22 Aug 2022


The importance of providing the public with relevant and truthful information

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Academic level: College

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Words: 271

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  Providing the public with relevant and truthful information is very important for a reporter. The information provided by the planning director is rather insufficient about the project however further research shall be conducted about the dame before publishing the information. Research according to (“Society of Professional Journalists," 2016), reported that in many sovereign states, a majority of the population tend to have faith in the information published by the journalist. It is believed that meticulous research has been conducted before the information is relayed out there.

According to research on this new development that is to take place in the city, I found out that a man named Paul Iannucci from New York has been one of the cornerstones of the developments undertaken by the major. Research showed that last year, this man made the highest contribution to the mayor during the election. The man became a person of interest to research about in his undertakings within the city. Further research revealed that Paul Iannucci has been a financier in many city's developments over the years. Chief among them was the development of riverboat gambling operations within the city where he was the sole financier of the whole project. In that connection, with this city's new development project that is relayed by the planning director, as a reporter, I strongly believe that Paul Ianucci has a major role towards the project especially as a person who will provide the required funds for the project.

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The gathered and well-researched information about Paul Iannucci and his developments within the city as well as the information relayed to the reporters by the planning director will be used in the publishing of the city's new development project that is coming up.


Society of Professional Journalists. (2016). Ethics. Ethical case study. Retrieved from http://www.spj.org/ethicscasestudies.asp 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). The importance of providing the public with relevant and truthful information.


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