8 Oct 2022


The Concentric Layer Security Model: What You Need to Know

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Coursework

Words: 297

Pages: 1

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In every organization, security is the key to social and economic development. There exist differences between contractual and proprietary security services. Nevertheless, each organization has the responsibility of deciding the one to implement depending on their business. Understanding the differences together with the pros and cons involved in the implementation of either will help in deciding what to choose. 

Proprietary security guards services involve organizations hiring security officers and the equipment required to protect their organization. Further, the organization hires a senior security officer to manage and oversee security functions within the organization ( Tim 2017) . Here, security operations get managed by organization management. On the other hand, contractual security guard operation is a situation where a business outsources security services to another business that majors with security provision. The security offering organization is responsible for all issues relating to security as well as managing security guards. In contractual guards, an organization experiences minimal cost and less responsibility since it does not require investing in insurance training and purchasing security equipment. 

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While protecting the medium-sized public library, one requires coming up with a good plan and apply the concentric layer approach to enhance the easy provision of security. First, it is essential to ensure that the library is well-fenced and has a single operational entrance gate at the perimeter fence. Second, the main entrance door of the library should be guarded and controlled ( Bruce 2017) . The office should have its door a few meters from the exterior door and ensure that all the cabinets stay locked and opened when needed. Monitoring the four layers of concentric layers with CCTV cameras to enhance the 24-hour system of surveillance is essential. At least the perimeter fence and the exterior door should have guards from security officers and equipped with a scanner to facilitate easy scanning all the visitors to the library. 


Tim, Prenzler,& Karen, E. (2017).  "Private security in Australia: trends and key characteristics" . Australian Institute of Criminology 

Bruce, Schneier,(2017).  Beyond Fear: Thinking about Security in an Uncertain World , Copernicus Books, 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). The Concentric Layer Security Model: What You Need to Know.


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