26 Dec 2022


The Many Challenges of Statesmanship

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Academic level: High School

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Today, the US is grappling with a wide range of challenges. They include the opioid crisis that has left thousands dead, natural disasters that devastate communities and racial tensions that have reversed the gains that the nation made in promoting healing and cohesion. It is true that all these challenges have strained the nation’s resources as well as raised questions about its future. However, what is even truer is that these challenges have underscored the need for statesmen. Essentially, statesmen are effective leaders who pursue the best interests of their communities even if this occurs at the expense of their own wellbeing. Statesmen are indeed rare. The current crop of leaders in the US and across the globe has failed to demonstrate a commitment to serving the nation at all costs. Instead of delivering affordable healthcare to the American people, promoting cohesion and pursuing policies that drive the country forward, these leaders are engaged in pointless bickering. There is no doubt that the US is in desperate need of statesmen. Fortunately, the nation is blessed with a few statesmen who continue to strive to fuel the country’s growth. The history of the US is also littered with bold men and women who placed country above personal interests. This paper addresses the issue of statesmanship. Adopting a Biblical perspective, the paper begins by defining statesmanship before proceeding to shed light on the life and works of two Americans who have exhibited tremendous statesmanship. Statesmanship is indeed a complex and multi-faceted concept. Its complexity can be seen in the huge volume of academic literature that highlights the various aspects that constitute statesmanship. Overeem and Bakker (2016) are some of the scholars whose work focuses on this concept. According to this duo, statesmanship refers “morally excellent leadership at the polity level” (p. 46). In essence, these scholars indicate that statesmanship is concerned with brilliant service in political governance. In their text, Overeem and Bakker identify some political leaders who are regarded as statesmen. They include Margaret Thatcher, Winston Churchill and Abraham Lincoln. They add that what makes these leaders statesmen is that they have made remarkable sacrifices in leading their countries through violent conflicts and other hardships. Plato is another individual who examined the concept of statesmanship in some of his work. Neiman (2007) explores Plato’s definition in his text. According to Neiman, Plato felt that a statesman is a leader who is able to ensure order by demanding strict obedience to the laws that have been laid down. It is evident that Plato felt that statesmen should be concerned with ensuring stability, full compliance with the law and total order. His idea of a statesman would be incongruent with the political situation in the globe today. More and more countries are abandoning autocratic rule in favor of democratic governance. While it is true that Plato’s ideas seem outdated, they offer critical insights into the attributes that statesmen are supposed to possess. Newbold (2005) also added her voice to the discussion on the meaning of a statesman. Citing such individuals as Thomas Jefferson as statesmen, Newbold argues that a statesman is a bold leader who is ready to betray their personal values in the pursuit of the common good. According to Newbold, statesmen reject blind faithfulness to values and principles. They are flexible and open to interventions that move the country forward. Whereas it is true that statesmanship is usually associated with political leaders, it is important to recognize that people in other fields can serve as statesmen. For example, business leaders who work closely with politicians to pass policies that protect the environment while facilitating business operations can be regarded as statesmen. Above, some definitions of statesmanship have been explored. The definition of this concept would not be complete without an examination of the traits, behaviors and practices that make up statesmanship. In his article that featured on Medium, Sylvester (2018) spotlights some of the key features of statesmen. He notes that statesmen as selfless patriots who have little regard for positions or influence but instead focus their efforts on service to their communities and nations. According to Sylvester, Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela are some of the notable statesmen who satisfy the traits required. Another trait that Sylvester identifies as being a critical component of statesmanship is competence. Essentially, statesmen possess immense knowledge and competencies that they leverage to address the challenges that their communities grapple with. It is not enough for a statesman to be charismatic, selfless and patriotic. These leaders also need to provide concrete solutions to real problems afflicting their people. From the discussion above, one could suppose that statesmen possess superhuman abilities that enable them to make a difference in their communities. While it is true that these leaders possess remarkable energy, talent and skill, they are not superhuman. This appears to be the primary message that Holm-Hadulla, Roussel and Hofmann (2010) set out to convey when they authored their text. They focus their attention on J. W. Goethe whom they present as an excellent statesman. According to this trio, Goethe struggled with depression and temperaments that disrupted his moods. Despite these hardships, he was able to contribute to the development of German society through creativity. The example of Goethe serves as evidence that statesmanship can be demonstrated through simple acts and that statesmen also grapple with normal challenges such as mental health problems. To gain an even clearer understanding of the meaning of statesmanship, it is helpful to consider this concept within the context of modern society. This is what MacMillan (2017) did. In a text that she authored for the World Economic Forum, she makes clear that statesmanship involves a willingness to lead, excellent communication skills, effective listening and a deep understanding of the problems that frustrate effective leadership. Essentially, MacMillan challenges her readers to understand that statesmanship plays a critical role in resolving nearly all the challenges that nations grapple with today. Harnessing the numerous skills and competencies that they possess, statesmen are able to steer their nations into prosperity. For example, a statesman who listens effectively and attentively manages to resolve conflicts, thereby setting the stage for sustainable development and harmonious co-existence. The discussion this far has revealed that statesmanship is indeed complex. There are a number of critical skills and traits that enable statesmen to have an impact on the lives of millions. There is no doubt that to become a statesman, one needs to uphold moral values, lead principled lives, and prioritize the wellbeing of their people. However, there are some scholars who feel that it is possible for one to rise to the level of a statesman even if they lack the skills and knowledge that this position demands. For example, writing for the Washington Post, Ben Guarino (2018) suggests that there have been individuals who became statesmen despite years of selfishness and incompetence. While controversial, Guarino’s assertions highlight a key element of statesmanship: it can be learnt. It is not necessary for one to be born with competence. Through dedication, training and guidance, individuals can acquire the competencies that make up statesmanship. Above, the various definitions of statesmanship and the traits that characterize statesmen have been outlined. The stage is now set for a look at a historical statesman who can be credited with some of the development that the US has witnessed. Abraham Lincoln is undoubtedly among the most impactful statesmen that the US should celebrate. In the following section, a look at how Lincoln embodies statesmanship is offered. Lincoln is emblematic of patriotism. Edwin Meese (2009) authored a report in which he details the numerous instances when Lincoln exhibited tremendous love for and loyalty to the United States. For instance, in one of the speeches that he issued, Lincoln made clear his passion and willingness to protect the fundamental liberties enshrined in the country’s constitution. Throughout his time in office, Lincoln defended American unity and even used violent means to ensure that the states remained united. Lincoln also provided lessons that modern leaders can adopt as they seek to develop their nations. As Meese narrates, Lincoln understood that his presidency was temporary. Instead of regarding the White House as a tool for personal enrichment or fulfilling partisan interests, Lincoln recognized that the presidency was an important office that should be leveraged in serving the nation. Moreover, in one of his most notable speeches, the Gettysburg Address, Lincoln expressed deep love for and a passionate desire to defend democracy. During the speech, he declared that “government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth” (Pengelly, 2013, par. 2). Overall, in nearly all his dealings, Lincoln acted in the best interest of the American people. As noted earlier, the US is in dire need of statesmanship. This need can be seen in the lack of capable leadership. For example, today, the US democratic system faces serious threats and the current leaders seem either unwilling or unable to defend the system. Lincoln is remembered as a staunch defender of American democracy. This is according to Joseph Fornieri whose text focuses on the statesmanship that Lincoln embodied. Fornieri (2014) records that Lincoln possessed and shared insights regarding self-government and democracy. This means that Lincoln understood that true and ultimate power rested with the American people. He was simply a leader to whom the American people had delegated the authority to govern. Lincoln’s humility and respect for elected office is indeed refreshing and inspiring. Modern leaders who wish to transform their nations through democratic governance should turn to Lincoln for guidance and direction. Today, racial tensions are among the gravest challenges that the US faces. For example, in the recent past, the nation has witnessed dozens of cases involving white police officers fatally shooting unarmed African American men (Peeples, 2019). These cases have reignited tensions and compelled the nation to reflect on how it handles such issues as racism. It is unfortunate that the problems are not confined to the relationship between the police and the African American community. Healthcare, education, housing and corrections are other areas where racial discrimination manifests. Lincoln demonstrated an enviable ability to heal the nation and address racial divisions. He did this by pursuing values and engaging in speech that reinforced the equality of all men. For instance, in the Gettysburg Address, Lincoln reiterated that ‘all men are created equal” (Pengelly, 2013). His speech was indeed inspired and occurred at a time of racial divisions and hostility directed at African Americans who were largely regarded as inferior. It is unfortunate that the US continues to struggle with challenges like racial discrimination and violent attacks on minorities. For the nation to experience healing, it should be under the leadership of a statesman who shares Lincoln’s spirit of equality and justice. One should understand that the commitment to equality that Lincoln demonstrated extended beyond rhetoric. He took some concrete steps to make the US more accepting and equal. Abolishing slavery is one of the measures that he implemented in his time in office. For decades, black slaves had endured hostility, hate and subjugation. Lincoln is among the country’s leaders who recognized that slavery was inconsistent with the values on which the nation was founded. He orchestrated reforms that eventually led to the abolishment of slavery across the entire country. This initiative is indeed representative of statesmanship. Lincoln must have known that the economies of many states depended heavily on the institution of slavery. Even with a clear and deep understanding of the economic devastation that would result, Lincoln proceeded to make slavery illegal. This move highlights the tremendous boldness that he possessed. He pursued an intervention that plunged the nation into years of costly violent conflict. It is evident that Lincoln was a statesman who felt that despite their lowly status, black slaves had an inherent and inalienable right to be treated with respect, equality and dignity. Whereas its consequences are always devastating, war is often necessary and can deliver positive outcomes. Lincoln recognized that to correct some of the ills that had plagued the country for decades, an armed conflict was needed. He led Northern States in a war against Southern States which staunchly opposed the abolishment of slavery (Lightner, 1982). Lincoln defended the assault that he led by arguing that the Union needed to be secured at all costs. While he did not explicitly link enforcing the abolishment to the Civil War, there is no doubt that Lincoln must have been driven by his goal of ending this barbaric and harmful practice that had stripped thousands of black slaves of their dignity and basic liberties. In a previous section, it was noted that statesmen are not necessarily born into the roles that the go on to perform. Instead, there are some who harness their experiences and opportunities to develop the competencies that they need to lead. This appears to be the case with Lincoln. In his text, Lightner paints Lincoln in an unflattering right. He mentions that before he became President, Lincoln held views and perspectives that are in conflict with the changes that he engineered. For example, as Lightner reports, “Lincoln stated publicly that he did not believe the Negro to be his equal, that he was not and never had been in favor of allowing Negroes to vote” (Lightner, 1982, p. 289). Attribution of these utterances to Lincoln would surprise and disappoint all those who recognize him as a model statesman. While the statements that Lincoln made regarding the status and rights of African Americans are unfortunate and regrettable, they hold the key to understanding the evolution of Lincoln. He transformed from a racist individual with no regard for the welfare of slaves into a passionate visionary who sought to establish a nation based on such values as equality. Therefore, Lincoln is a statesman who managed to ensure that the blunders that he made did not frustrate his bid to cleanse the country. Lincoln is part of a fairly long list of statesmen whose contributions to the development of the United States and the globe at large cannot be ignored. John McCain is another leader on this list. Even in death, he is remembered as a courageous individual whose love for his country is difficult to match. Discussed in greater detail below are some of the ways through which McCain exhibited statesmanship. Enriching the politics of the US is one of the ways that McCain showed that he was a true statesman. Up until his death in 2018, McCain had served as the Senator for Arizona. In this position, he was faithful in his service to constituents. Unlike other leaders who remain invisible and make no significant contributions, McCain ensured that he had an impact on the politics of the US. His colleagues describe him as a leader who engaged in constructive conversation and understood that in order to achieve progress, leaders from the different political parties needed to work together. He often defied expectations and risked his political career in the service of his country. For instance, he joined forces with Democratic Senators to defeat a Republican-sponsored bill which sought to repeal Obamacare (Huetteman, 2018). McCain represented a spirit that is sorely lacking in US politics today. American legislators have allowed partisan interests and commitments to sabotage their efforts to fuel the country’s growth. Even when a policy or intervention promises to improve a situation, it is not uncommon for legislators from particular parties to refuse to support the measure because it is in conflict with the position or values of their party. Defiance in the face of threats to personal interests is one of the hallmarks of statesmanship. Statesmen maintain their faithfulness to their countries even when they risk suffering personal harm. This description fits McCain perfectly. In the months and days leading up to his death, McCain openly and fiercely defied the position of his party on various issues. Additionally, he was involved in public and unapologetic confrontations with President Trump (“John McCain”, 2018). For instance, McCain is among the few members of his party who were strong in their condemnation of Trump for the disparaging remarks he had made concerning women and immigrants. It is evident that McCain was courageous in his defense of his values and the principles that define the American nation. While other leaders towed the line, McCain maintained faithfulness to integrity and decency. He should serve as motivation for other leaders who wish to make a difference but are derailed by party politics. It was observed in an earlier section that one of the traits that statesmen possess is endeavoring to make a difference in the lives of those that they are privileged to lead. Statesmen endure personal hardships but remain relentless in service. Philanthropy is one of the platforms from which statesmen invest in the lives of their people. For much of his public life, McCain engaged in a variety of philanthropic initiatives. For example, collaborating with his wife, McCain established the John and Cindy McCain Family Foundation, a non-profit whose main mission is to invest programs that enhance human health. Additionally, through this program, McCain made contributions to education and the provision of housing to vulnerable groups across the US (“The John and Cindy”, n.d). Additionally, it is understood that McCain made huge donations to charities. For example, he donated $9 million that he raised while running for President in 2008 to charitable organizations and causes. Moreover, McCain also donated amounts raised through book sales (Asymkos, 2018). McCain’s generosity and concern for the unfortunate is unparalleled. He is part of a shrinking group of leaders who match their rhetoric with actions which make a real difference in the lives of thousands of Americans. Today, the US is involved in a number of military operations domestically and in other countries. The purpose of these operations is to protect the nation against the various threats that it faces. While the country spends huge amounts every year to fund these operations, it is young soldiers who make the ultimate sacrifice. Politicians are often criticized for issuing orders from the comfort of their offices. McCain was different. Whereas he is best remembered for his political career, he also played a critical role in the country’s military effort. For example, he was among the soldiers who took part in the Vietnam War. What makes McCain’s service remarkable is that he endured five years as a prisoner of war in Vietnam (Rothman, 2018). During this time, he was subjected to torture. For example, reports indicate that together with other prisoners of war, McCain suffered solitary confinement and beatings, among other forms of torture. Additionally, McCain is reported to have refused an offer to be released. He declined this offer unless it was extended to other prisoners of war. McCain’s ability to remain selfless even in the face of unimaginable adversity serves to highlight his statesmanship. His generous and courageous spirit stands in sharp contrast to the mediocrity and selfishness that define current leaders. For the US to sustain the gains that it has made, it must be led by statesmen who are prepared to pay the ultimate price in protecting the country. Thus far, the paper has provided a secular understanding of statesmanship. To be balanced and complete, the discussion needs to incorporate Biblical teachings, principles and insights. The Bible is replete with passages which shed light on statesmanship and the function that it serves in enhancing the development of communities. For example, in Joel 1:2-14, the Bible issues instructions to statesmen. In particular, these verses challenge the statesmen to understand that they have an obligation to convey God’s messages to their children and their grandchildren. Hebrews 13:7, James 1:12, Matthew 20: 26, Philippians 2: 3 and 1 st Timothy 3: 12 are some of the other verses which address statesmanship. It is true that these verses are rather tangential and indirect in their exploration of what constitutes statesmen. However, they help believers to understand the importance of statesmanship and the functions that statesmen are expected to perform. For instance, in 1 st Timothy 3: 12, the Bible declares “Now the overseer is to be above reproach, faithful to his wife, temperate, self-controlled, hospitable, able to teach”. Through this Scripture, the Bible essentially constructs statesmanship. To be regarded as a statesman, one needs to be able to keep their emotions and actions in check, should have respect for the family and should uphold moral values. In addition to possessing these character traits, the Bible also acknowledges the importance of faith in God, wisdom and humility. To fully understand the Biblical perspective on statesmanship, one should consider the leaders that the Bible presents as model statesmen. Moses, David and Solomon are among the characters who embody the Biblical values of statesmanship. For instance, Moses collaborated with God to facilitate the redemption of the people of Israel. On the other hand, David and Solomon submitted their lives to Yahweh, enabling him to direct his people. There are numerous other examples of leaders who trusted God to guide them in serving their communities. While these leaders had different spirits, there are some traits that they shared. For example, Moses, David and Solomon were unwavering in their faith in and commitment to Yahweh. Additionally, they were driven by a desperate need to deliver their people. From the lives of these three leaders, one is able to determine the Biblical position on statesmanship.


The level of development that a country experiences hinges heavily on the quality of its leaders. While competent leaders promote development, those who lack skill and talent lead their nations to ruin. Statesmanship captures effective leadership. Essentially, this concept recognizes the role of selfless service. Moreover, statesmanship imbues leaders with the dedication, resilience and competence that they require to elevate the position of their communities. Abraham Lincoln and John McCain are some of the leaders who function as manifestations of statesmanship. Through their service to the American people, these leaders championed for the rights of minorities and sought to heal divisions. The leaders who are in office today should endeavor to become statesmen.

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Asymkos, S. (2018). John McCain donated over $10M to charity from book sales, and campaign. Yahoo Finance. Retrieved September 5, 2019, from https://finance.yahoo.com/news/john-mccain-donated-over-10m-182941466.html

Fornieri, J. R. (2014). Abraham Lincoln, philosopher and statesman. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press.

Guarino, B. (2018). Scientists identify four personality types. The Washington Post. Retrieved September 5, 2019, from https://www.washingtonpost.com/science/2018/09/17/scientists-identify-four-personality-types/

Holm-Hadulla, R. M., Roussel, M., & Hofmann, F. (2010). Depression and creativity — The case of the German poet, scientist and statesman J. W. v. Goethe. Journal of Affective Disorders, 127 (1-3), 43-9.

Huetteman, E. (2018). McCain hated Obamacare. He also saved it. NBC News. Retrieved September 5, 2019, from https://www.nbcnews.com/health/obamacare/mccain-hated-obamacare-he-also-saved-it-n904106

The John and Cindy McCain Family Foundation. (n.d). Foundation Directory. Retrieved September 5, 2019, from https://fconline.foundationcenter.org/fdo-grantmaker-profile/?key=HENS011

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Lightner, D. (1982). Abraham Lincoln and the ideal of equality. Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society, 75 (4), 289-308.

MacMillan, M. (2017). 8 leadership lessons from history. World Economic Forum. Retrieved September 5, 2019, from https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2017/01/8-leadership-lessons-from-history/

Meese, E. (2009). Abraham Lincoln: statesman for all ages. The Heritage Foundation. Retrieved September 5, 2019, from https://www.heritage.org/asia/report/abraham-lincoln-statesman-all-ages

Neiman, P. (2007). The practicality of Plato’s “statesman”. History of Political Thought, 28 (3), 402-18.

Newbold, S. P. (2005). Statesmanship and ethics: the case of Thomas Jefferson’s dirty hands. Public Administration Review, 65 (6), 669-77.

Overeem, P., & Bakker, F. E. (2016). Statesmanship beyond the modern state. Perspectives on Political Science, 48 (1), 46-55.

Peeples, L. (2019). What the data says about police shootings. Nature. Retrieved September 5, 2019, from https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-019-02601-9

Pengelly, M. (2013). The Gettysburg address contains two simple truths-we must fight for them. The Guardian. Retrieved September 5, 2019, from https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2013/nov/19/gettysburg-address-150th-anniversary-ken-burns

Rothman, L. (2018). How John McCain’s years as a Vietnam POW shaped his life. Time. Retrieved September 5, 2019, from https://time.com/5260228/john-mccain-pow-history/

Sylvester, P. (2018). 5 traits of great leaders. Medium Inc. Retrieved September 5, 2019, from https://medium.com/personal-growth/5-traits-of-great-leaders-bc7247bdeb88

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). The Many Challenges of Statesmanship.


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