In nursing, leadership is a key factor that helps to guide the nurses and ensure that they adhere to the set standards necessary for quality and effective services to the patients. A nurse leader has the mandate that the patients receive quality care in a healthcare facility. A nurse leader should have leadership qualities and skills that help to fulfill different roles and responsibilities in healthcare. The main objective in nursing is to promote positive outcomes of the patients through the delivery of quality care. In that case, nurse leaders focus on ensuring that nurses and other medical professionals understand the objective and work towards fulfilling their roles and responsibilities. Additionally, a successful nurse leader should have different competencies that enhance their ability to undertake different roles and responsibilities in the workplace. The main roles and responsibilities of nurse leaders in a health care facility focused on the quality of care provided and the general safety of the patients.
The first major role of a nurse leader is to maintain evidence-based practices within the nursing teams. A nurse leader should focus on ensuring that the nursing team works towards engaging in practices that focus on improving the quality of care provided to the patients. According to Murray (2017), teamwork is a key aspect in nursing that helps to achieve the set goals and objectives relating to the provision of quality care to the patients. However, engaging the teams is a task that requires the implementation of skills and measures that enables nurses and other professional to work together. As part of accomplishing their roles, the nurse leaders should focus on engaging in evidence-based research to identify practices that help in maintain quality care and promote the safety of the patient in a healthcare facility. The second significant role involves decision making. Nurse leaders have a mandate to make effective decisions and informed choices regarding the measures that would be implemented to promote quality care among the patients.
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The third significant role of a nurse leader involves monitoring members of the nursing team to ensure that they maintain the required and appropriate health standards defined in the nursing professionals. A nurse leader should focus on ensuring that the patients are comfortable and content with the nature of services they get from the health professionals. In that case, the nurse leaders should address different issues and complaints raised by the patients regarding the quality of care. Weber, Ward, & Walsh (2015) maintain that handling issues and complaints from the patients is an important aspect that helps to create an environment where the patients can express their concerns. Additionally, nurse leaders have a major role in promoting quality of life among the patients and their families by focusing on building high-quality experiences. In nursing, the ability to build high-quality experiences is an important aspect that helps to promote positive outcomes among the patients receiving care in a healthcare organization.
When focusing on the role of a nurse leader, it is important to focus on the key competencies that help to engage in different roles and responsibilities. The first key nurse leader competency involves personal proficiency, which is a factor that ensures that a nurse leader has critical leadership elements such as confidence and trustworthiness. Another key competency for nurse leaders includes system thinking (AONL, 2020). Considering that a nurse leader has the mandate of making critical decisions in a healthcare institution, it is important to have thinking abilities that help to promote the quality of choices and decisions made. Lastly, a nurse leader should have skills in financial and human resource management, which are outstanding qualities that help to increase their competencies in a competitive environment.
AONL (2020). AONL Nurse Leader Competencies .
Murray, E. (2017). Nursing leadership and management: for patient safety and quality care . FA Davis.
Weber, E., Ward, J., & Walsh, T. (2015). Nurse leader competencies: A toolkit for success. Nursing Management , 46 (12), 47-50.