Climate and environmental scientists have claimed that human activities are the cause of the global warming conditions that we are enduring today. These acclaims have been supported and opposed by different people, but it is no brainer that trees are essential in improving climate and weather while enhancing environmental conservations as they reduce carbon in the environment. The understanding of the various perspectives and developments that cut the size of forestry in the U.S. is a vital step in understanding the magnitude of the destruction and determining the changes to make.
Thesis Statement
This study addresses the logging in America since 1800 to 1960s before the climate issue became a key determinant in policies regarding reforestation. The paper intends to create an understanding of the current situation based on past experiences in deforestation. The accomplishment of this objective is dependent on the ability to demonstrate there was excessive logging, inadequate policies and poor implementation, the socio-economic factors that enhanced logging and political setting that either improved or diminished the excessive logging.
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Background on History of Forestry and Logging
This section will demonstrate that excessive logging was mainly after 1850 since there is little documentation of such events during the Civil War. It will also display the economic, social and political setting at the time. The changes documented will be discussed further in the next chapter.
Literature Review
This chapter uses past and recent researches on the topic to generate a deeper understanding of impacts of issues such as railway, lifestyles, policies and forest reserves. It will also demonstrate the changing aspects of timber and charcoal since the 1800s to 1960s to ensure that the economic and social changes are understood in regards to the growth or decline of logging in the country.
Logging in America after the 1960s
This section may be deemed outside of the time frame of the paper. However, anthropology tends to create awareness of changes and evolution of humans and their relationship with the environment. Therefore, this section will demonstrate the impact of climate change and social perspective that have reduced the rates of logging and increased reforestation. It also provides us with the opportunity to compare two different eras that is important in the comprehensive understanding of logging in America.
This chapter summarizes the key factors discussed to depict whether the study was useful or not.
Annotated Bibliography
Bajema, Carl Jay. "The First Logging Railroads In The Great Lakes Region On JSTOR." . N.p., 1991. Web. 14 Apr. 2018. <>
The author demonstrated that change and improvement of transportation was a crucial factor in increasing the rate of logging during the mid-19th century. It was evident from the article that before the railway, the Great Lakes Lumbermen were faced with the problem of converting the sawlogs into money. The start of rail and steam locomotive in Michigan in 1873 was a vital issue that facilitated the expansion of deforestation as long logs could be transported easily.
The data of the first use of rails and automotive differ with some studies claiming that the first was in 1855, while others in 1873, the data lapses does not hinder the message intended by the author. The horse-drawn logging railroads were the first in the 1850s, but there were problems encountered during the warm winters due to mud. Within the next 50 years, innovation in rail and truck roads simplified the transportation leading to the most significant scale in logging either for timber or poles for telephones. This paper offers a great insight into the considerable transportation improvements, the people that influenced such discoveries and the destructive logging that was almost 34 miles daily for nearly five decades. The paper provides a detail chronicles thus essential for this paper to attain its objectives.
McKay, Kathryn L. "TRAILS OF THE PAST: Historical Overview Of The Flathead National Forest, Montana, 1800-1960." . N.p., 1994. Web. 14 Apr. 2018. <>
McKay provides an extensive history of the Flathead Land at the border of the U.S., and Canada. She demonstrates that civilization of the country facilitated by the arrival of whites in this part of the country was followed by forest degradation. The fur trade was first, but it was not until the mid-19th century that logging became a vital issue. The minerals and transport were essential before timber and logs for building and commerce became popular. The article discussed the failures and corruption that timber companies and mills used to facilitate illegal logging following The Timber and Stine Act of 1878.
The act was intended to protect the massive destruction of forests due to the lack of laws that would license cutting down of trees with the intention of preserving them for future generations. At the time, it is evident that the government and public were not worried by the consequences of their deforestation activities. The inadequacy of laws, policing or forest protection complemented by the low payments made it difficult for the government to protect private land as forests. The article is essential as it offers a vivid picture of the situation in the 19th and early 20th century thus demonstrating that the adverse climate effects we are enduring today would have been protected if better methods were used. The greed and other sociocultural issues also describe the level of understanding and human relationship with nature which is instrumental in fulfilling the objectives of this study.
Wilson, Richa. "On Horseback And By Highway Administrative Facilities Of The Wasatch-Cache National Forest, 1902-1960.." . N.p., 2005. Web. 14 Apr. 2018. < >
The article is a review of many developments during the late 19th and early 20th century that led to the creation of different forest reserves. For instance, in the discussion of the Logan Forest Reserve, 1903 to 1906, it was evident that following complains that cattle and sheep polluted the water in the Logan River but following the investigation. It was apparent by Potter, the burned areas, extensive logging and the vast number of livestock were the cause of the pollution. Potter was clear that the ax of the logger had destroyed most of the confines of the forest, therefore if any change were to be attained, reserving the remaining forest and enhancing reforestation would be essential in reclaiming quality water and reducing soil erosion. The article provides many reviews on the issue, therefore, providing vital info in understanding the situation of deforestation and reforestation which form the bases of the paper.
Oswalt, Sonja N. and, and Brad W Smith. "U.S. Forest Resource Facts And Historical Trends."
United States Department of Agriculture and Forest Service
. N.p., 2014. Web. 14 Apr. 2018. < https://www.fia.fs.fed. us /.../ ForestFacts _1952-2012_English.pdf>This report demonstrates the changing aspects of forestry in the U.S., since 1952 to 2013. The report offers a glimpse of the dynamic of logging in the modern era that is essential when comparing the policies changes, their efficiency, and reserved areas. The comparison enables us to understand what influenced the country from having over 1,023 million acres of forest land equivalent to 46% to less than 34% as of 2012 bearing that reforestation has been encouraged since the late 1970s. It demonstrates that the second half of the 19th century was to blame with over 13 square miles of forest cleared daily for 50 years. The paper will enhance the understanding of various changes and dynamics of protecting trees that is essential in understanding the reason the 19th-century government failed to strengthen forestry.
Elias, Patricia. "Logging And The Law: How The U.S. Lacey Act Helps Reduce Illegal Logging In The Tropics.."
Union of Concerned Scientists
. N.p., 2012. Web. 14 Apr. 2018 < https://www.ucs usa .org/sites/.../ illegal - logging -and- lacey - act .pdf>Unlike the other articles that discuss logging and forestry history since the 1800s, this article is a 21st-century analysis of the recent changes that have facilitated the protection of forests and limiting logging either for timber or agricultural reasons. The article discussed the impacts of the Lacey Act since its passing into law in 2008. The report provides a way to compare the Timber and Stone Act and the Lacey Act to prove that the 19th and 20th-century policies were lacking and enhanced the logging that has caused the current climatic conditions.
Flora, Donald, F. "Forest Economics Research At The Pacific Northwest Research Station, To 2000.." . N.p., 2003. Web. 14 Apr. 2018. < pnw /pubs/gtr562.pdf>
The study discusses the changes in the economic value of timber and logging since 1909 to 1999. It demonstrates that economic benefits of wood, timber, and charcoal have changed with the shift in lifestyles and emphasis of reforestation reducing the logging. The study uses economic theories to demonstrate the effect of national economy and depression on logging and milling companies. The growing knowledge and understanding of climate change have also facilitated preservation of food, but the engagement in WW1, WWII and the Vietnam War were some of the reasons that logging was encouraged in the 20th century. However, the people also understood the need to enhance reforestation thus mitigating the effects of the excessive logging in the 19th century.
Daniels, Jean M. "The Rise, And Fall Of The Pacific Northwest Log Export Market.." . N.p., 2005. Web. 14 Apr. 2018 < pnw /pubs/ pnw _gtr624.pdf>
The article demonstrates that changes that resulted in reduction of timber harvesting from the PNW forests, globalization of wood market, and reduction of the Asian demand mainly from Japan are the reason behind the decrease in the log exports from the U.S. Pacific Northwest region. The PNW trade had led to the increased log export in the 1960s which was influenced by the massive consumption from Japan. The paper demonstrates the debate on regulation of timber harvesting that were controlled by the large mill companies with considerable political influence to hinder the passing of laws that would reduce their timber harvesting. The logging in America has been an economic and political platform since the 1800s, and the 1960s influence demonstrate that minimal changes in such issues have been realized.
Marlon, J. R. et al. "Long-Term Perspective On Wildfires In The Western USA."
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
109.9 (2012): E535-E543. Web. 14 Apr. 2018 <>The journal analyzes the impacts of fires that was the cause of the massive destruction of forests in the 19th and 20th century. It reviews the use burning of charcoal that was important at the time and the failures by the forest service officers who had inadequate training and motivation to limit the illegal logging and charcoal burning. It is evident that charcoal burning was the primary cause of these fires, therefore, making it necessary for the accomplishment of this paper.
"The American Tree Farm System - Forest History Society."
Forest History Society
. Web. 14 Apr. 2018. <>This paper unlike other articles in this bibliography offers a smile as it discusses the history of reforestation since 1941. It demonstrates the initiatives by the government to certify Weyerhaeuser Timber Company as the first initiative of the tree farm that would become implemented in other states. The article shows the financial and policies problems that made a move fail for more than three decades after its start. However, government policies and support since 2008 have enhanced the help of tree farms. This article provides a different dimension in addressing the history of logging in the U.S. from 1941.
"Grey Towers National Historic Landmark - Forest History Society."
Forest History Society
. Web. 14 Apr. 2018. <>Transport, trade, and civilization resulted in the change in lifestyles and population growth. These factors led to the rise of towns and urban centers with complaints of the forest reserves about their buildings resulting in the use of logs to construct their houses. The growth in log buildings and availability of trees increased logging in the late 1800s, but there would be changes in housing styles and arts after the turn of the century thus reducing logging. This article provides the social perspectives of the topic, therefore, essential to finalize this study.
Bajema, Carl Jay. "The First Logging Railroads In The Great Lakes Region On JSTOR." . N.p., 1991. Web. 14 Apr. 2018.
Daniels, Jean M. "The Rise, And Fall Of The Pacific Northwest Log Export Market.." . N.p., 2005. Web. 14 Apr. 2018.
Elias, Patricia. "Logging And The Law: How The U.S. Lacey Act Helps Reduce Illegal Logging In The Tropics.." Union of Concerned Scientists . N.p., 2012. Web. 14 Apr. 2018.
Flora, Donald, F. "Forest Economics Research At The Pacific Northwest Research Station, To 2000.." . N.p., 2003. Web. 14 Apr. 2018.
"Grey Towers National Historic Landmark - Forest History Society." Forest History Society . Web. 14 Apr. 2018.
Marlon, J. R. et al. "Long-Term Perspective On Wildfires In The Western USA." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109.9 (2012): E535-E543. Web. 14 Apr. 2018.
McKay, Kathryn L. "TRAILS OF THE PAST: Historical Overview Of The Flathead National Forest, Montana, 1800-1960." . N.p., 1994. Web. 14 Apr. 2018.
Oswalt, Sonja N. and, and Brad W Smith. "U.S. Forest Resource Facts And Historical Trends." United States Department of Agriculture and Forest Service . N.p., 2014. Web. 14 Apr. 2018.
"The American Tree Farm System - Forest History Society." Forest History Society . Web. 14 Apr. 2018.
Wilson, Richa. "On Horseback And By Highway Administrative Facilities Of The Wasatch-Cache National Forest, 1902-1960.." . N.p., 2005. Web. 14 Apr. 2018.