22 Aug 2022


The connection between the parents and their kid in "Hamlet"

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Academic level: College

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Words: 303

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The connection seen between the parents and their kids are exceptionally significance to the development of the plot of “Hamlet.” Hamlet, Laertes, and Ophelia are the victims of bad parenting. Nonetheless, irrespective of the truth that none of the parents that we encountered with were indeed perfect, the children lose their emotional stability and minds over the death of their parents. 

Polonius applies the technique of spying to watch Laertes in Paris and he also spies on Hamlet and Ophelia’s relationship (Shakespeare et al., 2003). It is the parent’s role to give their children freedom to think on their own and make own decisions so that they can prepare them on how to survive independently in the world out there. Instead, Polonius’s association with Ophelia is that of authoritarian. He commands Ophelia and instructs him to keep off Hamlet. Polonius likes to use the control to all of his children and does not give them the opportunity to be themselves. 

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According to, Hamlet, tragedy is understood to be activities that result in deaths of a character or personality roles. Polonius helps to create occurrences of his tragedy. Because of his spying character he got killed after spying on Hamlet with the aid of Claudius and Ophelia (Shakespeare et al., 2003). Additionally, Polonius adds more tragedy in “Hamlet” by snooping on his dialogue with his mother. Assuming Hamlet did not saw Polonius and slammed out in sentiment, Polonius death would have been avoided. Consequently, Ophelia would not go mad and also Laertes would not agree to the fencing match, and Hamlet could not help but pass away. 

To sum up, the death of Hamlet, the hero, is tragic since Hamlet is determined to get revenge and reinstate virtue to the rule of Denmark. However, his tragic flaw and being in the presence of Laertes and Claudius caused his own death. Moreover, bad parenting is the reason why the play ends in such a scenario of various tragedies. Polonius is not a great father, and his eavesdropping digs his own grave in the end. 


Shakespeare, W., Raffel, B., & Bloom, H. (2003).  Hamlet . New Haven: Yale University Press. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). The connection between the parents and their kid in "Hamlet".


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