The Crucible of Empire is a two-hour documentary that tells the story of the Spanish American war. The movie is focused on explaining the history of the beginning of the war. This is done by interviewing different historians who see the war from their perspective. This is a suitable approach since the war only lasted for a short time. According to the movie, Cuba was in a state of disquiet in the 1950's. This was because of the state of affairs in the governance of the country. The people were not comfortable with the lack of democracy and the high rate of corruption. There was also significant interference from the United States government which was seen to influence the operations of the Cuban government.
According to "The Crucible of Empire, " the newspapers shaped public opinion and accelerated the push for war. A comment in the documentary from Steven Ambrose supports this in part. He says that this generation was similar to his because they had grown up in the shadow of a civil war. This made them feel like they had missed an opportunity to demonstrate their manhood in a war set up. This explains the Americans motivation for war. The war is also caused by previous three liberation wars that the Cubans had started against Spain. The movie suggests that the Cuban War of Independence had been interrupted by the United States, in a show of might and dominance.
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The movie describes how the war was fought in the Philippines and Spain. The film helps to explain why the war is called the Spanish-American war by detailing the feelings of the citizens and the impact the war had on them. Finally, the movie is seen to favor the story from the side of the Americans and to disregard the long term effects that it had on the people.