9 Oct 2022


The Cholera Epidemic in Goma, Zaire Case Study

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Coursework

Words: 323

Pages: 1

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Question 1 

There are many risk factors for diarrheal diseases. For instance, demographic factors can be seen in the photo. According to studies, diarrhea’s prevalence is high among young children. Besides, higher rates of diarrhea have been observed in boys than in girls, and this factor can be seen in the young boy in the photo. Moreover, the mother seen in the picture is young and is a risk factor for their children. Also, there are socioeconomic factors (Thiam et al., 2017). There is statistical significance between socioeconomic status and higher rates of diarrhea, and the picture indicates people living under low economic conditions. The image also shows water-related factors. For instance, the water looks dirty, contaminated, and unsafe for human consumption. Contaminated water is one significant determinant of diarrhea. There is also improper disposal of wastes in the stream that is an indication of poor sanitation. 

Question 2 

Cholera can affect a large number of people within a short time due to Vibrio cholera's nature, which is the bacterium causing the disease as well as the nature of its transmission. For instance, the developing countries lack sufficient infrastructure to ensure proper disposal of wastes and to maintain adequate sanitation, and hence the disease continues to thrive in such countries. Besides, these countries usually have high numbers of people using the same sources of water where people dispose of their feces and other contaminated wastes (Finger et al., 2018). Therefore, when one is infected, it can take a short time to spread the disease to several other people through the water sources as well as contact, especially when there is poor hygiene. This worsens during floods and is also favored by the life cycle of the bacteria and its interaction with other marine bacteria. 

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Question 3 

Cholera is a bacterial disease resulting from a bacterium, “ Vibrio cholerae .” This bacterium can be found in contaminated water, and it presents with diarrhea, which in turn causes dehydration. Even in previously healthy people, if it is left without treatment, it can be fatal in a short period of time (hours). 


Finger, F., Bertuzzo, E., Luquero, F. J., Naibei, N., Touré, B., Allan, M., ... & Azman, A. S. (2018). The potential impact of case-area targeted interventions in response to cholera outbreaks: A modeling study.  PLoS medicine 15 (2), e1002509. 

Thiam, S., Diène, A. N., Fuhrimann, S., Winkler, M. S., Sy, I., Ndione, J. A., ... & Cissé, G. (2017). Prevalence of diarrhoea and risk factors among children under five years old in Mbour, Senegal: a cross-sectional study.  Infectious diseases of poverty 6 (1), 109. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). The Cholera Epidemic in Goma, Zaire Case Study.


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