1 Dec 2022


The Most Appropriate Technology for the Small Business

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Big data and knowledge meet the technology requirements of providing essential information concerning inventory, pricing, and customers. The technology will allow the organization to integrate data from several buyers based on location, amount and order number (Erickson, & Rothberg, 2015). The information is stored in the system and can be used in establishing contact with the customers to enhance customer loyalty, repeated sales and an increase in referrals. Also, it will provide crucial information about the available inventory and prices that is vital for decision making for both the customer and the organization. Big data and knowledge will allow the management to generate reports about shipping status, inventory, the price received payments and pending payments. 

There exist some gaps in this technology because the organization is supposed to develop robust security measures to prevent unauthorized people from accessing personal information of customers. Several cases have been reported where websites are hacked and people access personal information of customers. Such information is used for credit card thefts and other cybercrime activities that can damage the reputation of an organization. 

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Wireless, Mobile Computing, and Mobile Commerce/ Social Media 

The wireless, mobile computing and mobile commerce will enable the firm to access and integrate social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram to capture a new customer base and interact with the customers. Mobile commerce ensures that customers can make orders, track the status of their rules and make payments. These will integrate online shopping and enhance collaboration both internally and externally. 

Also, the connection accessories will allow the company to access its market and interact with current and probable customers. These accessories will enable the firm to create new marketing channels to stimulate online shopping and foster personalized shopping experience (Niranjanamurthy, Kavyashree, Jagannath, Chahar, 2013). The accessories offer push notifications that remind the users about the cart that has not been checked out. New customers will be attracted because the site will be optimized to retain the current customer base and at the same time attract new ones. It will entail retargeting ads that entice customers to go back and make more purchases. 

The technology solution has some gaps, for example, the mobile wireless connection is limited to a particular geographical location, and this might limit the access to a broader market. Also, it is vulnerable to hacking if effective security measures are absent (Krishna, & Muniyal,). 


Wireless, mobile computing and mobile commerce is the most appropriate technology for the small brick-and-mortar business because it will allow the company to capture new markets and increase sales. The recommended technology solution will enable the company to integrate its system and generate new revenue through e-commerce, for example, development of applications that foster increased sales and generation of reports for the decision-making process. This is because customers will be able to make online purchases, track their sales, make payments and interact with the customer. The increase in the number of mobile users and widespread increase in internet coverage provides a probable market for the technology solution to be implemented. The system can be integrated with the social media networks to increase the market size and exploit new markets. 

The overall benefit of this technology solution is that the company will be in a position to generate new revenue. This will be achieved through the enhanced marketing the marketing tools on the mobile computing that will permit the firm to access new markets thus increased sales. The technology solution is useful because it provides a platform for making orders, track order status and makes payments. A loyalty program can be incorporated into this solution to enhance repetitive sales thus generate more revenue for the company. Efficiency will be improved through the provision of adequate information to the customers through this technology to allow customers to make informed decisions. It will position the company for future growth because of the increasing number of mobile users and internet coverage gives the business n opportunity to grow. 

Security Features for Recommended Technology 

Wireless, mobile computing and mobile commerce require strong security to prevent data from being stolen. Therefore, there are several security features that the above business should consider. Firstly, the company should consider the aspect of acquiring the Security Sockets Layer (SSL) as a certificate needed for the website (Osseiran, Monserrat & Marsch, 2016). SSL certificate assures the clients using the site that there is a protected link within the business that lies in between where the information is kept and where it is inputted either as a browser. The other feature involves separating and maintaining the wireless connections used by the business from that used by the customers. Most importantly, the company should ensure that all devices used are kept up to date with the recent security patches. The approach closes any chance that protentional could be utilized to steal the company's data (Osseiran, Monserrat & Marsch, 2016). 

What the Business Should Consider In Regard To Security and Privacy as It Seek Out Third-Party Vendors for the Proposed Technology 

The business should, first of all, consider researching on them. For instance, it should seek to understand how long they have been in the industry, individuals, and institutions they have been closely working with, how other partners recommend about them as well as finding out ratings on their services. More so, there is a need to find out the history of the third- party vendors before assigning them some of the company's duties (Keith et al., 2015). All other factors such as their pricing and their experience require significant research. The business should consider breaking the services of each vendor into some sections to understand some of the vendors that fit for the job. 

Internal Safeguards That Should Be Put In Place in Your Business to Guard against Loss or Misuse of Company Data and Some Examples 

Internal safeguards are quite essential for any business. The primary aim of internal safeguards is to protect the industry from experiencing both the loss and misuse of the company information. For the above company, it should consider the aspect of accessing all employees based on their positions of working as the principal internal way of safeguarding the business. For example, the manager should have enough knowledge regarding the data in every section of the company (Frazer, 2016). Also, the CEO of the business should act his/her responsibilities accordingly to avoid malpractices in the industry. For instance, he /she should mandate managers to have access to all store reports and not delegating the same to cashiers. Additionally, the manager should encourage all workers to change their passwords after some months to avoid the business from being compromised. On the other hand, the firm should put in place some guiding laws and policies to in force both the local and state regarding the use of wireless, mobile computing, and mobile commerce together with their securities. 

Erickson, S., & Rothberg, H. (2015). Big data and knowledge management: establishing a conceptual foundation. Leading Issues in Knowledge Management, 2, 204. 

Frazer, L. (2016). Internal control: Is it a benefit or fad to small companies? A literature dependency perspective. Journal of Accounting and Finance, 16(4), 149. 

Keith, M. J., Babb, J. S., Lowry, P. B., Furner, C. P., & Abdullat, A. (2015). The role of mobile ‐ computing self ‐ efficacy in consumer information disclosure. Information Systems Journal, 25(6), 637-667. 

Krishna Prakasha, K., & Muniyal, B. (2014). Mobile Computing and M-Commerce Security Issues. 

Niranjanamurthy, M., Kavyashree, N., Jagannath, S., & Chahar, D. (2013). Analysis of e-commerce and m-commerce: advantages, limitations and security issues. International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, 2(6). 

Osseiran, A., Monserrat, J. F., & Marsch, P. (Eds.). (2016). 5G mobile and wireless communications technology. Cambridge University Press. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). The Most Appropriate Technology for the Small Business.


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