school, there should be nurses who can attend to the students with diabetes and should commit themselves so that the students do not feel mistreated. When in class, having lecturers who have the knowledge about the students who have diabetes is also advisable.
Omnigraphics, I. (2016). Medical tests sourcebook : basic consumer health information about preventive care guidelines, routine health screenings, home-use tests, blood, and stool tests, genetic testing, newborn screening, endoscopic exams, and imaging tests, such as x-ray, ultra . Detroit: Omnigraphics.
Pietrangelo, A. (2016). Diabetes by the Numbers: Facts, Statistics & You. Healthline, 1-6 .
Smith, S. (2012). Handling My Diabetes in the Classroom. Lifestyle, School, 1-2 .