19 Jun 2022


The Impact of Individual Behavior on Business Outcomes

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Academic level: College

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Words: 781

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Description of Attitudes and Job Satisfaction for each Employee 

The first employee has a conflicting attitude when performing his role in promoting the company's product on social media. Conflict behavior is evident when this boss makes added recommendations to his work. The employee has a low attitude that is affecting his commitment to stay on the job, making him register work lateness. Cognitive dissonance leads to dissatisfaction resulting from mental discomfort, making the employee lack self-drive and purpose in his profession (Shah & Lacaze, 2018). The engineer is cultivating for unwelcoming attitude, making her unsatisfied with her position and new initiatives. Robbins & Judge (2019) explain that job engagement reduces when employees' physical, cognitive, and emotional energies are drained by stress at work. Low engagement leads to dissatisfaction and poor task performance. The customer service representative has a negative attitude towards the working environment that is triggering dissatisfaction with other employees, leading to absenteeism. The attitude is effective since the employees are not happy with their working conditions, affecting their commitment to their responsibilities (Robbins & Judge, 2019). The quality control administrator has an I-don't-belong-here attitude because everyone is making her feel out of place since no one engages her in the organization. Robbins and Judge (2019) believe that exclusion births dissatisfaction and underperformance.

Employees’ Responses to Dissatisfaction 

Reduced job involvement is one response portrayed by employees. The customer service representative's department is experiencing increased cases of calling-in sick among employees. The engineer has stopped contributing ideas or supporting new initiatives at work due to stress and high workload. The social media administrator is frequently late and work, resulting in constant warnings from his boss. Lack of psychological empowerment is also a notable response to employees. Employees believe that their work is negatively affecting their ability to perform and manage their professional and personal lives (Robbins & Judge, 2019). The engineer's stress and workload are affecting her ability to do constant work, and she is depressed. The work is creating more stress for herself and her family. Exclusion in the fourth case makes an employer feel isolated, and they cannot perform well since they lack understanding of what is expected of them. As a result, employees feel unmotivated to perform their duties successfully.

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Impacts of Employees’ Attitudes and Job Satisfaction on Organizational Performance 

Employees' attitudes and job satisfaction affect organizational performance since they influence their performance. Low job satisfaction affects net returns since employees lack energy and willingness to perform their responsibilities effectively. When employees are unsatisfied with their positions or working conditions, they register higher rates of personal turnover and a high likelihood of absenteeism. The organization may lose valuable employees (Lucky et al., 2019). Overall, the organization may lose significant profits since employees reduce their commitment to participate in achieving organizational goals.

The social media marketing administrators will increase his turnover rates, and the company will have to invest in training someone else to do the job, leading to increased operational costs that will reduce the organization's profit. The engineer's lack of engagement and support for new initiatives will make the organization adopt strategies that may cost the company since she does not solve existing challenges. The engineer may work under stress, leading to poor performance and challenges in the production facilities. Lack of customer service satisfaction will reduce customer experience, and the organization may lose customer loyalty, leading to a competitive advantage over the competitors. Employees may also quit their jobs since they have already started calling in sick. As a result, the margin profit may reduce once the organization starts losing customers and training new employees for the job. The quality control administrator will impact the quality of products and service provision since she is not involved in organizational operations. As a result, the low quality will lead to reduced customer reception and, consequently, reduced profits.

Role of Managers in Improving Employees’ Attitudes 

Mintzberg's managerial roles applicable to employees include interpersonal, informational, and decisional (Kumar, 2015). The manager should monitor employee number one's performance to identify why he is experiencing cognitive dissonance and assist him to develop positive attitudes towards his boss's requests. The concern would awaken the employee's conscience to show him his value to the organization and the need to cooperate with his boss to promote the company's instruments. The manager in employee number two should exercise his leadership role to develop a positive relationship with the engineer to understand the stress she is going through due to her constant, demanding work. The manager will assist her by reducing her workload and designating her in one location to balance her work and family life. In employee three, the manager will use their monitoring role to identify the unfavorable working conditions and adopt strategies to increase employee satisfaction. Additionally, effective interpersonal relationships between the manager and employees will provide an environment where employees can air their grievances to improve their working conditions. The manager can apply their entrepreneur role to the quality control administrator to delegate roles to her to ensure she is included in organizational performance.


Kumar, P. (2015). An Analytical study on Mintzberg’s Framework: Managerial Roles. International Journal of Research in Management & Business Studies , 2 (3), 12-20. https://ijrmbs.com/vol2issue3/drpradeep.pdf

Lucky, O. et al. (2019). Impact of Employee Job Satisfaction on Organizational Performance. Academic Journal of Current Research, 6(12), 6-14.

Robbins, S. P., & Judge, T. A. (2019). Organizational behavior (18 th Ed.). New York, NY: Pearson

Shah, J. & Lacaze, D. (2018). Moderating role of Cognitive Dissonance in the relationship of Islamic work ethics and Job Satisfaction, Turnover Intention & Job Performance. https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01901056/document

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). The Impact of Individual Behavior on Business Outcomes.


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