13 Sep 2022


The Dynamics of the American Government

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Academic level: High School

Paper type: Coursework

Words: 397

Pages: 1

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Chapter 11: The Demographics of Congress 

It is vital for the membership of the US Congress to reflect the demographic reality of the nation since the House represents the interests of all Americans. On that note, the membership of Congress should be balanced to ensure the rights and interests of all groups in the U.S are well articulated and represented. Without achieving this balance, the members may pass legislation that unfairly elevates or downgrades minorities. Moreover, a balanced demographic enables different viewpoints that are vital in passing comprehensive bills. 

Chapter 12: Presidents and Technology 

Technology has been vital in increasing the power and reach of presidents due to the need for federal oversight over innovations. For instance, social media platforms are required to submit data to federal authorities for security. Such data includes the personal information of citizens and can be used for surveillance purposes by the executive branch. The power to gain access to this digital information has increased the power and reach of regimes. 

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Chapter 13: Federal Judicial Nominations 

The most important consideration when filling judicial positions at the federal level is the ideology of the judicial official. The ideology of the officer is vital in gauging their inclination towards rational decisions. Another consideration is the history of the officer. The history of a judge or judicial officer will illustrate their tendency towards executing just and fair decisions. 

Chapter 14: Term Limits 

Term limits are disadvantageous since they limit the execution of a regime’s manifesto. Manifestos are long term plans that need close and careful execution. Therefore, term limits may hinder a regime from executing a suitable plan for a nation’s long-term success. It should be only the voters who decide if a regime stays in place. 

Georgia As a Battleground State 

I do not see a point in Georgia's future where it will be a battleground in presidential elections as the state contains a highly diverse population. I would not like Georgia to be a battleground state since the concept is flawed and irrelevant in the modern setup. The only benefit to Georgia becoming a battleground state is the fact that the importance of the state to the nation will be underlined. The downside is that the state will be divided along partisan lines. 

Chapter 15: The Internet and Bureaucracy 

The internet has made it easier to interact and influence bureaucracy since state officials are easily accessible through their social media profiles. Indeed, one does not have to schedule an appointment to interact with a state official. Moreover, people can form groups to compel bureaucrats to make decisions. Overall, social media platforms have elevated the level of interaction between citizens and bureracts. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). The Dynamics of the American Government.


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