14 Nov 2022


The Revolutionary Changes of the 21st Century

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Academic level: College

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Words: 302

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The revolutions of the 1840-1870s were certainly epic. These revolts were against conformist kings and governments and took place in various parts of Europe. The initial movements started in France, which resulted in the publications of Charles X on July 26. Primarily, the revolt brought about the passing of four major ordinances that proved to relinquish the rights of the citizens subsequently exhibiting dictatorship and the rule of an iron fist. These ordinances were the modification of electoral laws, suspension of the freedom of the press, the dissolution of the chambers of duty and the calling of the new election. Similarly, in Belgium, Poland, Switzerland and Italy, other revolutions took place. The revolution in Belgium was quite successful, and this brought about the self-governing of the country so long as the country remained to be a neutral state, and that other powers make the agreement not to invade Belgium. In Poland also, a revolt ensued owing to the successful nature of the France and Belgium revolt. However, Czar Nicholas quickly suppressed the Polish revolt.

In Britain, the revolutions saw numerous changes. Tony Party showed an ever-increasing partiality to the people of the middle class. Correspondingly, the Foreign Minister George Canning and Robert Peel assumed the position of liberalism consequently satisfying the middle class and passing laws that ensured the creation on a new and much more stable state. Through the Laissez Faire laws, the middle class was taken care of with more sensitivity, and even a police force was created to take care of all the citizens prudently. In addition to the revolts, there was the passing of various bills that ensured a well-off welfare of the citizen. A good example is the Reformation Bill of 1842 in Britain which simplified voting. Through such bills, the voice of the ordinary citizen became significant, and their plight was heard. Overall, the revolts of those times highly favored the average person and did not augur well with those of the aristocracy because significant changes were made to the political system in favor of inclusion.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). The Revolutionary Changes of the 21st Century.


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