31 Oct 2022


The Chemistry of Life: Concentration

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Coursework

Words: 296

Pages: 1

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One key topic that addresses the application concept in real life is concentration. Mathematically, concentration is calculated by taking the moles, mass, or solute volume and dividing it by the moles' volume, mass, or volume of the solution. Concentration is useful in the determination in chlorine dosage in treating raw water and maintaining free chlorine residue. Chlorine Concentration is the expression by mass a parts per million (ppm)/ (mg/l) or parts per billion (ppb)/ ( ? mg/l ). Concentration determination helps to determine the dosage For example a solution with 1ppm of chlorine solute means that 1g of chlorine solution has one“ millionth” gram of solute. This unit is very effective when the solute concentrations are in a small amount. Technically, chlorine dosage is the process of adding chlorine to the water to treat water and maintain its residual factor. The chlorine dosage is expressed in milligrams of chlorine per liter or ppm which equates to measurements of chlorine solution. The free chlorine radical depends on emergencies and outbreaks of diseases depending on risk. High-risk breakout diseases should range between 0.5 – 1mg/L to low-risk 0.2 – 0.5 mg/L, however, it should not exceed more than 4.0 mg/L Powder form dosage such as Sodium dichloroisocyanurate (NaDCC) is majorly used due to high concentration when mixed with water. The solution formed contains 60 to 70 % chlorine to remove the fecal bacteria indicator.

Dose testing aids to identify the quantity of residual chlorine (sodium hypochlorite) in water for drinking and household storage for 4 to 24 hours. Moreover, the piped water treatment system, it focuses on disinfection at the endpoints of consumer use (water taps). Maintenance of a free chlorine level of 0.5mg/l residual is enough to sustain water quality throughout the consumer circulation network, however, it is not adequate for storage at home in jerry cans. Studying the concept of concentration is useful in the determination of chemical volumes in treating portable water as well as to prevent toxicity in human beings.

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Branz, A., Levine, M., Lehmann, L., Bastable, A., Ali, S. I., Kadir, K., ... & Lantagne, D. (2017). Chlorination of drinking water in emergencies: a review of knowledge to develop recommendations for implementation and research needed.  Waterlines 36 (1), 4-39. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). The Chemistry of Life: Concentration.


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